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Mines are overpowered.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 3 Aug 2017.

  1. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    My first complaint about any weapon. Now that healing boxes last no longer than 1 min, I believe Mines should not last as long as they currently do.

    Epic or Legendary Mines at max power and at max Crew do the most damage over any weapon. Most ships don't have enough HP to survive a blast, and if they do, it's less than 20% hp remaining. It's like a not moving l big torp for unlucky sailors that lasts several minutes, in fact it damages more than a big torp at the same level. It's the only weapon I know that can consistently one-shot someone.

    The range on these mines are overly large as well, and they do not require any sort of contact at them, just within range, and it will blow. When mines expire, they actually blow up too, and that still damages enemies within the AOE explosion(which is greater than the detected range). Which makes no sense!

    The color of them are exactly the same as the water, like the exact same palette. So ships moving fast won't be able to spot them until they are really close. I get it, it's by design to be camouflaged, but it's too much, as this is a mobile game it needs to be slightly more noticeable on smaller screens like smartphones and tablets, at least by a larger visual range.

    None of our ships are really that agile. Infact, all of them handle poorly; they turn slow, they get affected by waves, acceleration is mediocre at best. Speeders have a notoriously bad turning radius and bad turret speed, Shooters can't turn fast at all, Defenders hehehe are simply slow moving once off the throttle, the Enforcer can stop and go faster, but turning radius-wise isn't much better than any other ship. Point is, the mine should be designed around the ability of the ships for this game.

    Mines encourage very bad playing habits like being lazy, plant, spam, run away, and camping. The load time is ridiculously short too, throw, drop and 3 secs later it can detonate.

    The ability to be able to throw so far and that high isn't realistic either, some players are throwing them over walls. Mines should take long to set, and have a incredibly short throw, or no throw whatsoever. Like it literally drops behind the boat.

    Mines should be visible in Napalms or detonate from them whether it's friend or foe. Weapons should be able to detonate or defuse/dud them, so friends can defuse them if they know it's harmful. (this can be a positive strategy too, as it can be like a remote bomb trap)

    Edit: Because of all these factors I've mentioned, I've come to a conclusion that they are overpowered (at high or Max Level, when high crew levels and epic perks are applied). It's not one single aspect, it's all of them combined together. I have no qualms to people that disagree, say and articulate why you don't agree as a counter argument. Oh and those of you that don't know, I defended Mines from other ideas before: https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/team-colors-for-mines.1555/page-3
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
  2. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    This is the part that I don't particularly like. Some spaces are pretty tight. So even if you've made it a point to avoid the mine, when you're trying to pass through a tight space, you still set it off.
    Rated R, SnowBound and Dez Lew like this.
  3. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    I agree. Mines are defensive weapons. Mines are for cowards. If you have a speeder and you go around the field at high speed, spewing mines at random, you aren't playing the game, you're griefing.
  4. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    But mines can also be used strategically, like to heard your enemies, so it isn't always for cowards. But the area thing is a problem .
    Mister Kevin, Riddlerpaji and Jdm7 like this.
  5. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I get the strategy part, I really do, but I feel it's unbalanced. It almost feels like a giant permanent Grenade than a mine. A mine should be more like a bear trap, and yes it can hurt someone bad, but they really need to step right onto it.

    Here's a scernario I encountered tonight.
    Was on Crash N Burn, waves are incredibly choppy. Speeders have a very low profile so our cameras(becasue of the weapons ie cannons) are typically low to the surface, we cannot see over the wake of the wave. Mine was strategically placed by enemy thrown over a wall just a few seconds ago, he had no idea or had any anticipation that I would run over it, he didn't see me, nor did I see him. It's clearly he's doing it by habit because of countless damage dealt this way. Mine damage = 5K . My health = 5.4k. I was literally crippled right afterwards, no other weapon or fire was made at me. Basically I was a writeoff that round. Not complaining, but that was pretty much the outcome of the high level game. I can accept defeat, but that was far too easy, and these players prey on that.
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
  6. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Exactly.The range is what gets me.I always think I'm well away from it's trigger radius but it still explodes I honestly don't know how.When that happens it makes me feel like I threw the game.A speeders worst nightmare is to get hit by a mine lol.Any ship for that matter.They should decrease the damage and the range too imho.
    Marquesolution, Rated R and cgr3asy like this.
  7. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Man, the number of times I've been one shot by a mine I was purposefully avoiding.. I'd totally be on board with a massive reduction to their detonation zone, like actually having to make contact with them before they blow up.
  8. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    I'd just be happy if they were colored so we can tell if they're friendly or unfriendly
  9. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I'm not asking to be colored. i just think they need to be toned down to some degree, and a revision of some sort based on all the different points i brought up.
  10. Amur

    Amur New Member

    7 Apr 2017
    That's why you don't step on it and that why the mine is.

    Mine done nothing if on one don't step on so be aware of mine. :)
  11. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Agree on all counts.
  12. aKifer

    aKifer Active Member

    27 May 2017
    I like mines. I don't use them, but they add strategy and variantion to the game. This said, I wish that friendly mines had the detonation area always showing. This would help differentiating them as well as to teach how much you need to swing to avoid unfriendly's.
    Mister Kevin and Star.Nova like this.
  13. CR1MS0N

    CR1MS0N New Member

    7 May 2017
    Mines are supposed to be deadly, they're mines it's what they do. You detonate them you learn your lesson about watching your surroundings.
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
  14. CR1MS0N

    CR1MS0N New Member

    7 May 2017
    They're wouldn't be a point on having mines then if you can easily avoid and tell whos mine is whos.
  15. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I never really saw them as a problem, but you do bring up a good point: your view of the surroundings is determined by what item you are using. As a fixer I usually am in box view, which is kind of top-down, allowing me to see mines easily. If you're speeding around with a low angle weapon like cannon, I can understand how you can be on top of a mine before seeing it's there. I don't think there's much that can be done about this though. You could change the detonation radius, the arming time and the throwing range, and this would still happen. The only thing that would reduce the impact is a damage reduction, which I personally think is a bad idea.

    Like @CR1MS0N said, mines are supposed to be deadly. You sacrifice a weapon slot to throw down some objects which may or may not deal damage at some point during the match. High damage compensates for the fact they can be avoided completely. @D3X mentions that it's a no skill weapon, but that's a double edged sword. True, it does not require skill to deal damage with mines, but you can also not use skill to make them hit. It's completely up to your enemies whether you will do damage or not.
  16. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Mines are a no skill weapon?. I think that's nonsense, ask anybody who regulars on mines, it takes a great deal of skill to use mines to do dmg and sink ships.

    Yes it takes no skill in dropping one but takes a lot of skill in dropping on in places where it'll do a lot of dmg.

    Mines are a weapon that can't move towards the enemy, it can't do anything but simply stay there and wait for somebody to step on it. Mines also have a high cd period. It's only natural that it has to compensate with colour, range and dmg.

    Demanding a dmg nerf is unreasonable, range nerf would also make the mines useless (How many people would actually get dmged by mines if it was reduced any more?, it's already worse than carronade range)

    But if you want a range nerf, it's only reasonable that it get a huge cd buff as well, like 10 second cd would be nice.
  17. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    I think many problems would be solved, if we can get to know from the devs the exact explosion radius of the mines.
    Plus, if a friend steps near a mine, will explosion radius count from the center of the mine, or the from the friend?
    Does mines do same damage for stepping on it, or very near it?
    After how much time, does a mine explode?
    Last edited: 3 Aug 2017
  18. ElMataC

    ElMataC Member

    2 Jul 2017
    The only issue I have with mines is that I can't blow them up by shooting them, oh and maybe I'd like to be able to recognize friendly mines.
    Other than that I think they're ok, when I get hit by a mine I always think it's my faut, except when I got caught in the explosion caused by one of my friends, but that isn't still a problem of the mine.
    PallabKumarS and Lardfinnish like this.
  19. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Mines should not be visible in napalms. Defusing alone would nerf it. But detonating it by enemies seems to be deadly, but it isn't. Think that it automatically detonate when enemy comes in range. Idea of detonating (by enemies) is actually buffing mines, and you may be assuming that when it's detonated by enemies, then it'll have larger explosion radius and lesser damage (which will vary depending on the distance from the center of the mine).

    Mines can have a very high dps. Speeders also use it. They throw a mine or two near an enemy, then circle around and boom, the enemy is gone. For such a high damage per hit weapon, cooldown time is low.
    D3X and Disguised like this.
  20. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Only other area control weapon is napalm, and it stays for a good 20 seconds. But if mines can be exploded by other enemies, then our area control will be lost. Duration of mines can be reduced to a minute, but not very less. Cooldown time can be increased.

    Overall, I agree with the conclusion of OP that mines are very powerful, and it is difficult to see them without any mortar type weapons, etc.

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