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Notes from a Fixer

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Principal Moo, 26 Jun 2017.


    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    LOL, didn't expect this to turn out into box v tape topic again. Maybe I did not phrase my comment clearly, let me try to clean it up.
    From the OP comment I assumed he is around MK 3 or 4 since he did mentioned that he got a pulse, at this stage if one choose tape over box I just don't see the harm, just a matter of individual preference.
    Tape has been out there since the start of the game I think, on specs and theory it is not practical to use compared to both pulse and box. If anyone still prefer tape then there must be a reason they are holding to it. I just don't like the idea to put some one down for their preference.

    Peace and happy grinding.
  2. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Uhhh how is the fixer wanting to stay alive longer selfish? If a fixer can stay alive longer, it can heal you longer. Generally the fixer is the primary target too.

    ALSO when this new patch comes out, using Duct Tape will be VERY viable thanks to the 50% reduction in self healing from repair pulse.
  3. Gnarlymilk

    Gnarlymilk New Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Yo 1200+ ( yes I realize that is still noob to some ) fixer here, not sure infamy matters the way they match teams in this game... lol but that's another thread.

    Personally I run with the box and pulse I focus on maxing them as well. I have a rare II lvl 15 cannon but most times I'm focused on healing but if I remember I try to fire if there is a close ez target ( hits for 3xx so its a OK chunk, at my lvl ) but I just heal heal heal. Many times we end and I have 0 damage, looks bad but I'm support and just do my best to keep everyone alive.

    My issues are;
    everyone spreading out. ( aside from a good speeder) we should stay some what together, I mean help us fixers help you! Most of the time I will follow the bigger group or OP player if I see one.

    In the beginning I'm dropping boxes all over some times u cant avoid them but PLEASE stop picking them up at full health...

    Mortar damage- if you are in a circle please try to atleast move from the dam center. Any place but the center is better, Im not healing for 1000s every second.

    Wish the end stats showed heal amount - then maybe us fixers can feel good about ourselfs and others can see how much we actually helped. I tried keeping track one game and I lost count when it got messy but before I did I was in the 4500 range.. but in the end I had 0 damage and no kills..

    I can understand duct tape cuz there has been a few matches where I took soo much focused damage but out maneuvered / healed my way through and it allowed my team to stay un-damaged and focus on fire power instead of trying to avoid hits. However 90% of my games I would say the team gets more out of box / pulse..

    So that's my 2 cents

  4. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Yo mk4 fixer here. I just want to say that damage is great. No ship should be getting in front on another in a team, and it is smart to get away from mortars. One thing that is difficult is when someone sends "help" it can be like looking for a needle in a haystack if they are behind you or somewhere else on the map. Wish there was an easier way to locate players
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Something like what the medic has in team fortress 2 would be nice...when someone goes "help!", an arrow should appear telling the exact location of the player on the map
  6. Principal Moo

    Principal Moo New Member

    7 May 2017
    Hello Zangetsu,

    Where does it state that I'm required to heal other people? Just because I have the capacity to do so, it does not mean that I must do so. Do we require Speeders and Enforcers to use Frost Blasters and Tesla Bolt because they have the option to use those items? I don't think we hold them to the standard, nor do we call them stingy for choosing to use Nitro and/or Overboost.

    Doesn't make sense to me.
  7. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I'm an mk3 fixer struggling at 1k infamy due to horrrible mm. I get stuck with full mk3 ships against mk4s. And when i have he upper hand or the ships are equal, my team ends up pulling some suicidig crap or sitting duck routine. It pisses me off. And to further worsen the situation my load out is quite bad due to the fact that i cant get any rare dupes.
    I place my boxes in range of my friends but they seem to ignore them even though they are low on health and i use my pulsewhen im near atleast 2 (if not available 1) friend
  8. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Repair box vs ducttape aside, it is nowhere stated that you are required to heal people. However you do realize a fixer saying something like that seems incredibly selfish?

    Since he said something like that, I don't feel like taking him serious anymore.
    TVNPryde likes this.
  9. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    You'd love my account then lol all I seem to get is fixer rares smh I want nothing to do with them lol
  10. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
  11. Gloryah

    Gloryah Member

    6 Jun 2017
    MK4 Fixer here.

    Not interested in tape vs box pissing contest. Both have pros and cons. I use pulse and tape. My choice. Deal with it.
    I concur with the comments from the OP about sticking together...about me deciding who to heal...about not parking in the center of a mortar blast zone (unless you are a slow-boat Defender...then I'll cut you some slack).

    But my biggest pet peeve is people who want to follow ME into battle. Don't do it. YOU are the DPS specialists. YOU decide where to fight from. I'll stick with YOU and heal. My second biggest pet peeve is those who won't get into the battle...even when we have them on the ropes. They hang back...maybe lob a mortar or two...and don't really start fighting until they are the last one alive...and then it's too late. If you won't get in there and fight...you are useless to the team.
  12. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Ok, look. Fixers are fixers, and not tanks. Some people make it work, but that isn't the primary strength of a fixer. That's the job of a defender. If you are constantly being picked on by opponents, then sure, duct tape comes in more handy. But you won't save an ally with it. Fixers lack the dps to duel efficiently, are are not particularly fast. Fixers are team healers, not Rambo wannabe shooters who think their healing makes them able to tank opponents. Its similarly silly to playing a shooter like a defender.

    Using duct tape is definitely a selfish decision, no *bones about it. Fixers are primarily for helping other people. If you want to heal yourself, get a bandage. However, using a box isn't always practical, and its easy to get morons who won't hold still when you are trying to heal box them.

    I sincerely hope that everyone here who uses duct tape is not covering for suicidal behavior. I see plenty of stupid fixers like that already. If you are one of those guys, I have 0 apologies for calling an inefficient playstyle stupid.
    Last edited: 28 Jun 2017
    Zangetsu likes this.
  13. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Duct Tape seems like it might be more reasonable after the patch, but I'm not sure. Right now, though, just bring Pulses and Boxes like everyone else. The instant healing from the box is insane, apparently can crit(?)*, and can heal other people. If you take Tape over the Box, or over a Pulse if you're truly insane, you're basically saying that you can't be bothered to level a Companion Cube, and Speeders and Forcers can kiss your behind. Yes, I am used to not having a Fixer at my side, that's why I get particularly happy when I get one. If that guy comes out with a Duct Tape, all of my hopes and dreams are shattered.

    *It's on the crew tree, but I don't use Fixer very often. What does it look like when it crits? No one ever talks about it.
    How do the spreadsheet numbers compare between Box healing and Tape healing?
  14. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    my understanding of normal crits, is that the regular damage is amplified by a factor of 2, not counting other variables. So presumably, when a heal "crits", it will heal twice as much, but I believe this is only for the box.

    The box DOES heal less than duct tape, otherwise Duct Tape wouldn't be at all viable for anyone who can see their screen. However, the difference isn't huge. The minimum heal for a Duct Tape is 14 hp/second, lasting 10. So 140 health. Repair Box does 110 in one fell swoop. So you trade off reliability and numbers for utility. Its not as simple as a single heal number though - if oyu heal a good target, you effectively grant another ship bonus health, and they output more damage than you do. So healing "less" results in your TEAM outputting more damage!
  15. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I know that's how it works for regular crits, does it work the same way for the box?

    I question whether it really heals for less since the maxed Feelix tree gives the Repair Box a pretty large critical chance, along with increasing it's critical healing. The Repair Box also has a shorter cooldown, I think, even with all of Tape's cooldown reductions. That means the Box might have higher average Healing-Per-Second than the Tape does. The Tape may be a little more reliable, but if a Box could conceivably heal you for twice as much, there's really no contest, is there?

    It's a lot like saying Sniper does less damage than Blast. Of course it does if we just ignore it's other stats, but exactly how high is that critical?
  16. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017

    you could be right. I haven't looked very closely at the numbers myself, I consider the utility too big a difference to bridge. Accounting for the crit though, requires that we factor in the % that the extra damage occurs in the first place, though.
  17. Principal Moo

    Principal Moo New Member

    7 May 2017
    For the record: I don't always use duct tape. I normally use the repair box, but I will use duct tape if I see that I am heading for a streak where I am losing a lot. For some reason, I tend to win more win I use duct tape.

    My point is that I don't like being told that I'm selfish for not playing a certain way. If healing is so important for people, they should take up fixing.

    I guess I will start ridiculing Speeders and Enforcers for not crowd controlling and Shooters when they don't have the highest damage on the team. They're so selfish!
  18. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Ill say this once and for all.
  19. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Let me give a simple analogy. You don't have to be a great ball player to know if someone dropped the ball.

    Don't be silly. If someone is trolling, or repeatedly misuses items and won't learn, then.... Well? If it was a 1v1, then sure, no judging. But a bad decision on one player's part will affect 4 others, technically 9 others. So no, people are entirely up for judging, especially if they have a dumb af strategy. You'd be surprised how many shooters (those are common in lower tiers) think they are speeders or defenders, and their behavior doesn't change. Strategies have to work with the available equipment and skills. Playstyles are more often outrageous than equipment. You'd be surprised how many people think they are supposed to spectate the battle in the pool. -_-
    Netsa likes this.
  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    How is it that I see people trying to control fixers the most? Why dont we create a thread that says, "Hey, shooters are not speeders, speeders are not defenders, and defenders are not, for the love of god, enforcers!" Well, in my eyes, it is because shooters are the vast majority. Duct tape is not selfish, dear sir, if it is the best healing item you have. And I dont see a point in not letting players play with what they want. You cannot stop them anyway, and they will always stop if they continue to lose. Lets say you were a defender who wanted to be a shooter in the 1000s. Without the euipment, it is bad to do it. But does that have to stop you? No! Lose, dont lose. The choice is yours.

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