After thinking long and hard, and picking up a lot of inspiration along the way, I have finally found the root cause of the defender being underrepresented.
No, it's not the style of defender, it's (mostly) not the HUGE weapon nerfs. It's the ROLE of the defender.
See, the shooter can shoot. The speeder can speed. The enforcer can enforce. The fixer can fix. The question we should be asking is, DOES THE DEFENDER DEFEND?
As in, can the defender defend anything other than itself? The enforcer can defend better than the defender can. You can shield a fixer from harm in an enfo. You can throw off enemies, set traps, protect flanks. Like come on.
Enfo is a better defender than the defender itself. Please note, these are my views. Feel free to object, as I know many of you will

Anyway. Back on point. The defender. It's not the offender. It's role is not charging. Charging is what brawlers do. Tanks defend. Brawlers attack hard.
Defender needs an overhaul. A complete overhaul. It needs to support the team. So let's have a look at how to balance it.
Here's my take on what needs to improve, other than the stat improvements
@*JAWS* pointed out before:
1. Defence. Defender needs to be a class that has a big health pool and the ability to shield allies. I'm introducing violet items. I'll let pro defenders decide distributions.
2. Charging capability. Defender needs to be able to charge down an enemy(especially since we don't have a Charger ship), so maybe add items that can do that?
Here's my take on what one such item could be:
Tesla wall
The tesla wall is a barrier encompassing a HUGE wall shape. It lasts 10 seconds. While active, defender gets it's speed boosted by a percentile necessary to assist in what resembles a phalanx. This will allow the defender to stop all attacks except under and over ground attacks. Enemies passing through the phalanx will get stunned.
I appreciate all contribution in advance!
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