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Meta Snapshot [Top 100, medio dec], bonus graph included!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Kitterini, 18 Dec 2017.

  1. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Another season done, another snapshot of how the top 100 finished!
    Some caveats:
    - #2 (Tpro) was a shooter when I did the snapshot (around 1h 45mins before season end), whether he reached peak infamy as shooter or speeder I don't know, so he was left unchanged as shooter.
    - Whether #12 (Weeze) got his peak infamy as Fixer or Enforcer I don't know, so he was left unchanged (as Fixer).
    - #15 (Sugarbaby) was changed to Speeder. He plays most of his games as Fixer, but I'm 99.9% sure his peak infamy was obtained in the yellow boat.
    - #32 (Diet Coke) was left unchanged as Fixer. This guy is a great example of how fun BB could be and plays a ton of ships + wacky setups, which one that he used for peak infamy I have no idea off, so he is listed as fixer in the stats.
    - #40 (ServTek) was changed from Fixer to Defender. His end season infamy was nowhere near his peak, and I have never seen him play Fixer at peak infamy. If he did peak as Fixer then let me know.
    - #66 (Izeen) was left unchanged as Fixer. I mostly see him speeding, so just as likely that he peaked in the bananaboat.
    - #75 (- 42 -) was left unchanged as Fixer, an educated guess would be that he peaked in another boat, but I'm unsure so he wasn't changed.

    The Data
    Data Mid D.jpg

    - The only interesting this here is that infamy for all classes was lower than last seas

    The Pie charts

    Development over time

    Not much to comment as the results are close to what they always are, so instead I've created this graph to illustrate how each class' top 100 representation has developed over time. If the pattern remains unclear, then people don't want to see ;)

    Dev over time.jpg

    Till next time, merry christmas!
  2. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    What, no ”nerf fixer” title?? There are 12 fixers in the top 100 AND the highest fixer is almost in top 10?? This required immediate action from devs!!

    And merry christmas to you too:p
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Earlier iterations of the snapshot only looked at the top 50 --- So here's a bonus chart that looks abit further behind in time.

    Top 50 d.jpg
  4. Fin-

    Fin- Active Member

    2 Sep 2017
    Pretty unbalanced.
    Shooter is fine. Riding for Weapons quests.
    But speeder? High dmg(3red point), fast speed, small size, 3yellow equips, big hp(even equip bandage lol). Wdf?
  5. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Well the stats are not surprising considering this is a specialised character game ( here boats)
    Any game with specialised character ( each one with its unique role or class ) will always have usage of flanker ( speeder ) at the top or second place simply because of its speed.
    Speed helps you dodge shots flank enemy get info on enemy and also to compensate with low health of flanker all the games will have cool specialised items for them which is a added bonus.
    Second/first class will always be the character with most guns or powerful weapons because people love to do dmg in a action based game
    Third class will be brawler character with high health and powerful weapons but slow speed due to low speed it will not be able to dodge shots thats why people won't prefer it over speeder and shooter because nobody likes getting hit constantly by enemy no matter how much health you have and it slow speed makes it take too much time in getting in position.
    Fourth class will always be medic (fixer )
    Not because it's underpowered in every game just because it's human nature to be on offensive rather than healing someone and in a action based game.
    Same with item
    Top position will always be held by any item that increases speed followed by any item to put enemy out of the game for few sec
    Third position will always be held by direct line dmg weapons and fourth by indirect line dmg weapons
    Edit : oh I almost forgot merry Christmas to all of you :)
    Last edited: 18 Dec 2017
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    See I think people are more pragmatic than this.

    First spot will be held by what the community thinks is the path of least resistance :) I can assure you that defender would be the most played ship in the top 100 if playing defender was equal to highest odds of succes (and top ranking).
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  7. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    All I am saying is all the game design the specialised class in such a way that these stats will always remain the same.
    For ex - No game will ever make a brawler most powerful.
  8. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    If you would use terms such as ´most´ or ´many´, rather than ´all´ then we could perhaps find some common ground :) I for one havn't played many games where the assassin class was the consistent top dog. If shooter was class #1 your argument would have more merit.

    In a game with only 5 classes it should be possible (and desireable) to have a less drastic class imbalance. But that is just my humble opinion.
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Basically, as I said before, shooters and speeders in the top 50 are inevitably dominant, since the top 50 are mostly P2W and rich peeps like fast cars and guns in a game. Would you like to be a punching bag or a healer or a chokepoint holder if you were spending 75k $ in the game? I don't think so.

    Wanna make all the classes balanced? Stop looking at the top 50, look at the 80-90% peeps who don't spend on the game, by statistics(regardless of what we know--meta shifts and as such are more apparent in Nightmare), you'll get a much better idea of ship balance looking at master and ace.

    Now, Kitterini, we've had this discussion before, no need to waste space on a reply on why Nightmare is a better way of looking at trends(I agree). Tell me, isn't the broader scope of ship balance better observed with a large sample space of F2Ps?
    Last edited: 18 Dec 2017
  10. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
  11. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I disagree with your premise. I don't think its resonable to assume that just because you are rich you like playing games in any particular fashion. If we look at actual data, then the trend would be that people with alot of money spend gravitate towards defender (and to a lesser degree shooter). Speeder (at hign end) is consistantly the class with the lowest percentage of heavy spenders.

    If you are interesting in balance at master & ace infamy, then yes absolutely. Personaly I find it more interesting how balanced the game is at the stage where everyone ends up, and at the stage where players have played for long enough to have actual choice in what they play.

    F2P (like me, or well close enough anyway) have 1 thing in common, we are heavily constrained in our access to items (and talents & boats). In terms of discussing balance I think you see balance changes manifest themselves alot faster in the infamy range where most players have the option to alter their setup.
    Earel likes this.
  12. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Let me rephrase it
    The gunner or flanker class will always dominate the usage rate at the top
    Third will be brawler
    And fourth will be the medic
    ( because almost every game has way to decrease the output of medic's healing otherwise medic will be op another reason)
    What makes flanker class top dog in many games is Thier ability to slow Thier enemy speed or stun them ( take the enemy out for few sec In the game )
    Do we agree on item stats?
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well, yes, that is true. But I think that for class balancing, we cannot assume that there is no bias involved in Nightmare top 50. From the abovesaid messages, I said something that is the tendency of a lot of spenders. If there is a majority of spenders in Nightmare, it IS correct to use the top 50 as a barometer for weapon metas.

    But for ship ratios, it is clear that Nightmare will gravitate more towards raw offence/defence than actual support.
    I think that @Crashedup had a point when he said that the support class will not be highly represented in a battle game. Well, yes, the ratios are skewed even so. But we will be wrong to assume that there will ever be a close-to-20% distribution for each class.

    Also, I stated my opinion on the dominance of speeders in the lategame.
    1. Mortars in case of F2Ps.
    2. The main reason imo is the dynamic battlefield. An assassin due to it's speed is usually nerfed by open battlefields, hp, and steady battlefields. The speeder's speed allows it to not only get into and out of fights fast, it also allows us to get over waves and into firing positions faster. Before shooters can steady their aim, we've stunned them and are ready for the next move. This, imo, is one really good reason as to why speeders are so OP relative to most other classes in-game.
  14. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Bad season for Enfos :(
  15. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Absolutely. I do think there is a lesson to be learned by such a consistent imbalance though. More than anything I think the goal should be to present the classes with equal options for shining at the top, then people can play what they prefer. As things are atm there is 1 green class you should never play if you want to fight for #1 and a blue class that requires spending in the thousands if you want to have half a shot.
  16. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Maybe,Even the most efficient and best good support player have low success rate than mediocre and mid-Talent assassins.....

    Jumpannen (The best player)is the F2P global no.3,While whale fixer like brizo (Fixer)and only some whales like KSA(enforcer) have succed to crack top 50

    Its not the speeder dominance that is problem rather the margin by which it dominates
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  17. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    To be fair K S A was #1 with his Enforcer last season.
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  18. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    If these update doesnt improve anything,Then lets face it its always gonna be bad for enfo and fixer
    What's Up Player likes this.
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yeah, I also agree to that. Fixers and defenders need some love, or there's no chance they'll be represented up top. The solution won't be as simple as just base stat buffs and item buffs. It'll have to be more concrete.
    Defender:-Every update has chipped away at defender effectivity, what with tritorps, and incendiary nerfs, AND the blast cannon nerfs. Also the fact that defender is a tank is offset by the problem posed by top tier legendaries, to whom defender is just a glorified shooter with less guns. If it cannot tank effectively, defender is not very useful. And we all know what happens next. Tons of investment for legendary big shields. Something's gotta change there.

    Fixers:-Again a delicate item to balance. I suggest bringing back the repair pulse's ability to the full 100% by the end of the Feelix tree so that the uber fixer returns to it's prime without compromising the mid and early game balance. Fixers are no longer "unkillable" with the double pulse strat, the burst damage from legendaries commonly seen in Nightmare has taken care of that.
  20. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    @TheAntiSnipe defender mk6 is are pain in the A** to kill,and believe no single boat except speeder can counter charging defender 1v1.It doesnt need love,it needs to more efficient at low levels to increase popularity
    ViscountSniffit likes this.

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