What is bothering you specifically?
It might help to know that when people fleet, matchmaking "pulls up" the lower of the two, and weighs them as equal to the higher of the two in the pair.
Here's what I see:
Your team has a 2161 mk5 Shooter, a little low, but remember he was pulled up into this higher caliber match due to fleeting.
Your team has a 2512 mk4 Enforcer, who is actually good enough to be in this caliber of match by himself (impressive!), but even if his gear would normally put him in weaker matchups, he's also fleeted.
So you had two potentially weaker teammates (one is arguably not even a liability at all), but it was both due to the matchmaking mechanics of fleeting.
Their team has a 1756 mk6 Defender, pulled up into this match purely based on his mk6 ship level, because this is really far outside his infamy range.
So they had one potentially weaker teammate (arguably stronger than he looks because his ship is so powerful, which is more heavily weighted in the new matchmaking, so you'll see things like this more often.)
Your team total infamy = 12252
Their team total infamy = 11889
Your team mk = 4, 5, 5, 5, 6
Their team mk = 5, 5, 5, 6, 6
But your mk4 has 2512 infamy, and their extra mk6 only has 1756 infamy. Honestly, I'd rather have the mk4 player on my team...
From my objective standpoint, your team appears to have started with the advantage...
So, again, I'm lost... nothing looks like an obvious broken system to me... can you help me understand why you're angry?
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