My observations on infamy. Correct me if I'm wrong,
@Miika .
Infamy is generated by noob players (Player A) who fight against bots for their first few games. Once they stop playing against bots and against real players, (Player B), say Player A loses. Player A goes back to fighting bots until more infamy is created out of thin air. Player B loses against Player C, who in turn, loses against Player D. This way, infamy gets moved up to the Nightmare League. Every time I win a game, the infamy I gain was created for me at some time by a noob fighting bots.
If infamy wasn't generated by noobs fighting bots, the highest infamy would be much lower, and many players would be in the negative infamy range. When more players join, more "free" infamy is given out, and therefore the "value" of an infamy point drops down. I remember on the old forums, user
@Emilia shared a screenshot from early, early Battle Bay, when the population was abysmal. She was in the top 50 with 2.4k infamy (correct me if I remember wrong).
Nightmare League players reset to 4k every season to prevent them from getting too high, or else matchmaking speed would be very long. This also counters the rapidly growing population. You may notice that the first week of every season is a lot harder. That is because Pro-Nightmare players and Noob-Nightmare players alike drop down to 4k. The Pro-Pros beat the Noob-Pros, and the Noob-Pros match with Ace players, and so on, until infamy is redistributed upwards again to the point where Nightmare players reach their optimal rank.
The reason that the Devs changed the 3.5k infamy requirement for Nightmare league to 4k, is because of the massive increase in players. Just like a dollar isn't as worth much as it used to be 50 years ago, 3.5k infamy just wasn't worth the same as 3.5k when they first introduced seasonal leagues. With further population increases, it is not unlikely that at some point in time Nightmare will take 4.5k to get into.
Spoiler: Too Long; Didn't Read
The higher the population of Battle Bay, the easier it is to gain Infamy.
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