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The War Net
Last Activity:
29 May 2019
9 May 2017
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10 Nov 1983 (Age: 41)

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The War Net

Member, Male, 41

Check out my YouTube channel - War Net Battle Bay - Leave a comment, tell me what you want to see, and what works for you! 21 May 2017

The War Net was last seen:
29 May 2019
    1. Nikkie!
      You still didn’t change your birthday date :P
      1. Sidd gamer likes this.
      2. Rogue Blueberry
        Rogue Blueberry
        He can't, only the devs can
        28 Nov 2018
      3. Nikkie!
        Yeah, I gussed already something like that, because it’s also impossible with my own dev(ice):)

        I sent that message because Uhmmmm tralala zoef zoef oh ja.... At his birthday I wished him happy b day, and he was like: Where did this leak out?!
        28 Nov 2018
        Rogue Blueberry and The War Net like this.
    2. The War Net
      The War Net
      Check out my YouTube channel - War Net Battle Bay - Leave a comment, tell me what you want to see, and what works for you!
    3. Excism
      Can you link me the AZ screen recorder website where you downloaded it? I don't want to choose a "bad site"
      1. The War Net
    4. The War Net
      The War Net
      The bots are real. Check out Captain Herbert's game play if you get him on a team. Holy Crap is it just terrible.
      1. Mr squiqqle
        Mr squiqqle
        Nope. With a name like captain Herbert, it's no bot, just a terrible player. Remember, Anyone can download the game, including kids who would have no idea how to play...
        9 May 2017
      2. The War Net
        The War Net
        I am saying that it is an automated script playing the game, using something like AutoIt to run simple clicks based on ImgLoc to simulate human action. Kind of like MyBot.run for Clash of Clans. Just it hasn't worked out the kinks yet since the game is still new.
        9 May 2017
    5. The War Net
      The War Net
      Not the top.
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    10 Nov 1983 (Age: 41)


    Head on over to my YouTube channel for great content covering all of your Battle Bay needs! Good luck and I hope to see you out on the bay!