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Nerf sniper!!!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Zusay, 25 Nov 2017.

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  1. Dvd2812

    Dvd2812 Member

    6 Aug 2017
    I dont think people who use sniper cannon ever try blast cannon. People like me have to trade a lot of risk for a little bit more damage than sniper. And I dont really care if sniper go camping with the fixer and my team have to charge and die. What is the point of this Sniper cannon thing? Sniper always the most annoying type in any games. And how they nerf them? Less reaction time to close range battle. In this Battle bay game, the scope for sniper actually make sniper shoot further, but never NEVER reduce the vision around like others game. This is just unfair that sniper born to be the popular, mean while blast popularity is mostly from enforcer and speeder. Any sniper ships want to argue with me? I am all on it.
  2. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2017
    Rio de Janeiro
    lol guys, really?

    I don’t even know why ppl are discussing this topic. Sniper does what it has to do and it’s ok. Not only shooter use sniper, all of them use. If sniper should be nerfed, also blast cannon and explosive should. I still don’t understand why the devs nerfed the RG to close damage, but they introduced a new weapon that does exactly the same amount of damage, or ever Higher, if you consider the flare + bc/ec combo. That was pointless. RG can’t even join any combo to do major damage.
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  3. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    They have suggested severe nerfs,But sniper does need some rework man!!! In nighmare league its one and same because if active gameplay.Ace is just unbearable,The amount of campers using snipers is unreal.I have suggested some reworks which doesnt hurt the player base much

    P.S. I m Epic T2 sniper and Rare T4 sniper user

    And you are right about Railgun,30% damage at close range:mad: Ssly
  4. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2017
    Rio de Janeiro
    I don’t agree buddy.. for me, sniper shouldn’t change. Not all ships are easy to hit. Enfos and speeders are the most difficult ones. Enfo can’t Easley dodge by swifting ahead and backwards; speeder has high speed. Also, both use Tesla shield. Defender has huge amount of HP and any hit does less dmg by it defense. It’s pointless nerfing this. You can see most of the defenders with huge HP rushing flare + ec and still can take one or two ships easely.. those things should also be highlighted in this discussion. It’s not all about campers and damage. That’s only half of the story.
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    ’Easy’ is a relative term. What is your basis for comparison? Relative to every other red item, sniper is easy to hit with. In fact it is arguably the easiest, at any range.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  6. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2017
    Rio de Janeiro

    I don’t think that Enfos and speeders proprieties are relative... they are the basis. The reasons were shown in my post that you’ve quoted.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Bud, in Nightmare, all ships travel at close to the speed cap, because of turbo levels. That is where sniper cannons begin to balance themselves. But Ace? Pfft. Too much sniping from hiding. Also too many peeps using it for close combat, which is irritating.
    Shadow Moon! and Eeyore like this.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I switched from a sniper cannon(rare t3) to a blast cannon. Literally SCRAPPED the sniper cannon. Because if you want to duel, the sniper cannon is unpredictable, but it is so tough to let go of the sniper cannon, I had to scrap it to be sure. Its too effective at point blank range.
  9. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    So you’re saying that because (underused) enforcers are ‘difficult’ to hit, the most overused and versatile weapon in the game doesn’t need to be balanced? Is that the gist of your argument?
    A55A51N likes this.
  10. Dvd2812

    Dvd2812 Member

    6 Aug 2017
    Do you ever play as speeder or enforcer? If not, then dont speak, I literally died from sniper every match as speeder. If you cannot shot a speeder with a sniper, then you are not a sniper neither.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You're talking to Eeyore, he's veeeery experienced. And he's a Nightmare league oldie. Plus I get him, in the endgame, due to the sheer speeds of speeders and enfos with maxed turbos, they will be tough to hit.
    Edit: Every new speeder ever dies from sniper cannons. Until you learn how to throw them off, it gets easier.
  12. Dvd2812

    Dvd2812 Member

    6 Aug 2017
    I actually don't want to be mean, but if he do not put himself into my perspective, then I won't neither. I am at ace II and sniper is overwhelming to me.
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Aye, ace 3 here, I also explained that to him in my previous post. But hes prolly offline right now.
  14. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    This item has been nerfed more than anything else.

    This whole forum is a troll forum.

    Not real.

    In meta land. Speeders still rule the top 100. No. Sniper doesn't need a nerf. It is the only item fast enough and straight enough to hit fleeing speeders.
    Joey who likes this.
  15. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I notice forum posters that make the most noise here didn' want the frost nerf.

    So with a grain of salt. This asking for extra sniper. Nerf. Spilled milk crying.

    Save your time asking for fixes to frost.
  16. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I at least am not asking them to nerf that capability. You wanna use the sniper cannon in it's original purpose? Do it! But you should not be allowed to crit with it at point blank range. That's my take here. And Jaws? Don't group people. I've asked for nerfs to most nerfed setups I could have used.
    A55A51N likes this.
  17. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Balance in the top 100 is not representative of balance in the rest of the game. @TheAntiSnipe just did a snap shot from Ace 2-3 and shooters are dominating the meta hard: there are more shooters than all of the other ships combined. Snipers are even more overused.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  18. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I'm gonna elaborate the meta today, stay tuned.
    Ian likes this.
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
  20. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    A more fair and reasonable ask should be about sniper perks. If the overall effect of sniper critical chance % was reduced 5 percent. Most everyone ....then this post would be received.
    Right now the bay doesn' need more nerfs.

    It needs buffs. Of underused weapons. Tri torps anyone? Fixes of weapons not operating effectively. Like ex cannon shots not registering.
    Buffs of underused boats like enforcer h.p. up by 5%.
    And fixer h.p. buff of 5%.
    And defender turret speed and turn radius buff of 5%.

    All of these items would make players along any level not feel the effect of one single weapon such as sniper.
    Also do realize I went thru the rank n file like all other 5k boats had to get here. Last season I hit 5k. And I know sniper seems an issue. But isn't. Tactically one has to use cover and use your map effectively to not get pot shotted. And to those that say a sniper should be less effective up close.....wrong. dead wrong. In real life. If u stand next to a sniper rifle and they pull the trigger. U the item would be toast. Distance doesn't. matter to the rifle.
    The only real issue anyone should have with sniper is critical chance. My only forum positive suggestion is look at the perks and adjust.
    But not the core attributes of sniper. Those already got nerfed.
    Critical chance is necessary for sniper...again in real life. Snipers usually are one shot. Dead. So keep comments in mind to the realities of what u ask.
    Go after strength of perks. And buffs to even game
    Babablacksheep and Eeyore like this.
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