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Unique Special Abilities!

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Braindawgs1ST, 27 Oct 2017.


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  1. Braindawgs1ST

    Braindawgs1ST New Member

    27 Oct 2017
    Hey guys I’m new, I just wanted to suggest an idea to bring some extra uniqueness to all the boats!

    Special abilities? Yup, so what I mean is perhaps some kind of ability that is unique to individual boats. Maybe a button you press that can activate the ability during battle... or something along those lines.

    Anyway, my ideas for each boat are as follows:

    Shooter: RAPID FIRE! ZERO cool-down between the firing of weapons. This would for a short time allow a Shooter to fire all its weapons consecutively without the 1 second cool-down between shots.

    Speeder: OVERDRIVE! The Speeder would see an increase in it’s Speed and Agility stats for a short duration.

    Enforcer: The Enforcer is a tricky one.. since it’s a balance between all the boats, the Enforcer could have a mix between all the boats Special Abilities.
    I feel this would entice more players to adopt and utilise the Enforcer, as I do not see very many out there on the Bay :(

    Defender: TANK! For a short duration (You see the pattern here) the Defender will basically become a sponge, defence points will be ramped up and make the Defenders charges even MORE terrifying.
    This could also make defence point perks more useful, as having more would mean an enhanced Special Ability.

    Fixer: MEGA PULSE! Yes, this pulse would be huge, and I mean that.. it would effectively heal your entire team regardless of where they are on the map. The amount of healing, and weather or not it should be tick or a burst of heals could be debated..

    Just a quick note about balancing, I think these “Special Abilities” should only be able to be activated ONCE per battle.
    This would ensure people use them more strategically. Or hopefully anyway...

    The CON I see in this, is people just using an Ability in a pinch, like in 1v1s.. or when they are just about to be sunk. Could get annoying.
    To counter that, maybe an Ability Energy Bar? Certain amount of damage or heals to charge up the ability before use? I don’t know.. I’ll let you guys figure that one out.

    So yeah! There you go, I’m sure people have already thought of this one before.. I just personally haven’t seen a post on it.

    And remember these are just my ideas, so please feel free to suggest your own Special Ability ideas for the all the boats! :)
    Mr. Chompers and Littl3-R3d like this.
  2. Littl3-R3d

    Littl3-R3d Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Shooter ablility is not sich a good idea since it can already put of so much damge per second it should be like more accuracy or hit chance of crit

    Speeder with speeder is alright since it is in its name but it should be like a telaport you can put in the water that has like 500 hp to be not overpowered,and to get out of those sticky situations

    Enforcer ablitily is kinda tricky for this but maybe adding like a small hp boost around 500-100

    Defender is already a tank tbh maybe like decrease clowdown for weapons for 10-15 seconds

    Fixer would be better to have the ablitily to heal a sunk ship

    They should most likely be a one time use per battle and unlocks around lvl 20
    Could be upgraded with sugar
    And it should be like one ablility per 3-5 matches
    Braindawgs1ST likes this.
  3. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    It would be way too overpowering.
    Imagine American Mauruder using that shooter ability.
    i can see it being used to easily win a 1v1.
    Braindawgs1ST likes this.
  4. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    Are u the same guy in around 1100-1700 infamy?Im support guy In game, do u remember me? ;)
  5. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    nah i am 3300+ infamy
  6. Braindawgs1ST

    Braindawgs1ST New Member

    27 Oct 2017
    I do see how it could be overwhelming, it would have to balanced out by short duration and some kind of “energy” mechanic. Maybe perhaps only one person could activate the whole battle once earned.
    Although, it being a special ability.. it would have to be powerful to some extant, as it might not then seem so special :)
  7. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    I like the idea and you could have a variety of suggestions for each ship that you select one of before each match. You'd want them to be a benefit and interesting mechanic to a match without being OP. Each player should be able to use a special ability but only once per game. Some of my thoughts are (not to take credit for suggestions already discussed prior to my post):

    Barrage - you lock on to a target dealing sustained damage over 5 seconds.
    Air Strike - A reasonably sized area is designated for an air strike, ships within the area take sustained damage over 5 seconds.
    Furor - All damage is increased by 15% for the next 10 seconds.

    Camouflage - Your ship is invisible for 10 seconds, the next shot performed whilst camouflaged deals 20% more damage but cancels your camouflage.
    Retaliation - You automatically retaliate to each hit received in the next 20 seconds by X amount of damage per hit.

    Teleport: You teleport to a safe haven on the map and recover 20% of your total health over 10 seconds.
    Blurred Speed: Speed is increased by 30% and chance to be missed is also increased by 30% for 5 seconds.

    Fortify - Encased in steel becoming impervious to all damage but unable to move for the duration (5 seconds). Friendlies cannot be hurt from splash damage dealt to a fortified defender.
    Indomitable - Speed is reduced by 50% and damage reduced by 80% for the next 10 seconds.

    Salvation - Heal the friendly with the lowest amount of health for X amount.
    Drones - Launch 5 drones that pursue damaged friendlies and heal X amount of damage over 10 seconds.

    Any damage / healing done would dependant on captain level.
  8. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    good ideas
  9. Braindawgs1ST

    Braindawgs1ST New Member

    27 Oct 2017
    Some great ideas here, I especially love the sound of the little Fixer drones! I can already imagine a mini swarm of them haha
    Scourge Argaen likes this.
  10. VaM RoiD

    VaM RoiD Member

    13 May 2017
    Some Ideas are really cool :)
    Scourge Argaen likes this.
  11. VaM RoiD

    VaM RoiD Member

    13 May 2017
    Some ships will definitely become GOD after this. If ever happens.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  12. Wymtime

    Wymtime Active Member

    25 Aug 2017
    I would like to see an emp on speeder to stun all unfriendles in a certain radius duration 7 seconds. Unfriendliness hit will unstun so watch out

    Enforcer- super shield creates a massive Tesla shield to protect against airborn projectiles with a wide radius. Watch out unfriendliness can get into the shield and still attack you

    Shooter - death damage. When a shooter goes down a shooter goes down shooting when the shooter dies it fires all its weapons on last time. The layer cannot aim this power

    Defender rubber skin. All damage does 50% for 10 seconds and all hits bounce back towards to the same spot they came from dealing 25% of their original damage if they hit.

    Fixer someone else said it but drones a drone for each friendly in the battle fixing and giving a burst of health lasting 10 seconds. This will keep it from being OP
  13. Tony Dinoxxo

    Tony Dinoxxo New Member

    2 Oct 2017
  14. jSwtch

    jSwtch Member

    28 Oct 2017
    Mechanics - gain 50% cool down reduction on all items for 10sec

  15. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    You guys want this game to have Ultimates like overwatch that build up overtime? LOL
  16. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
  17. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    None of this will probably ever get built, but it's fun to be creative! Here are my ideas...

    Each of these ship-specific abilities would be once-per-battle usages:

    Shooter - 'Barrage' ability
    (8 sec duration) Global cooldown reduced from 3 sec to 0.5 sec. Item cooldowns are unaffected, but when triggered, this lets you pump out a full volley of everything you have.

    Speeder - 'Blurr' ability
    (8 sec duration) Unfriend targeting systems can no longer snap onto your ship or engage any sort of sticky targeting or target-lock. All attacks towards you must be targeted free-hand.

    Enforcer - 'Shot Caller' ability
    (8 sec duration) Places a target marker on one unfriendly ship (visible by both teams). For 8 seconds, all damage against that ship is boosted by 25%.

    Enforcer - 'Focused Energy' ability (alternate idea)
    (Instant use) Instantly resets the global cooldown, and the cooldowns for all equipped yellow items. Double-stun? Double-shield? Double-nitro? So many combos!

    Defender - 'Magnetic Shield' ability
    (8 sec duration) Within a 15m spherical radius, all incoming projectiles are redirected to hit you, but damage is reduced by 70%. Now, you can actually "defend" your teammates.

    Fixer - 'Cleanse' ability
    (8 sec duration) Instantly clears all debuffs (stun, frost, fire) from all friendly ships, and for 8 seconds, all healing done is boosted by 25%.
    Braindawgs1ST likes this.
  18. jSwtch

    jSwtch Member

    28 Oct 2017
    Special abilities get unlocked as soon as you reach 2 stars in battle
    Last edited: 2 Nov 2017
  19. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Idea has a lot of merit. I like the idea of mid or end game changers. Maybe ability isn't able to be activated until 2:30 (half match). A one time activation is appropriate too. I could also get behind your ship's special ability affecting all of your teammates as long as it was not OP. Speeder would make all boats faster for x duration, defender reduce damage, fixer give everyone 100 hp or something, shooter give +damage, and enforcer would uhhhh.... I like @Spinners71's idea of reduce cooldown.
  20. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2017
    Rio de Janeiro
    Lol.. those are nice ideias, but imagine high rank players using that stuff.. we aren’t going to play battle bay anymore, it will be Star Wars lol. Ship just needs to fly now lol.
    Scourge Argaen likes this.

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