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fair play...¿?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by - Oskar -, 17 Jan 2018.

  1. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    So how does this work? you have a forum for the game and every time someone reports or try to talk about something that you do not like you close or delete, and above you tell us to report it from the game when we all know that it does not help at all ...
    You should worry about keeping the game fair, instead of closing everything that bothers you. There are several players who, as seen more than clear in the videos, cheat, again and again, and you do nothing.
    For my part and although I know it's no use, I'll write a letter to Apple, Rovio or whoever touches to check your permissiveness with people who cheat. If they are good players or spend a lot can they cheat? with how easy it would be to not let face people from the same team, and avoid the win trading, and the traps in the quests ... But instead you close the threads where the players who play fair try to report to the cheats that you you do not know how to detect ... and you tell us you report through the game, good joke.
    This game has an excellent community of players that try to help, give ideas and that bothers them that others ruin their games by cheating ... and above with a scoring system that gives the same to the 5 players even if one does everything and tries the best in each game and another commits suicide in 5 seconds.
    If players see that you do something against cheats, or that the report button is useful, we would stop opening questions by asking ... But as we have seen a top player can sit down to eat half an hour mortars or lose when he plays against the top of your team and nothing happens. :confused:
    D3X, Cpt. Dong, Earel and 5 others like this.
  2. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    This sums it up nicely.

    I bet team cencorship will have closed your thread within the hour :(
    Shadow Moon! and Babablacksheep like this.
  3. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Reporting people through the game does work. I have personally seen people complaining here about getting banned, because other players have reported them.

    The forum is a place for chatting with other players about the game. It’s not a platform for naming and shaming other players, or inciting an angry mob against someone. That’s obviously toxic, and doesn’t belong here.

    If you are having problems with other players, or with your account, then it is best to deal with it privately, either by contacting Rovio, directly, via support, or reporting through the game (which we have been assured does work).
  4. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Sad to hear you feel this way @- Oskar -

    We try and let members be as open as they like in terms of discussion, and ideas are taken on board by Rovio, they are not ignored.
    Some ideas have even been implemented, so its important to keep coming up with constructive solutions to push the game in the right direction.

    The in game report feature is certainly not a "waste of time" and @The Grim Repair personally sorts through the reports, but as mentioned the evidence has to be obvious in order for Rovio to step in and punish players. If someone has a few bad games and you report for tanking, its very hard to prove they lost on purpose etc.

    I will keep this open for now, but if this turns into a Rovio witch hunt then it will be locked.

    The forums are here to discuss strategies, epic battles, weapon stats and great ideas etc, they are not here to try and escalate a report, or name and shame any players.
    Lets keep it constructive guys.
  5. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I wonder who these mysterious unnamed cheaters could possibly be?? ;)
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2018
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Kant Say Anything ;)
    Babablacksheep and Stelmo like this.
  7. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Sure you can, you can use the in game report function or if really concerned open a ticket (not recommended as slows the process for people with real issues like IAPs missing etc).
    The forums have to prevent naming and shaming, or it will just become an all round bitch fest with people throwing mud left right and centre.
    Lets keep it positive guys.
  8. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Oh I pm one of them the replay of one Thier friends last season just to have fun.
    I wonder why that person didn't reply :(
  9. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  10. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Except the truth is that these cheaters, who are shrouded in mystery, have been at it since the advent of guild quests. They've been boosting infamy and trading wins for much longer than that.

    Though countless reports have been sent in game, video proof has surfaced here many times and I'm certain in the inboxes of many devs, there are yet to be any bans or penalties.
    Shadow Moon! and Babablacksheep like this.
  11. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    We have taken actions against every single win trading case reported to us which have been clear enough cases to do so. If you feel like some case have not been handled then report those players to us with clear actionable proof. The amount of false reports we constantly get is staggering. The top players are consistently also the most reported players with completely made up accusations in hopes to get them banned from the game.
    Wizzmut, Schrödinger, @YSL and 4 others like this.
  12. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Actions like 1 day bans?
    Babablacksheep, @YSL and Kitterini like this.
  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Y So Long? ;)
  14. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Seriously is this convo still going on? Respectfully. Those here that I wont name out.

    Will always
    1) ask to get banned top 10 players. Always. Fact. They receive more complaints per game than any other player. Not even close. Developers have confirmed this.
    2) players here get used to being carried by top 100 players in match. Fact. So when for whatever reason. They dont perform to the standard you the complainers want. Ie. A win. You complain. And try to get them banned. Fact.

    Where the Error in anyone that wants to get a ban is this.

    A) this Game has a 50/50 win loss ratio in every game.

    B)really u want another player banned? Weak. Get better. And carry your own boat.
    C) ITS A GAME. Played for fun. Get less mature. And have some fun.

    Now the no bull version. Lol. The Player many of u reference to get banned starts with a letter Y..... has been #1 player in the world at least 4 times.
    Lets cut to the chase. She...lead our entire guild in contribution in every single category. How can she tank and lead our number 1 guild in all results? She also lead every battle during that 3 days in maximum damage in all 5vs5. Its a connundrum. And one the developer, once they realized this. Immediately lifted her ban. What's that tell the complainers?

    Stop being so serious. Each of us do our own best we can.
    Report players who float. Or use common weapons with a mk5 or mk6 boat.
    Not someone who most of u know has carried u to victory. Dont get mad that She didnt do it the last 2 battles you were in.

    Just looks....whats the word.

    Envious..... nope.
    Jealous. Thats it.

    Now in reality. I hope every can get along. But for Original Poster. Close the thread.

    Devs have spoken how they want complaints handled.
    Captain Gilligan and @YSL like this.
  15. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    There is nothing I enjoy more in gaming that being outplayed by better players than myself (or carried by them to victory!). I learn a bunch more from that, than from being top dog in Ace games.
    Am I jealous of Blacktails skills or Bandaras' gear? Absolutety! Is this what this thread is about though?

    Aslong as we play by the same rules then Im happy. @Miika 's post above was hillarious to read as it contrasts heavily with my observations.
    My favourite was the video of one of the very best players in the game spending 3 minutes of eating mortars whilst shooting into the wall. Whoever revieved that report without acting did not do as Miika and TheGrimRepair claims is happening.

    I can understand why suspending large spenders is a bad buisnessplan & I can also understand why the player was tempted to soak mortars and drop the game (1.5million standard Mortar damage is no joke). But lets be honest about it then, either we can drop games on purpose, or we can't.
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  16. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Devs the root cause of this problem is specific weapon quest unless something is done about them this is going to keep on happening. Here are two solutions
    1.Either remove them and replace them with many solutions floating around the suggestion tab.
    Which we know you won't do because it's businesses
    2. Simply stop putting people from same guild on opposite team.
    2nd sol has its problem like op team or little longer matchmaking time but it's worth a shot. It will on the very least stop this head bashing that goes on forum everyday and save you from banning your top spenders and player at top can have a slight chance of most awaited 5 v 5 ( pre-made team ) even if it's a little vague.
    And most importantly give us the ability to switch talents of captain whenever we want whether the captain is engaged in training or not.
    This retraining doesn't make money for you anyways and we need training to make a item powerful enough to be used and it adds more variety to the game.

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