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SUGGESTIONS: Boat Switching, Crew skill sets, and more...

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by yellowocean, 11 Oct 2017.

  1. Fiorell

    Fiorell Active Member

    24 May 2017
    Don't agree. My MK5 Fixer does very well with a L40+ uncommon Sniper Cannon (didn't get a single rare Sniper Cannon so far).
  2. w@x

    w@x Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Boston, MA
    Love the idea! I've often had similar thoughts to myself. I hate how I feel I am bound to a boat/weapon set at higher infamy level. Makes it very difficult to try all aspects of the game when even respeccing your talent tree takes time away from other things... Oh you want to mess around with Standard cannon/blast cannon combo? Well after 8 hours of respeccing out of snipers you can! Oh you want to mess around healing but you have already played the game for months and months? Too bad! Wait another 3 months until you can do so.
  3. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I was just trying to give a ‘general’ idea of where the boundaries should go. A L40 Uncommon would be ‘at least’ as good as L10 Rare. In fact, perk slots aside, it’s considerably better. So that should be fine.
  4. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I like this idea a lot but as u can see from what is said above it will take a while to implement and for players to get used to. It will be an update that could break or make battle bay but i feel that there should be beta testing atleast to get feedback. However having 5 different profiles for 5 different boats that are constantly changing will stress the servers and after every season there might be a permanent server downtime to update everything(This has happened to some games). However before any of this can happen the idea should be finalised without the "what ifs" and "what nots".
  5. Nightm3nace

    Nightm3nace New Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Apologies for not reading all comments.

    Instead of item capping I believe everything should have a "gear level", boats included. This way it becomes about skill causing the win and not simply having a mk5 vs mk4 causing you to win (we all know how much of an advantage an upgraded boat can give). Talented players are punished with the current system as the higher you go the more outclassed your ship becomes, often due to time constraints on researching.

    The new exp system for battles helps with the time cap vs skill cap but does not fully address the issue. Not only would a gear level make it more difficult for people to intentionally tank their rank but it would also help combat "seal clubbers" and the current imbalance between skill based game play and time based gameplay.

    If we item cap instead we'll just get "twinks" like in WoW. A speeder intentionally left at mk2 forever doing max damage possible for his level wouldn't be difficult to obtain and would be an easy way to farm resources for a higher level, especially with the percentage boost obtained through season rankings. Even with individual boat rankings this would just make it 5 different games with the same problems and abuses as before, imo.

    I support items and boats having a gear level to balance the matchmaking process and help prevent unfair gameplay. Your combined gear score determines your friends and unfriends.
  6. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Can you expound on your idea? i can't quite picture it out in my head XD sorry, but it sounds very interesting
  7. Nightm3nace

    Nightm3nace New Member

    24 Nov 2017
    An oversimplified and generic example:
    Mk1 boat = 100 gear score
    Mk2 boat = 200 gear score
    Grey item at lvl 1 = 1 gear score
    Green item at lvl 1= 15 gear score
    Boat gear score + items gear score = Total gear score
    Gear scores 0-300 are more likely to match with one another, 301-600, and etc.

    Crew research would likely need scoring as well or some other way to balance it with matchmaking.
    You could include perks and in the scoring as well or leave those out as wild cards but this way the gear you're using determines your matchmaking. Infamy could still play a part in this system with a little tweaking but the progression here is that the more you win and use your resource winnings to upgrade your boat/gear the faster you'll be put in higher rankings with similar gear. Now battling has more of a skill cap instead of time/gear cap. The more your skill has you winning the quicker you get to the others at your skill level.

    If people want to use a boat they never do with a setup they haven't leveled they won't have to worry about their 2000 infamy ranking putting their mk2 defender in with mk5 and mk6 boats. Their gear score will have them against similarly geared boats.
    We'll see less mk3 boats in mk5 territory due to them trying to complete guild quests while undergeared because of infamy matchmaking.
    If someone wants to put a lvl 20 legendary on a mk1 they can do that but that legendary is going to put them in a higher class than they should be if that boat were equipped as expected. The power of the weapon balances with the weakness of the boat, making them a 'glass cannon', instead of simply making the whole setup overpowered.
    Infamy becomes more of a point of pride and a show of your skill instead of a tool to be manipulated so that you can play the game the way you want or abuse it for a goal. I, personally, couldn't care less about my infamy ranking right now beyond what boats it's putting me with. I wouldn't think twice about tanking it so that I could play an undergeared boat that I want to play. Infamy should be better than that. Infamy (competition) shouldn't stop me from playing certain parts of the game.

    For example, I just unlocked my mk5 shooter. I'm excited about it but, sadly, I'm kinda stuck playing it all the time because I've put most of my resources into it to stay competitive. I can't really pull my mk3 fixer out with its lvl 1 healing items at infamy 1600 and expect to actually contribute to the team in the way that I should be able to... so I rarely play that boat and that makes me sad. When I get frustrated I like to switch up my gameplay instead of quitting for a while but that's really not an option for me in this game without intentionally sabotaging my rank. Changing to a gear score based matchmaking system I think would make the game more balanced and allow better options to play the whole game.

    And for the devs... more freedom to play all my boats will make me want to upgrade all of them (instead of only focusing on my best geared one) which will lead to more potential in micro transactions. Because... ya know... now I'm focusing on making 3 better instead of just 1, with the other 4 getting the scraps.

    Those are my thoughts atm :)
    Anything else that I didn't touch on and could use explaining?
  8. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    now i get it :) yeah, in principle, its the same as my suggestion but you put in new parameters for matchmaking... which i think is better :) yeah, nice one, sir. :)
  9. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    why is this thread pinned?
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Because it's a badass idea
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
  12. \(-.- (O.O)' (@.@) (_'_)

    \(-.- (O.O)' (@.@) (_'_) New Member

    10 Dec 2017
    I'm sorry if this has been discussed else where but I got the add so reading is not my strong suite but daydreaming is, which is how I began to think a submarine option could be awesome. Either 1 sub as support our simply as a ship choice , then I really fell through the rabbit hole and thought sub and bay plane could run support with speeder shooter and the others. it could be better in my mind than it would in reality or digital reality but I figured it can't hurt to put it out there on the line. Of course I think the game and the people behind it are awesome. Seriously that shizBetheBiz. The bees knees if you will. So thank you to all the people who put in the work and long hours. As for the hire ups who may or may not just be getting all the the credit your OK too.
  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Zeus Its been 3 months. Some dev thoughs on whether adding more crew skillsets is viable or not?
    Stelmo likes this.
  14. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @The Grim Repair @The Otherguy Ill try again, perhaps you guys can shed more light.

    Any comments/thoughts on whether adding more crew skillsets would be viable? Oh boy it could be fun!
    Stelmo likes this.
  15. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Fantastic idea, I for one would like this to be implemented. But If I get you correctly, the nett effect of this gear score is that players will no longer be forced to 50% win rate. Noobs will be punished with extremely low win rate, and the pros will be winning non stop, which is an absolute NOPE for the devs to implement.
  16. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I've seen this suggested, though this is a proper explanation of the idea. I think this would be best in multiple ways:
    • Players will no longer be discouraged from playing with multiple boats
    • The resulting differences in infamy for each boat will allow the player to fleet with friends of different levels depending on which boat they use and how well they perform with them
    • Everything else you mentioned, like mk4 defenders in nightmare league
    I'm not sure about the boat specific talents, but I only mean this as "let's take one step at a time" and I think the seperate infamy standings would make a bigger difference.
  17. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I think the rewards per battle should be dependent on the boat's infamy you used for that match. I guess this would mean each boat has to have its own league standing.

    For the people saying that this would promote seal clubbing, I think anyone with the intention of doing that is already doing that anyway. The solution to that won't be found in this thread.
  18. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Great idea...
    This can solve all the problems with one strike.
    No cons only pros...
    Devs implement this plz..


    21 Dec 2017
    El cactus likes this.
  20. AdmiralChris

    AdmiralChris New Member

    2 Feb 2018
    Great! Finally the whole infamy system will be rewired. It used to be like mk2 mostly up to like 1000 infamy plus just less than a full year ago and now we have mk5s clogged up all the way from 900-3500 infamy.

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