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29 Mar 2017
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    1. hooman king
      hooman king
      plz free me miika
    2. Seawolf
      Hallo miika ich habe immer wieder das selbe problem das ich irgendwann keine Sterne mehr erhalte,obwohl ich teilweise mehr schaden mache wie meine mitstreiter! ebenfalls nur noch wenig Gold und Zucker. Ich bin in letzter Zeit stark abgerutscht. Vielleicht kannst du mir das erklären oder helfen. Danke schon mal!
    3. Khalid
      I need help Miika I can't play the game anymore it keeps loading then disconnect by itself... How do I fix this ??????
    4. Seafarer12345
      Hi Miika. I made a thread on some things I would like in the next update. You're invited to view it. I don't know if you've seen it yet, but if not, I would appreciate it if you looked at it and Gave me some feedback :).
    5. Sepehr
      Mika pls un ban hooman
    6. Seafarer12345
      Hi miika. I invited you and a few Other admins to a post. Please check it out when you have time.
    7. Sepehr
      Hey miika pls un baned hooman he is angry boy but now he is fine
    8. Gunpowder321
      Miika, I wrote you a message, but I didn't know it should be "no more than 420 characters". So, I saved it in my OneDrive and here is the link. Please take as a suggestion: warn the limit of the text here:


      .rtf is WordPad. You don't have to have Word. And it's not virus. Thanks.
    9. Seafarer12345
      I invited you to a post that I made. Can you check it out?
    10. lakshya
      Can you tell how many reported me and at what time? #PNJMSPKW. My profile suddenly showed suspension. And the countdown of days is also not showing up.
    11. Cyberfisch
      On this way, two suggestions for the next update.
      Could you bring back the 30 days win ratio somewhere, I found so useful!
      And please show the Infamy on the Battlelog overview page, so I do not have to open each battle to see their trend.
      Two small things I would appreciate, Thank you
    12. Rango8
      Hey miika, was just wondering why there isn't an option to use pearls to reroll a quest?
    13. kermi
      It does not measure my benefits properly and my talents may have a problem if you are to be checked and corrected thanks
    14. Victormarziali
      Hola miika un pregunta porque es tan desparejo en las batallas? Siempre tocan mk5 en la Liga ace porque es así tan desparejo lo van a arreglar algún día?
    15. Adrian Rossoneri
      Adrian Rossoneri
      I want to ask if there will be an Event Guild that means a fellow war guild?
    16. The Otherguy
      The Otherguy
      Do you know which file starts the program?
      1. Adrian Rossoneri likes this.
    17. CrizR
      I can't change my avatar on this forum. It says file too big , should be under 50 Kb but my image is 20 Kb. What can be the issue?
    18. ILoveYuri
      Did not win more than 1000 gold and 800 of sugar for more than a week
      1. ILoveYuri
        I'm level 23
        12 Jul 2017
    19. Epekka
      There are some weird threads in genaral discution.
      spam on a scale never seen before...
    20. Alimv
      Hello sir
      I'm from iran and i can't speak english very well
      Thank you for your good game
      Sorry sir but i play every day with good damege but i can't improve my infamy because of my team and again sorry sir but it's impossible to find legendry part i wish i have sniper cannon
      Please help me to solve my problem thank you very much
      Best regards!
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