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Shots not Registering

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Bo Oetjen, 8 Sep 2017.

  1. Bo Oetjen

    Bo Oetjen Member

    7 May 2017
    I’m getting freaking extremely tired of my weapons not registering damage on unfriends. I’ve had issues with my explosive cannon, my sniper, my rail gun, and my flare. It’s costing me to lose matches and infamy. If issues aren’t fixed soon (and I mean within the next week) I do plan to be requesting a full refund (since I paid for 99% of my weapons). If Rovio won’t give it to me, I’ll be contacting Apple. Don’t say it’s a lag. It’s not a lag. I know when there is a lag on the server or game and I understand that happens. But when I’m shooting point blank shots and inflicting ZERO damage to unfriends (especially with my explosive cannon that’s supposed to do splash damage) there is a huge problem, and it’s not my internet. When someone cannot rely on the weapons that are equipped to their ship to do damage, how are they supposed to win and then what’s the point of even playing this game?

    It’s been months since your last update (the hot fix doesn’t count). Most normal apps put out updates to fix things like what I’m explaining on a weekly, even a bi-weekly schedule. DO SOMETHING! Either update the app or fix the “known issues” with the game! It’s getting extremely frustrating for your players and if it’s not fixed, it’s going to cost you a lot of regular players.
  2. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    lol many times happened to me..in open area also...shows even hitting the opp, though its not counted..i lost 2 to 3 games in same manner....
    when we win we dont care them..but when we lost we care about them much...
    previously i have raised topic on this...but no response....
    _devill likes this.
  3. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    It is lag. What you see on your screen is a prediction. It runs optimistically the explosion effect to hide the latency because most of the time the prediction is correct. However, because of internet latency the server sees a different version of reality and the server is responsible for dealing the damage. If the bullet does not hit on the server then you don't do damage, even if your prediction thinks you hit.

    I play from europe which means I have ~130ms latency which is not super low due to crossing the Atlantic but the connection is really really stable, and I don't get unregistered shots nearly ever. I's really really rare.

    You say you hit the ship point blank but the thing is that you are only hitting the ship point blank only on your screen. The ship might have been somewhere else in reality. Also, even if the ship is not moving fast it's still possible to miss it because ships are constantly moving up and down because of the waves.

    I know this answer is not what you wanted to hear, but there is nothing we can do to fix the issue. It's internet latency and it's effects will plague online games as long as somebody finds a way to transmit information faster than light.
  4. Bo Oetjen

    Bo Oetjen Member

    7 May 2017
    I understand some latency. But, I sit at a consistent 30-40ms ping. I shouldn’t have a lag. This is the only pvp game that I play that I experience such a lag. I play Vain Glory, a pvp moba... and I’ve never once experienced a lag or missed attacks due to server/internet latency. Any missed attacks would be due to my miscalculation of where the enemy is.

    They were sitting basically right on top of me, I shot, and it does nothing. They shoot, and I take damage. It’s just very strange that it seems to only happen with certain weapons within the game. I’ll concede in the fact that my rail gun was not shot at point blank (I don’t do that unless it’s a last ditch effort), could I have missed? Absolutely. Barely, if I actually did. But the explosion graphics indicate I didn’t. I’ve even had people say that have had the explosion graphic on their end and received no damage. I’ve experienced this as well. So it’s predicting that the shot would have hit me, but didn’t because my boat was somewhere else on the map?

    Miika- I’m absolutely not trying to be an a-hole about this but it seems like the issues that continue to plague the game are always blamed on the latency of the server. It’s an easy answer. I get it. I don’t pretend to be the most knowledgeable individual about pings and packets and servers and clouds or mobile game development. I’m not. I was a C student and a local college. But, I’m going by my experience with any other live, PvP game that I play... and Battle Bay is the only game I play that has these types of latency issue. So I guess my question is, is it truly latency or are their bugs that need to be looked at?
    Spartacus likes this.
  5. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    -SeeKnDeStRoY- and _devill like this.
  6. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    yes may be..but u said bb works with 2kbps also...! then why this happens...
  7. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Because latency and bandwidth are two completely separate things.
    Bandwidth means how many bytes per second your connection can transfer.
    Latency means how long it takes for one packet to travel from end to end.
    Battle Bay has very low bandwidth requirements but since it is a realtime multiplayer game latency matter. The longer the latency, the more network "lag" there is. If it takes 1 second for a packet to travel from your device to the server, then what you are seeing is always 1 seconds behind of what is actually happens, and you keep missing shots a lot. The game tries to predict the movement to hide latency, but obviously the prediction can never be perfect.
  8. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    nICE INFO.....
  9. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    can vpn help solve this issue if you have good internet? i'm confused.
  10. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    So us Aussies are always doomed because there are no servers anywhere near us and we are always over 300 ping. Nice work
  11. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    VPN makes everything worse, it just masks your IP by routing you through another server
    JustPlainSowad and The Otherguy like this.
  12. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    i had to try something.

    and yes us vpn didn't change ping.
  13. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    I had this issue one time before registering on these forums, and I later read its just a delay because of lag either on my end or the person being hit and it still registers just late, it happened again once afterward and sure enough the hit did register one second later. I very rarely get "rubberbanding" where ships jump around the map. These are just to be expected when you have ten different internet connections all communicating with one server displaying an output in real time.
  14. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It works both ways -- You having a higher latency also means that you are harder to hit!
  15. Krishna

    Krishna New Member

    11 May 2017
    I hope this gets fixed in next update. So far, no improvement.
  16. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    After 3900 games, this has been my observation. When the algorithm is attempting to balance me back to a 50% win/loss ratio by giving me a series of back-to-back losses, I begin to experience this issue frequently! For example. Im getting direct hits on a target with grenade launcher with minimal, if any, damage on my enemy. This happens regardless of if I am gaming from home with Battle Bay showing a sub-100ms ping or on the road. Funny enough, when the system is not setting me up to lose, regardless of where I am, I do not experience this. I have gamed on my AT&T cellular connecting with a 240ms ping and the game worked fine.

    I am wondering if Battle Bay uses a form of movement "prediction" as a penalty to help balance a players win/loss ration down. Sure, it could be that I just coincidentally "got bad" at hitting my target At least that would explain it, because in thousands of games, this is the only time its consistently happening for me.
  17. -SeeKnDeStRoY-

    -SeeKnDeStRoY- Member

    11 Oct 2017
    Maybe this is also the answer for my problem. I got hit by mortars and grenades and my hp was reduced even when I was outside the red area.
    Spartacus likes this.
  18. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Hi, sporadic lag aside, does Battle Bay use the “prediction” system to favor or penalize a player and/or team to balance out the 50/50 win/loss? I can play 20 games back-to-Back on an excellent connection, however, the only time I experience weapon hits not registering, or being hit by an invisible weapon, is when the system appears to be balancing my win/loss ratio towards the “loss”. Since team infamy seems balanced, short of an official reply from Rovio as to how they keep the win/loss ratio around 50%, all we have is speculation based on person experiences.

    Just an example:

  19. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    No of course not.
    Spartacus likes this.
  20. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Thank you for your reply. I am not trying to fuel a fire, I’ve just noticed some very strange patterns. I am not a coder, but my company develops software for healthcare, so being around the development process daily, you naturally start picking up on things, especially things that appear out of the ordinary (patterns).

    So, would you mind setting the record strait so-to-speak. In matches, if team infamy is fairly balanced, how do most players have an almost 50/50 win loss ratio? If there were simply 2 people with almost equal skill, the same ship, and with the same weapons, statistically, it would be plausible for an approximate 50/50 win/loss ratio. But, when you factor in 10-players with different ships, different weapons, different weapon perks, different experience levels, having them play games where only an almost-even infamy level is the deciding factor in matching, would not generate 50/50 win/loss ratios without other “controls” in place. Call of Duty and various other multiplayer games are excellent examples of this. So, are there any controls in place to assist in keeping the win/loss ratios around 50% or are you saying that it’s completely accidental or coincidental? Thank you again for your reply!!

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