The game's biggest punishment to campers?
The ship everyone wants to nerf, because ALMOST EVERY shooter is a camper. Speeders are probably the only ship that can wait in the shadows, until an unlucky shooter reaches their "assassination range". Then it's over. There's no surviving what comes next, not matter how good you are. Even if I was against Bittersteel (that dude doesn't camp, but this is an example) and I waited until the precise moment when he had 1.4 thousand health, it would be an easy kill for me. I'd swoop in, flare+blast, swoop out before he could turn his turret.
That is why speeders exist. Every time a camper thinks he's hot stuff, there will be a speeder waiting to end him. And that is why there's veeery few campers in NM and so many of them trapped in Ace 1.
The game rewards strategic movement. I went with
@devil's demon back when I was a fresh Ace. We went straight into a fixer team from the flank in Dropdead. The fixer was dead in, what? 40-50 seconds? If we had camped back then, we were at a distinct disadvantage. The reason that video is not on YT is because this sort of "speeder rush" is not something you can pull off every time. It only works if the enemy team has a lot of campers.
There's a LOT of anti-camper strategy, the best one being luring them into an ambush at the capture zone.
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