I was originally going to write "torpedo penetration" but thought that would take away from the serious tone of my gif.
It's not a nerf, it's a fix for something torpedoes shouldn't be doing in the first place. It's not a "feature", it doesn't seem to be intended and it's not even something most players consciously do. Being in front of a wall that someone can AoE off of should be the punishment, not being behind that wall. I didn't think I would have to explain this, but let's go into detail as to why this isn't a fair mechanic:
1) It promotes spamming, not intelligent play. The torpedo user is free to fire it wherever, because there's the slightest chance it might hit someone even if you just throw it at a random wall in the enemy's general direction. It doesn't even promote intelligent play for the enemies of the torpedo user, besides now having to avoid all walls regardless of whether an enemy is visible or not. Like Earel mentioned, this instead adds an element of luck into Battle Bay where there shouldn't be.
2) There is no area marker for torpedoes. If you're behind a wall,
you can't even see the trail. Unless you avoid all of those thin walls, you're at risk of taking unavoidable damage from an enemy you couldn't see and can't retaliate against.
3) "Why would you even be that close to a wall like that?"
Mortars don't share this property of ignoring barriers. If you get close enough to a wall, enemies have to aim their mortars behind you in order to hit you. It's a nice, strategic position that is destroyed by what looks extremely similar to a glitch. Even the Destruct 9 barrier stops damage from mortars that land immediately on the opposite side of the barrier. Why should torpedoes be exempt?
And I reiterate, it's not a nerf. Torpedo users are already being rewarded enough with insane damage, wall AoE shots, group AoE kills, and start-of-match lucky hits. They don't need a bug enabling them to kill people through walls.
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