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New player looking for tips

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by saladMan, 24 Feb 2018.

  1. saladMan

    saladMan New Member

    24 Feb 2018
    I'm a relatively new player (level 9 nearly at 10) and I was wondering if some people could share some builds and give me some tips to help me out.
  2. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Well, you may or may not find it useful but ask and ye shall receive:

    Noob to Noob: A compendium of dubious knowledge

    *** edited to add ***
    As I note in my posts, be cautious of what you read here. Many of the statements are made by high levels players and only correct at higher levels. The converse is also true. Be wary of opinions you form about weapons (like I did early on about torpedos). Some weapons are awful until crew training kicks in then they become beasts.
  3. Nimzor

    Nimzor Member

    28 Jan 2018
    Here's some actual advice that will be relevant to you.

    Step 1: Pick your boat:
    Out of the 5 boats, pick either Shooter, Speeder or Fixer. Defender and Enforcer are a bit weak early on, (although they get better later). Choose based on your preferred style.Shooter if you want lots of guns and want to be continously firing. Speeder to harass and pick off stragglers by running circles around them in 1on1 duels. Fixer if you are crap at shooting and wanna heal people. Shooter is probably the best choice since you get tons of rare red item pieces which you can combine into rare weapons.

    Step 2: Decide on a build
    Check the global leaderboard and see what the top players are using, once you found something you like, grind out the gold and purchase all the uncommon gear for your build. This way if you pick up any duplicates you will be able to make them evolution 2. Hold off opening any quest boxes untill you purchased everything, since you might get lucky and get a duplicate straight away. Plus with the new weapon achievements you can get evolution 2 real easy since they give you an uncommon of the weapon, and then it wont be long before you get the rare then epic. You might want to hold off redeeming the rare version of your weapon if you dont already have a copy of it since once your gold limit is over 750,000 you can just outright buy a copy from the item shop (provided you dont already own it). After you have bought it from the shop then redeem it from the achievements page and boom you got an evolution 2 rare ready to go.

    Don't try to build multiple boats which require lots of different items as it will take a lifetime to upgrade everything. If your multiple boats plan on using the same gear, then its fine. Its fine if you want to experiment abit since uncommon materials are plentiful, but once you start getting your rare and epic gear, those materials needed to upgrade them are not be wasted on frivolous experimentation. Obviously if you pick up a sweet epic that's not part of your plan but way more powerful than what you have equipped, use it untill you find the stuff you actually want.

    Step 3: Find a guild
    With guilds you get to complete quests which grant raffle tickets which can use to win all kinds of useful things. look for guilds with lots of players and see how many rivalry trophies they have won or come 2nd in (shows they are more active at completing quests if the number is high; normally). More quests completed, more goodies for you.

    Step 4: Learn to shoot
    I know the game locks on for you, but if you wanna dominate, then you gotta learn how to adjust the aim yourself so you can hit moving targets more consistently. I cannot stress how important this is. Once you got it down, your damage will sky rocket and you will feel like a beast.

    Step 5: Grind, Grind, Grind.
    You'll need Sugar to train your crew and upgrade your gear, so you gotta grind it out. Plan out your crew training so there is no wasted time. Always upgrade crew over gear since you need to increase your level so you can access the higher level MK boats which significantly buff your health. If you get to a too high of infamy where its just impossible to win by activaly taking part in the battle its ok to tank your infamy a little bit to get down to people more your level. You'll do more damage and win more which will help with your guild quests.
    Last edited: 25 Feb 2018
  4. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Quality advice! This is the sort of content this forum needs though not the kind it deserves;)
  5. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    I made a separate thread for you :) https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/guider-for-new-players-by-nimzor.17071/
  6. Nimzor

    Nimzor Member

    28 Jan 2018
    My thanks kind sirs. Its just kind of a list of things that i would want to know if i was new to the game. I know when i was new, it was super difficult to find actual good "noob" content since most stuff is aimed more for experienced players. Not to knock Snapshots guide, while its all fantastic stuff, its a little bit outside of the scope of things to be thinking about when your are still fresh (he already kinda says that anyway). When you are new, just actually trying to hit someone with your guns can be the biggest hurdle.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Leading your shots can be a real hurdle. Here's a nice number for you guys: 18 units outside mine range(untrained). THAT is the range below which, on a non-speeder/enfo/fixer, you can tap-shoot a sniper cannon.

    Below 10 units, you can tap-shoot with a blast/ex/std cannon.
    HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  8. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    If you follow someone's tips, soon you will be bored of the game, you won't achieve anything great.

    Where is your spirit of explorer? Or did you come here just to copy someone approach to the game? :D
    Come on, man, just get fun from this game, create your own builds and strategies.

    It works for every game.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    That's true, but to be honest, if I didn't come here, I'd probably have been a below-average mk5 shooter who didn't know what he was doing in the game. But,

    This is what I ended up becoming, thanks to all the awesome tips I got.
    Trium likes this.
  10. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    All great advice apart from the last bit, the new player doesnt have to feel the need to grind. If he is like me, he is just casual and plays a few matches a day, hoping to move up. 6 months and I still havnet got to ace yet but I have never grinded. No grinding is needed, it just helps u get up faster.

    I would suggest also to get gear to a decent level first before focusing on crewcause I tried so hard to get mk5, but I wasnt ready as most my things were two low-leveled. Meaning that I spent 2 months as a mk5 speeder just losing. I switched to my mk4 fixer and I really think I can hit ace eventhough my items are low. A better ship doesnt always help if u are not ready to upgrade. Tanking a bit is a good idea but if u only go down a little, its not really tanking as ur resting infamy is always lower than ur highest infamy,

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