I know the game probably doesn't need new item ideas, but here is mine anyways

These are some of the specifications that I would prefer, but it does
not necessarily need to have these exact stats or mechanics, rather this is just what I would want it to be like:
- rough estimates of weapon specifications
Please check this image first:
View attachment 11200
Poison / Acid Harpoon
2 Slot DOT (damage over time) weapon --
Because it is 2 slot it SHOULD be a BIT better than flare, other 1 pt weapons
- Poisons enemy!
- Deals a bit more damage than the flare, w/ a shorter duration.
- Weapon arc I'm not sure about, probably similar to standard cannon
How does the poison work?
- Works similar to flare, but it instead deals larger damage per second over a shorter time
- It could (should) also have some added differentiation to simple DOT. Perhaps it could have one (or more) of the following:
A) Every time a poisoned ship is hit, the poison timer adds a couple of seconds / adds 20-50% of the original time
B) Poisoned ships have turret agility decrease / speed slow or some sort of debuff ( Perhaps this would be part of a crit % chance of poison harpoon?)
C) Increases
carronade damage (adds poison damage perks / talents for carro)
D) Poisons other ships that come into contact with it
E) Increases damage of all incoming damage by 10-20% (prob would be a talent?)
F) Negates a ship's defense while it is active
Heres a poll if you guys care to give me feedback for how u would prefer poison/acid to work: https://www.strawpoll.me/15272284
My reasoning behind these numbers for weapon specifications:
2 Slots - Defenders, Speeders desperately need more viable 2 slot point weapons. As of now, explosive cannon is basically the only very good 2 slot point option, and so many speeders/defenders waste slot points b/c they do not want to use the ex cannon.
Cooldown: - unique cooldown creates for more setup cooldown combinations and the shorter CD works well for a defender with only 3 usable items
Range: - A drawback for its seemingly OPness, its lower range requires one to get in close. Perfect for defenders, speeders, and okay for fixers, shooters.
Projectile Speed: - It just wouldn't make sense for a harpoon to travel faster than a cannon, thus its slower speed. Also a unique speed that requires a good amount of practice to learn.
Damage and Duration: - I would prefer it to have a shorter duration, but higher damage thus allowing for greater debuffs w/o making it OP and lasting 20 seconds. Basically we cant slow a ship for 20 seconds, that would be way OP, so we must shorten the duration and increase the damage to make up for that. Also would help to differentiate from standard fire.
I know this would probably be a lot of work to add due to the new poison feature, but if the developers ever do decide to expand the weapon list, I think adding this weapon alongside other poison items would be cool. Click to expand...