I sympathise with your situation and I hope that things start to get better for you. Whilst it is difficult, take it as a compliment that you are strong enough in your other matches that you get put into matches like this.
Whilst I understand why you would say that they should include gear score in matchmaking (and when it was pure infamy, players started asking for infamy to be included). But what we’ve found is that when these things get added, it makes things worse, not better.
I’ll explain. Say you have a ship with a gear score of 5000, and you suddenly get lucky and get a legendary weapon of your choice which raises your infamy to 5500. You would expect that due to having a better weapon that you’d win more matches in the short term and that your infamy would rise. But what actually happens is that rather than being balanced against ships of 5000 infamy, you now get matched against ships of 5500 infamy, so your odds of winning games does not increase and you do not gain infamy. (It works the same with the game using ship level rather than gear score, but this time when you get a better ship you get balanced against ships of the same level, and so your chances of increasing infamy do not increase).
What many players would like is a pure infamy matchmaking system. This would mean that anyone who improves their ship or gear should see a rise in their infamy, which would result in fewer high powered ships being seen at lower infamy levels.
Anyway, as I said, I hope things get better for you and that you continue to enjoy playing the game.

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