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Patch Notes v. 2.9 "Bay Sweet Bay"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 22 Mar 2018.

  1. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    Battle Bay has now turned bright and colourful and happy : |
    My speeder looks like it's soaring through the clouds
    Aww now I can't scrutinise other people's ships on the bay :( I have an idea: please add a feature to allow us to "zoom in" and "zoom out" to view the bay! (Like the 7 finger press method on replays) Or add a button to let us drive our ships on the bay and shoot at people, just that it won't damage them. It would be so cool! :D

    Edit: Overall nice update! I haven't battled yet so I wouldn't know what the new interface is but I like it so far. Great textures there on speeder, now it looks more sleek :)
    Last edited: 22 Mar 2018
  2. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Centering joystick, finally. Been begging for that about a year!? But now everyone gets a countdown for my shield?! Do you hate yellow ships that much?

    Oh well, let's see what shadowgun legends is bringing.
  3. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Completely agree. EC is just a liability now. In almost every game, I’m in the middle of a fight, really needing a shot, and it’s like: ‘waiting... waiting.,. still waiting...’ it feels like I’ve been stunned. And I can’t even use TB to defend myself in the meantime because that’s even slower.

    When you’ve only got two weapons, having to wait so long for a shot is just crippling.

    I worked for ages on my Epic EC, if I played hard over the next couple of weeks, I’ve got the gear to get it to t5. Yet I don’t even want it anymore. If I had a t3 Blast I could use instead, I’d ditch it in a heartbeat (even though it would waste a slotpoint).

    There are no decent 2 slot weapons now for Speeder. Even if you run Big Torp, you’re gimped by frost being underpowered.

    If it really needed a nerf they could have reduced the power of the flare combo, and toned any number of things down a bit. But cooldown was absolutely the worst balancing choice. It makes it almost unusable on anything except shooters.

    This is what my games (typically) look like since the February update. While other ships at my level are doing ~15k damage, I’m lucky if I can manage 3k.

    And this is not because I’m playing badly. It’s just that with my short range, long cooldown, and limited weapons, I just don’t have enough time to land more than a couple of shots, before it’s all over.

    757FF21B-B29C-4ADB-BE0C-20D283B629AE.png 6721A0C0-FF84-4AF5-BA66-1814CA37D6F3.png 896D279A-8C21-4534-B32A-2AD804317DB6.png
    Last edited: 22 Mar 2018
    Vile Kyle, *JAWS* and Crashedup like this.
  4. Mr. Patel

    Mr. Patel Active Member

    12 Mar 2018
    British Columbia
    it doesn't anymore..
  5. kat Boylan

    kat Boylan New Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Me too...
    Seems we have come to a place where every ship can contribute to any quest...except fixer. No ship needs to be told to use another ship to contribute...except fixer. We have been "put back in our place", to hear some talk. I actually started having fun again in guild questing with last update, now not so much.
    While I do love all of the positive changes to the fixer itself, guild questing is also a huge issue for most guilds who compete to win. To get prizes.
    I also got rid.of a lot of extraneous stuff after last update, things that I only kept for questing. I thought that I might actually be able to do something in my fixer, beyond solely in-match healing...without needing to switch up ships to do so, like all other ships have the choice to do.
    So, yes, the fixer changes, aside from questing, are great! They help win battles. The questing issue, however, really hurts after feeling so good questing for such a short time.
    Boeggla likes this.
  6. RustOfunk

    RustOfunk New Member

    30 Jul 2017
    How bout a video showing the new features?
  7. Addex

    Addex New Member

    22 Mar 2018
    I cant upload the new update why ??
  8. BlazeD 24/7

    BlazeD 24/7 New Member

    11 Jan 2018
    What is the center joystick deal?
  9. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Ik grim quoted that and I countered her on same thread why it was giving too much power to one slot item.
    Seriously bud read my answer in that thread all your doubts will be cleared.
    Now Don't reply unless you have read that
  10. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I'm late, but phenomal work developers! :D
    Rainbow Warrior, A55A51N and *JAWS* like this.
  11. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    It means that if you remove your thumb, and then put it back, it will centre the joystick on where you place your thumb.

    It can be helpful on a control that you can’t ‘feel’, because it means you can always find the centre (without looking) when your thumb drifts.
  12. Jared

    Jared Member

    26 Apr 2017
    Well atleast the repair box talents got fixed, but repair box seriously still needs a buff. Its almost becoming obsolete for mk5-6+ fixers when bolt or tape options are much more beneficial.
    Heal amounts is too low for something that needs to “launch” and drop onto a target, bolt is much faster getting to target and heals for much more + stun/ frost removal and tape heals much more to fixer with no need to turn turret and run over your own box.

    Would be cool of box was an aoe heal, like if you dropped on two ships side by side both of them and anyone else in the range would receive the heal
  13. Rokstrmahesh

    Rokstrmahesh Active Member

    29 May 2017
    Explosive cannon is still powerful than blast cannon, it does damage to nearby ships, more damage than BC comparitively, fixers needs a buff because they're the only target and are easily killed during match start.
    Speeders are not nerfed, it's the most powerful ship in game, still after first TB nerf, a mk6 Speeder can take a mk5 fixer alone (which happens everyday to me), so everyone utilizing the situation, but when dev nerfed it these speeder boys started crying in forums.
  14. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Is the game up yet? Can’t seem to update to new patch..
  15. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
  16. Nasher!

    Nasher! New Member

    11 Mar 2018
    EC is a 2 slot item it should be more powerful, you don’t have validation in that comment
  17. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    “Gear score registers as 0 for half the ships on the battle screen.”

    To view other player’s gear scores they need to have logged in an out once after updating.
  18. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Can't find original thread you are referring to, you got a link bud?
  19. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Have you gone to the update tab in the app store and pulled down to refresh?
  20. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    This + my answer in this thread + the talent of Felix states that it will only remove stun there is no pt regarding that it will heal too whereas tesla bolt talent + devs wording in previous update both say they will block all types of "incoming" healing.
    For devs to say they fixed a bug is bullshit it's a whole new ability given to fixers which directly nerf speeders I can count n no of situation where this ability gives too much value to repair bolt and this is the sole reason I fought to get my tesla bolt healing bug fixed for whole 3 months.
    Check my thread on "tesla bolt bug" to know more

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