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Infamy manipulation spoils the fun for most

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by kylek33, 7 Apr 2017.


    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    It seems to be a lost battle with this one sided answer as it seems to me that the devs can't work out a decent algorithm for matchmaking as it's so complicated with all the crew levels, weapons & various Mk class of ships & have to stick to this unfair matchmaking system.
  2. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    yes this is unfair i am at 600 hundred infamy and people have double my health seriously wtf
  3. Razerx100

    Razerx100 Member

    4 May 2017
    I'm at 1300 Infamy. I often meet MK4/5 ships :/ My weapons doesn't even tickle them and their Railgun, Torpedo can pretty much 1 hit kill. I don't intentionally drop though but sometimes think of going below 1000 so I meet MK3 ships.
  4. NKoder

    NKoder New Member

    15 May 2017
    Fixer main chiming in. How are we supposed to get decent stars? Fixer is a fantastic ship to play, but you naturally won't be even close to topping the dps charts if you actually heal your team instead. I get 1 star max every game, and that's when I win.

    I could see my infamy rising past the point on which I can upgrade to support it.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    I'm battling here sometimes, why do I have Mk1, Mk2 etc (newbies) in my team ? My infamy is around 1600 & my team mates get destroyed quick then i'm having to battle 4+ ships. Help !!!!
  6. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Looks like they dont main fixer but have infamy to be in your league
    Tbh, when you consider the highest ship on the other team is a mk3 and you are a mk 5 the "balance" is probably about right imo

    Also, what infamy level is this? You are mk5, yet it looks like you are in the 1k - 1300 range?
    Farming noobs?
  7. Softmurks

    Softmurks New Member

    15 May 2017
    I Love the Game and its fun Even when i lose
    The only Point i would change is that the damage someone recived and the heal would get into starrating too

    And Stall guys when i Fight with an mk1 fixer vs an mk3 schooter its a Chalange for me if i lose ok
    But when i kick His butt iam Proud of it :)
  8. Superpavan007

    Superpavan007 New Member

    9 May 2017
    I feel matchmaking should be done not only with respect to infamy but also taking into comparison the level of the player an the level of the ship
  9. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    yes people exploit the infamy system
  10. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I'm more interested what Rovio's stance is. I've been hearing that some players who have been using this method of being "perma-banned" because of the way they have been dropping infamy (into ranges much less than than their normal ie; 1000+ infamy drop). Is it an exploit where it's not allowed and part of the rules of Terms of Service, and that they can revoke or ban the account?
  11. Ewouna

    Ewouna Member

    12 May 2017
    A simple fix is to give reward based on your current rating and not on this season bullshit. That would encourage people to stay at their max infamy.

    Maybe tweak a bit the star system in the meantime wouldn't hurt aswell :)
  12. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I think winning and losing should give much closer rewards and then like you said the current rating determines the bonus where the real reward is given.

    Think about it. If nearly everyone is 50/50 W/L because they increase infamy when they win until the losses balance out. This means there is no point in heavily rewarding a win vs loss as it averages out anyway over time. The star system is fun, but again pointless because ultimately it is an imperfect measure of your contribution to the team. Infamy rating already has your average contribution built in. If you aren't contributing you will drop infamy until you can. If you are contributing you rise in infamy until your contribution is a detriment to the team on average and you lose. Thus it is kind of strange as is my case, to rise infamy but average less stars on a fixer because the system cannot measure your contribution correctly.
  13. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Just an update. Finally got to the 2800 range from the new T4 rare items I've picked up.

    I've been constantly matched with Nightmare level players, I'm now seeing famous faces like P0rthos ;), Mordelin, Smile Shark, Orpheus, etc. Which are all players above 4K. Go figure how this matchmaking even happens. How do you explain the fact that fleeting disallows greater than 800 infamy disparity, yet in these matchups the disparity between me and them are 1000-1500!

    During these nights, I've havent had any good 2-3 star performances and it's hindering my progression because of the ridiculous match ups. All these ACE1 and Nightmare players all have weapons that make mine look like childs play. Stuns that last 20 secs, Flare guns that take off 1000hp minimum, Railguns capable of critical to One-Shot kill me, Sniper Cannons that hit me for 1500hp. There's simply no chance, and I'm literally cannon fodder and wasting my time. As much as I don't want to whine, but that's just forcing players like myself to drop Infamy to avoid this dead halt.

    I ended up playing 4 hrs of Battle Bay at 2800 range, dropped about 100 infamy and gaining about 25 stars. Most were either losses at 0 star return, or 1 star wins that I didn't contribute much in (completely NON factor). For 4 hours, it's Crap. Total crap and you wonder why players are choosing to drop on purpose.

    I guess the DEVs don't care about us mid rangers. however it's a big concern, if we were to manipulate and lower our Infamy to high 1000 range we can match up to players that are 1-3 weekers that started about 2-3 weeks ago, and we can wreck havoc amongst them. It would be much the same as the soft launch Day players compared to us.

    It's either that or we lose interest. Sure you can say to us to spend $5k and get ourselves some legendary to compete.(would that be enough? legendaries at T1 can't outdo T5 epics)

    Simply put, they need to put in the new matchmaking system now, nightmare players should match with Nightmare players. Matchmaking should at least stay within the same league. As players of this Nightmare privilege unfortunately should wait for a better match rather than an unbalanced one with more disparity.

    Check out that album that consists of the last several games i had.

    State what's "blatant abuse". I think the vast majority would want to know what warrants this and what deems as crosses the line with No grey areas.
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
  14. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    The reason for this is quite simple. The higher up you go in infamy the less players there are which forces the matchmaking infamy window to be wider or else people wouldn't get to play. Now that we live globally it means we have gotten a lot of new players but it still takes time for those people to climb up in the ladder.

    I don't understand why to jump into that conclusion so easily. Out of all possible explanations that is probably always the least probable one. Some issues are just impossible to solve without compromises.

    It means that if you have been AFK for a battle or few we give you the benefit of the doubt that it was an accident or you just have connection issues. But if you join to tens of battles in a row and don't do anything then it's an obvious ban.
    JDAR likes this.
  15. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ok. So I gave my daughter the game to play in my MK1 Defender. Fun stuff. Congrats on the great matchmaker Rovio! Not a ToS breaker I suppose!
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  16. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Based on the content of your previous posts I imagine she's gained you a few hundred infamy points.

    Welcome to Warrior 3!
  17. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    well not exactly! Technically I'm still ACE3 by season, so I'm still getitng those rewards and bonuses in the league win or lose. ;)
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  18. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    this is in part an issue caused by infamy manip, and partially because of the smaller user base. If the game grows, or more players are appropriately matched, then this gigantic mismatch becomes less prevalent for any specific player. Matchmaking is literally the biggest, most common problem across every moba I've seen, and nobody has implemented a good solution that really satisfies the knowledgeable members of its user base, let alone the dumb ones.
  19. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Yes I really love this game but my infamy is dramatically dropping because of this. I was 1,500 and I'm now just 500 because the team's I am getting are complete garbage. I will be the only one alive with 4K - 6 K damage in the entire team is chasing me around while everyone else is dead.. somehow people who have low-level boats and weapons are getting high infamy. Or there's just like two sides of the game in the one side that I'm on is just terrible LOL.. it's starting to make me not want to play. I will lose 10 games in a row and almost all of them I still get to stars because I'm doing so well yeah why am I losing 10 games in a row?
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  20. Robos

    Robos Member

    17 May 2017
    Why not just make seasons one week instead of two, that way you make this less of an issue
    JustinBeaver and Mr squiqqle like this.

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