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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. Arrow-->

    Arrow--> Member

    20 Aug 2017
    Definitely agree with your post. How about a decision should be taken that is in the best interest of the parties. Developers did a mistake aswell so why should the farmers be held fully responsible?

    My suggestion is: (1) To impose debt on all those players who farmed before the official announcement was made: no matter how much it is they got to repay it back before playing raffle again and getting those legendary pieces

    (2) Rollback those players who farmed even after the official announcement cuz they clearly didnt follow the rules.

    Whats happening right now is there is constant criticism for farmers on vip chat from the non-farmers at the end is it really healthy for the gaming environment?

    So rovio please take atleast some responsibility for your actions! Hope you take this suggestion into account.
  2. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Is like an explanation to why the folks that didn't exploit or cheat as u call 8t deserves reward . that about take she cake . thought these reward was good moral standard and seeing the "cheater " get there due . What exactly did they due to deserve a reward lmao
  3. MasterMind

    MasterMind Active Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Best Post I've seen.
  4. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    I actually praised him:)
    acerbix likes this.
  5. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Umm seems to me like you didn't get "nothing", but instead you had a lot of fun. Which I am pretty sure is why you play the game.
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  6. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I Don't post here ever. First post.

    Developers have asked us not to post what developers wrote us. I have refrained. But have multiple upon multiple communication with developers during this exploit. I was told no punishment would happen.
    I have proof.
    Seriously development team. If u finally make the no guild exploit post two days ago. To punish actions before that is extreme.

    But to those of you calling for punishment and calling it righteous justice.

    And to developers.

    When you rolled back my account. You took away the Legendary Big Torpedo I paid for. $300 down the drain.

    This is wrong.

    Anyone of you would cry bloody murder for this.

    Roll back tokens, take away perks, etc. MIIKA, Zeuss. Etc. You stole my hard earned cash. I paid real money to buy this. And only after buying it. And being told by one of u. That no punishment would happen to me .... did I ever token farm.

    So .... return what you took.

    If you are gonna punish for taking something.

    Don't be guilty of it as well.

    Legendary Big torpedoes cost real money.

    Not some fake token.
  7. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    In many ways the rollback was worse than a permanent ban. Why? Because the time and effort is gone. That's what a rollback is. Take away items? Sure! Take away gold? Sure! What you cannot and should not rollback is the time and effort people spent. These people played 72 hours straight through Thanksgiving. If they can't even keep the sugar then it's really a devastating blow. The moral of the players are gone. What reason do they have to keep playing? What difference is a permanent ban if they quit anyways? Battle bay is one of these game where you cannot pay a few hundred dollars to win. It's one of those that takes thousands or more. I really hope you guys can just change the punishment to a permanent ban and refund the money. Seriously, rollbacks to most people after the effort is just the same if they quit. No worse because they will spread the hate around. Battle bay is such a good game, your never gonna be the best. No matter how much you exploit the people paying will be better. Those who exploit got a taste of the good life. Now if there's anything good that came out of this, it's that they now realize whether or not the good life they experienced for that short duration is worth it to them paying thousands of their hard earned real life dollars for. For most people who exploited, I don't think they will support Rovio with IAPs ever. Because they have experienced it and well, for the amount of money you have to pay to get there it's just not worth it.
  8. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    @Arrow--> So...you just don't believe in personal responsibility then? You want the legit players to continue to suffer farmers' stacks of legendaries? Without having their rewards removed, it'd be much easier for them to dig themselves out of the debt than it should be, and all the while their opposition would have to deal with them having those rewards months before they realistically should. Nuts to that. The rollback was the right answer. As for Rovio's role in this, they've already made it clear it was a flaw. Nobody on team Rovio has denied that, but farmers exploited it. They're in the wrong here. Period, end of story. No blame to be shifted there. The honest players didn't exploit, and didn't get punished, despite knowing the exploit was available. Seems pretty simple to me.

    Because they did the right thing, in spite of knowing that there was an easier way to progress? Again, simple stuff. Reward your players who follow the rules, punish the ones that don't. It goes a long way towards building trust between devs and players.

    Finally, @Concerned Citizen - you're right that the biggest concern is an economic one, a point I've touched on a few times in this thread. However, I disagree that this action was too much. In fact, I'd argue that it's perfect: it demonstrates that, F2P or P2P, all players are still subject to the rules. Does it suck to lose regular progress along with the rollback? Sure, but it'd suck even more for the other players if there weren't serious corrective actions taken, and IMO rollbacks were the least disruptive way to clearly and properly undo the damage that was done. Rovio has taken responsibility for their hand in this, it's time the farmers do as well. Out of curiosity, however, what would you have suggested as a more moderate action to take? It just seems to me that doing anything less severe that wouldn't require an exorbitant amount of work on their part to implement wouldn't get the job done. As it stands, a relatively large group were farming very, very hard. Obviously they had progress that wasn't explicitly due to tokens, but everything they gained in the interim was tainted by their ill-gotten boosts, so what's the middle ground? Where would you have drawn the line?
  9. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Im sure uv seen the ToS...they can do as they please, plain and simple "if" u broke the ToS they can do as they please.
  10. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Don't comment, the non cheaters will eat you alive. They are not ready to listen to anything, but to enjoy to hate us.i wanted to refrain from commenting, but i just commented to warn you for the forthcoming
    Wishaal likes this.
  11. magician

    magician New Member

    24 Aug 2017
    very good i gain 42k tokens good.
    but really
    The rest of the players who abused this loophole to gain guild tokens will have their token balance set to a negative amount proportional to the amount they gained.
    This means that any guild tokens earned after this will be used to "paying back" their "debt". Once the "debt" is paid, they can go back to earning guild tokens like everyone else.
    make this for all players.
    i really want this is a joke from rovio and more later correct this and make debt for all
  12. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Of course you'd say that its not enough to punish but the "GOOD HONEST' cough cough should be rewarded for nothing at all and the cheaters which 99% are honest players jumped on a beams wagon after reading there would be no.punishment for build hopping . difference of opinions 2ho cites its a damn game anyway . I lot nothing just minus a few tokens that I already spent so I can't complain ..but giving reward for nothing is ridiculous it just pours more salt on the punishment to mostly good people. Bit of course you have a different opinion which I don't agree the way of the world
  13. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    acerbix and behumble like this.
  14. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    You say they did the rite thing lmao. Lets try your reason from laws earlier lets see o today I didn't speed on my way to work but others did so the highway patrol sends me money they got for fining speeders cause AI did the rote thing lol
  15. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Ill post again cuz aparently u didnt see it...
  16. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Hope you get your refund in game, or money....
    Stelmo and *JAWS* like this.
  17. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    You asked for an explanation, I explained. Even though you don't like the explanation, it remains fact. Let me pose a hypothetical for you here: you play a game with 99 other people. Something goes wrong in the game, and the other 99 people take advantage of it and gain a massive leap in power over you. You opt not to, in good faith that the powers that be will make it right somehow. Eventually, they remove the exploit but do nothing else. What's your first course of action the next time you find out about such a problem? Are you going to tell the devs, or are you just going to abuse a broken system as much as you possibly can? Because I'm betting the latter. Now, same scenario, but all they do is take away the other guys' direct gains from the exploit, but nothing else. Again, I'm betting you'd join right in for the next round because again, no real punishment for them and no benefit for you, so likely no risk even if you get 'punished.' But, once again, same scenario: this time, they take away others' rewards AND give you something for honesty. Not only are you appreciative of the gift for being the minority to avoid abusing their system, your reward serves as incentive for some of those 99 to join you in the non-exploiting side in the future. It's basic psychology.

    @*JAWS* all IAPs are supposed to be returned to you. If they haven't been, contact Rovio support. The return of IAPs was specifically mentioned in the same line as the rollbacks, as something that was to be returned. Nothing was 'stolen' from you, so contact support if you didn't have any IAP results returned properly.
    Miathan likes this.
  18. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    According to someone who did farmed, he got his pearls back.
    While farming, he "created" a blue legendary item giving him a rudder (using pearls + 1 blue leg piece from the legendary round).
    With the rollback (and his pearls), he got back another rudder.

    Have you tried to make the Big torp again ?
    Maybe you will just get your torp back.
  19. Bunta

    Bunta Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Yeah you should ask the devs and see what they say.
  20. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Yes, same here, at this point i don't even care anymore for weapons and perks, just want them to give me back my money or restore my pearls used for boosts right before I started to hop.
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