Been wanting to do this for a while -- But it takes ages, so don't expect to see it happen again

The following is statistics of all the players playing in the Nightmare league last seaon -- Data was pulled on the 24th and 25th of august. Except for a few cases I have used whatever a player had equipped, the exceptions being a mk6 speeder that has scrapped all his gear (didn't include him in the numbers), myself (playing speeder now, but I would not have peaked above 4k without playing mk5 Fixer) and a few people in mk5 boats that I am 100% sure has reached Nightmare in another (mk6 ship). Altered around 5 people to make the result as accurate as possible (in terms of describing what Nightmare usually looks like).
Class Destribution
Formating: Amount Class [Percentage], highest place
143 Shooters [36%], 3rd
119 Speeders [30%], 1st
45 Defenders [11%], 2nd
45 Fixers [11%], 34th
44 Enforcers [11%], 9th
No big surprises here -- Shooters & Speeders are vastly overrepresentated, whilst the 3 other classes are lacking behind. More stats compiled in the screenshot below:
View attachment 4009
Some comments:
- For the purpose of this a whale means having 2+ legendary items equipped.
- At top level MK7 Defenders are doing much better than the table would indicate, the low average is a question of a few dragging the combined score down.
- Speeder outperforms the other 4 boats at Mk6. Suprised too see how close together the other 4 classes are in performance.
- People with money spent does not want to play enforcer, instead do like the Defender alot though!
- 8 mk5 Fixers managed to break 4k, and they did so in worse gear than the mk5's from other classes. In return Fixers have the lowest average infamy at mk6 and the worst (by far) top position.
A compilation of all weapons equipped to boats in the nightmare league. The highest ranking is no that interesting for all the top weapons, but perhaps more telling for the weapons that noone in the top 100 has found a use for.
Formating: [Amount in total] Name of weapon- Highest rank seen at.
- Tier 1 -
[284] Sniper Cannon, 22% - 1st
Sniper Cannon sees twice as much usage as the 2nd most popular weapon, being able to fire at people that can't shoot back is highly valued around the bay! The massive usage has a large impact on gameplay (imagine a Bay where sticking your nose out didn't result in 2-3 snipershots from players you can't see?), whether the devs are happy with the effect of the last nerf remains to be seen. Powerful absolutely, overpowered perhaps not.
- Tier 2 -
[137] Blast Cannon, 11% - 9th
[131] Explosive Cannon, 10% - 1st
In the top 50 Explosive Cannon has surpassed Blast from its 2nd place - This trend has not made it way down the ranks (yet?). Cannons still form the backbone of Battle Bay.
- Tier 3 -
[94] Flare Gun - 2nd
[94] Missile Launcher - 3rd
[92] Railgun - 4th
[83] Mine - 5th
[70] Big Torpedo - 3rd
Flare Gun is slowly falling out of fashion, still popular but more and more speeders are opting to run two weapons that deal their damage upfront. Perhaps the increase in Firebombs have also made Flare Gun less crucial than it used to be?
- Tier 4 -
[54] Firebomb - 4th
[50] Napalm Launcher - 11th
[46] Carronade - 6th
- Tier 5 -
[31] Triple Torpedo - 29th
[30] Big Berta - 74th
[25] Cannon - 60th
[21] Swift Torpedo - 72nd
[19] Grenade Launcher - 13th
[16] Long Range Mortar - 155th
[15] Ballpark Mortar - 29th
Mortars hardly see any play in Nightmare (aside from Firebomb/Napalm). At peak level this trend is even stronger, with only Ballpark being used (by 1 player) within the top 50.
- The Standard Mortar Tier -
[6] Standard Mortar - 125th
Honorable mentions
Iris Irene is the highest ranked mk5 player, posting a respectable 4287 infamy in a mk5 Fixer.
Ashraf Najme is the highest ranked player using an all rare setup - Sitting in 278th position with 4140 infamy. Worth noting that others are very close (and alot of people above use at most 1 epic item.. 1 of them a low level epic gear lube!).
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