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I think the matchmaking has improved since the last update

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Flint, 15 Apr 2018.

  1. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Hello Everyone,

    People are quicker to complain about something than we give a compliment. But that is wrong, if something is good or has improved, than we should also say it.

    And in this case I think the matchmaking has improved since the last update. Still a mk1 and mk6 can be in the same battle, that is one thing I still think is wrong. And fleeting can mess up the matchmaking in some cases. Hope the Devs will work on that too. But overall it has been improved in my opinion.

    What are your thoughts and exeperience?

    Last edited: 15 Apr 2018
  2. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    Oh god!!!! .. lol
    Last edited: 15 Apr 2018
  3. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Now all we have to do is improve ourselves, because that is the biggest flaw which Rovio cannot fix :)
    WarCream likes this.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    The core indicator should be this: does it feel like your match results are like flipping a coin? I don't. Streaks are too common, and last too long, typically for days. Today I calculated that in a 13 game run I had 18 kills and all of my teammates combined had 13, 5 of which came from a single match where my team was so overpowering that I could barely get to battle before the opponent was decimated. Is it matchmaking? Is it bad luck? Is it my fault? Who knows. When we see more churning and less streakiness, I'll call it an improvement.
  5. Riddlerpaji

    Riddlerpaji Active Member

    5 May 2017
    Well. I am in nightmare. My loosing streak is more than winning streak. Something is wrong. 70% is bad other 30% is good . No matter how much skill u have ur win % is always 50%. It neither decrease or increase.
  6. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I hear you, but I wonder if that is down to the matchmaking or just getting bad players? I am not sure, but I do see a lot of bad, very bad players around. It is the problem that everybody can upgrade the ships. So, even the utmost worst player can get to a mk6 or mk7. And that is why you see them at 100 or 200 Infamy.

    Just this morning I played 3 battles, some of the worst battles I have seen. People with mk4s who just don't move out of the way when mortars are falling. Not hiding behind a rock, but lying still in the middle of the battle field, just sitting ducks. I do hope so they are bots, because if not, then a lot of people just don't know how to play this game.

    And I have also had a mk5 Shooter in my team last week, he or she had 5 weapons, but used just one. How come? Or another mk5 with only 4 weapons, another with only mortars or mines. And often the highest ships in battle perform the worst. A team mate had dealt 16000 damage and I 9000+, both mk4s, but the mk5s had 700 damage or so.

    I don't think matchmaking can give me worse players than the other team. But it is cleary that Infamy says very little of how good you are and that is a problem too. Because I see people with a 100 battles at 1200 Infamy, but also players with 5000 battles at 1200. So, who is better? I think the first one, but you can get either one in your team. So, that is clearly a problem.
  7. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Some are below 50%, but you are right very few exceed 50-52%. I would like to know how that is possible. Is it because you get random teams, so that is why you are always averaged out so to speak or has it to do with the algorithm?

    I wish we would get an answer on that question, because I don't know.
    Riddlerpaji likes this.
  8. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    You just roasted a bunch of crybabies... gj hahaha
  9. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I was one of them too I must admit :)
    Last edited: 16 Apr 2018
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  10. mannyfreshmf

    mannyfreshmf New Member

    1 Sep 2017

    I've posed similar questions a couple of times already and no one really answers it, even asked about why matchmaking changes when fleeting..
    And all I have seen is some saying match making is fine....

    My issue is that it feels deliberate, and I hear it from a lot of other players too.

    I have noticed that players with over 10k matches are all within 50 - 51%.. The top dogs are the ones at 50.9% +..
    (if it doesn't get manipulated why is 99% of players within this range? are we all 50/50 players?)

    I don't believe in coincidences and I reject the notion that matchmaking is solely based on infamy, as many have stated.
    some say that algorithms can't predict a players behavior.. REALLY? in 2018?

    My guess is that most decent players fall into a category which is the base player in the 3 - 4k infamy range. And, to keep that range full of players full, the systems randomly selects and manipulates players handicap settings...

    (again, just my theory)
    For ex. in a range from 0 - 5 ( 5 being better) if I am rated @ 3.9 and It's my turn to get "purged" my rating would change to (let's say) 4.1. So, when the system is making the match it will put lesser rated players to make up for my higher rating. which Is why I keep seeing me getting way more damage than the rest of my teams in mostly all of my matches.

    I am in the Night Mare League
    Riddlerpaji likes this.
  11. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I have posted a thread about matchmaking too: https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/does-fleeting-affect-the-matchmaking.18193/page-2#post-119130 and https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/matchmaking-from-hell.18429/page-2#post-123504.

    It is indeed very weird that when I reach 1300 Infamy, then I fall back again big time. Get the worst teams time after time and then it stops, I climb to 1200-1300 Infamy again and drop again.

    The problem is also that a player with 200 battles at a 1000 Infamy is better than someone with 5000 battles at the same Infamy. So, Infamy does not say very much how skilled you are. With my mk2 account I am at 1000 Infamy, but I get into the same team as a mk6 with 104 Infamy. So, of course I am going to lose. This person does not have an Infamy of 104 for nothing. So, you could be right that you get lesser player when you have a winning streak. I know a lot of people who have lost 30 battles in a row, but I never heard of anyone who won 30 in a row. Even winning 10 seems impossible, only when you start Battle Bay and play bots. After that I don't know anyone who has winning streaks of 10 often or at all.

    These algorithms can predict more than they want us to know. First and foremost they are designed to make money, lots of it and not a game where the best may win.

    So, I think you are right.
  12. Riddlerpaji

    Riddlerpaji Active Member

    5 May 2017
    Winning 10 is possible and 15 too but not 30. I don't achieve it.
  13. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I never had a streak lasting more than few hours :eek::eek::eek:
  14. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    My record is 12 when I started, but that is the only time. I do get 20 wins, but 3 losses in between sometimes or a Draw, which is a draw. But never in a row.

    I do get a lot of pentakills though, the only thing is they are spread over 8 battles ;).
  15. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    At one point in a fit of frustration I went over my previous 100 matches to determine how many of my teammates weren't even dealing their infamy in damage. It was 11%... primarily Shooter and Defender. That's a huge number, and it reflects the simple fact those players didn't even connect a single time with each gun on their ship. It's possible occasionally, but shouldn't be that high.. and it makes me question why ineffective players are not at a lower infamy.

    Yes... my theory is that if you try too hard to match teams, you are removing the natural bubbling of a ranking system, which is where we are in Battle Bay. You see it all over the forums, players are complaining about unfair matches without acknowledging that the purpose of a rating system: to move up the super-powerful guys that beat you, and move you down to an easier match, or vice-versa. I wish it worked that way... but the matchmaking starts with a highly inaccurate number called infamy, further manipulated by MK level, peak infamy, loss streaks, and who knows what else, in an attempt to create fair matches, and the result is a garbage-in garbage-out algorithm.
    mannyfreshmf likes this.
  16. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Tesla shield is OP!
    WarCream likes this.
  17. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    A battle this morning, no wonder we lose. First of all the other team is stronger and we have 2 players who fail to do any damage or any healing.


    And fleeting is terrible, especially with low mk boats and high Infamy, look at this screenshot. First of all one of the mk6s has 104 Infamy, so why is this person in our team? This person is a cheater or someone who just does not have the skill to play at this level, so then why placed someone in our team? (I have over 20 screenshots of battles which were unbalanced because of fleeting)

    And look at the total Infamy difference:
    Combined Infamy Friends: 4638
    Combined Infamy Unfriends: 6114

    Both my fleet mate and I were killed in 1 or maybe 2 shots. Look at my weapons and then to the weapons of all the others. Everybody has weapons 2-5 as strong as I. So, is it right to place me in between them? We both no the answer. Our health is 1000-1200, everybody else 4000-6000 hp.

    Something is definately not right!

    The Flint.jpg
    Last edited: 17 Apr 2018
  18. Rootzman

    Rootzman New Member

    10 May 2018
    How can you say the system has been improved if it still matches mk1 with mk6, wasn’t that the original issue to begin with. What exactly has improved in your opinion?

    Your either an undercover agent trying a PR stunt or you’re joking.
  19. Flint

    Flint Well-Known Member

    1 Oct 2017
    At first I thought it had improved, but if you read all my posts in this thread (which you didn't apperantly), then you see that I came back from that opinion.

    I have a mk2 account and get indeed matched up with mk5, sometimes I am the only mk2 in between 9 mk5s, so 4 mk5 and me on one side and 5 mk5s on the other.

    It has not improved, I think the opposite. Because I never saw a mk6, not even with my mk4 account. But now, I see them all over the place. Try fleeting, then the matchmaking goes of the rails even more.
  20. Rootzman

    Rootzman New Member

    10 May 2018
    Oh ok, only cause you seemed to be the only one who appreciated the matchmaking. I smelled a rat, but clearly you’re just an optimist. We need to make waves so that this topic gets taken seriously, if not the potential of this game gets wasted

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