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Infamy manipulation spoils the fun for most

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by kylek33, 7 Apr 2017.


    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    Miika i understand from your point of view, but you guys knew the game before it's release & knew about it again before changing it so you're again at an unfair advantage. Who's playing this game when it goes global, the devs ? or us ? while it being a word of mouth & social media for people to start playing, it has to be of a certain quality where the players are happy & the devs are understanding the feedback as to get further & faster in the game then you have to pay for it, so we're giving you our views & commitment as we care where this game is headed but you guys have to listen as what might seem like our one voice on this forum is actually backed up by thousands.
    Jamel H. likes this.
  2. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I miss the 'lol' button.
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    For the record I do understand why infamy is a better solution for matchmaking than the alternatives. But some tweaks within this system would enhance my experience.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    It doesn't work that good & I still see complaint after complaint. I know as i'm always carrying the team with lower players or my team gets destroyed & I end up being bombarded by the other team.
    Screenshot_2017-04-10-09-11-27.png look at this game for example, why is there a mk 1 in my team ? Talk about fighting my way out of this battle.

    I miss the flag & spam button.... I had 2 warnings within a week on last forums. Lol
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
    mammoth1946 and Jammo like this.
  5. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    The mk 1 did more damage than the 2 mk2's below and more damage than the mk2+3 on the other side, not sure why you'd be complaining about this one?
  6. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    All in all, I am sure that there is definitely a purpose for infamy. According to what I understand, infamy means nothing other than representing the ability and skill of a player, which is completely unrelated to level or items. For example, if you keep winning and doing well, your infamy rises, meaning your ability is getting better which allows you to compete with higher-tier players. If you keep loosing, that tells the system your skills are not suitable for those matches and lowers you down so you can fight easier matches more suited to your ability.

    However, we all know that infamy is a very subjective rating for the system. People do abuse it and hence "seal clubbing" and "purposely lowering infamy" are problems caused.

    Actually, before I go into my conclusion, let me show you why infamy is used instead of level and items.
    In every game, there are players that pay to progress. For instance, if they just started, levelled up to Captain level 30 and obtained epic T3 weapons, that player will not survive as they lack "ability (as mentioned in the first paragraph)", which will make their experience unfun. Infamy is here to avoid this problem as the player still starts of as a "beginner", just with really good items. It'll be unfair at first, but those are isolated cases as in the end that player will be balanced.

    In conclusion, I have expressed my views on why infamy is the best method, however I (we) believe it can still be improved. As for improvements, as players, we will just wait and see. ;)
  7. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Infamy works perfectly at lower levels (pre 3500 in theory) and aslong as people don't manipulate their infamy to be artificialy low (which does seem rare, it's not an issue I've given much thought atleast).
    Where the current systems has limitations is at the highest ratings --- Blacktail for example is not a 3.5k infamy skilled player, his real rating should be much higher. Constantly resetting the best players infamy creates a large pool of huge imbalance between 2.5 & 3.5k, and it's only getting worse.

    My suggestion would be a removal of the infamy auto reset for top players, combined with longer queue's to allow high end players to play against eachother rather than having to plow through 2-3 insignificant filler ships every game.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    Infamy works because it's the only score u have in the game but it's depending on how your team plays & if u win the matches with them. It's not on a persons performance because if ur team lose a match, then ur infamy drops even if u played extremely well. So infamy can't work properly as i'm dropping like a fly because of poorly skilled team mates so I don't bother even trying now & soon I will be under 1000 infamy because i'm being stuck with noobs + my aim keeps springing back to where I don't want it & the camera floats around too much & can't aim directly at my enemy (but only sometimes)

    752 is peanuts & no where enough but if he scored around 1500, it would've been less work for me & understanding.
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
  9. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    There is a well known name/meme for what you are saying: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/elo-hell

    Basically every matchmaking based online game has the same thing, some people are saying that the system is broken and the only reason for their low rating are other noob player. That is just a logical fallacy which doesn't take into account that all the other players have exactly the same amount of noobs in their teams also, and the only thing constant in your battles are yourself.

    Give your account to blacktail and he would probably double your infamy in no time.
    Bradley Thorinsson and IT_Xaumby like this.
  10. TheEpicWarlord

    TheEpicWarlord Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    If you based it around 50% on level or ship level and 50% on infamy that could make it some what fair because some of these people go extreme I fought a mark 6 fixer with a mark 2 enforcer
  11. Ragneox

    Ragneox New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    Yeah, let's see blacktail use rare or below items (no epic) and still be the top player. Item is a factor in a battle (in addition to skills and team mates). And preferred items (i.e. epic FG, Bandage, etc.) are difficult to acquire due to RNG. I mean you cant win by pure skills when your enemies got t5 epics and you only have rares, you will be dealing half their damage.
    BEN likes this.
  12. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Rage, that is completely untrue. I've played against plenty of wallet warriors with high end weapons for thousands of games before mine were ever anywhere near as powerful as theirs. And I crush them almost every time. Skill and teamwork trumps weapons every day.

    I hit 4K infamy at lvl 39 with all rare or t2 epic items. never shot an rg, carro, fg, or used a bandage even once. Hodges's hit 4K infamy at lvl 32 with t2 epic and rare items. It can and has been done.

    BT could take anybody's account and would increase their infamy by hundreds if not more through pure skill alone.

    Not sure what your point was... but I'm pretty sure I don't agree with it. ;)
  13. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    That means that you and Hodges are good players. So is blacktail. But I have to agree with what Ragneox is saying. Items do factor in on how good you can become. Reaching 4k infamy is impressive regardless of level or items... But imagine what you couldve accomplished if you had full epic t3 items at an early stage. I think its possible that you couldve reached 4k infamy even before you hit level 39.

    As for blacktail, he/she consistently won the nightmare league for I dunno how many seasons now. He/she is probably one of the best in terms of skill alone. Is he/she still a 4k infamy player if you give him all rare equips? Yeah possibly. Still a top 50 player? I think so. Top 20? Im still leaning towards yes. But can blacktail reach the top of nightmare with half the firepower, hp, speed, etc etc that he/she normally has? I think thats what Ragneox is saying.
    KilleWh4le, P0rthos and mammoth1946 like this.
  14. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Hi Miika,
    Can you comment on my thread.

    like that meme your share. its reasonable.

    as long many players has 50% win ratio there is nothing wrong with match making. its only perception of players. i never heard a complain on the winning team btw.


    just a thought in infamy what if. we gave equitable infamy point on players based on healing and damage points.
    rank 1. 24
    rank 2. 22

    rank 6. - 5
    rank 10. -24

    mvp has plus 3 infamy points.

    so that we dont penalized good players if they lose.

    just like how you gave battle stars in the losing team.

    any thoughts?
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
    A55A51N and Bomby McBombface like this.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    Look, i may be wrong here but the way this game is designed & how battles are played, the way I see Infamy improve, is it should be calculated by the amount of damage given by that player & not by the team winning. This way the better players will go up & the battles will be balanced equally.

    Yeah well he might be good in a speeder (slap & run) but how does he do in a shooter ? Anyway, i'm usually causing the most damage in battle when i can be bothered & the only thing that help's me lose would be that awful floating camera when changing from mortar to torpedo as you lose your direction & aim.
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
  16. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I wish I could use that camera without equipping a mortar, it would help me maneouvre backwards. Being able to change camera angles is yet another obvious feature this game is lacking. What ship with a crew of 10 runs aground like these do? Are they all Italian cruise ship captains?? ...Bit off topic but had to be said
    HELLRAZOR and Bomby McBombface like this.
  17. Ragneox

    Ragneox New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    This is what I mean exactly bro. No need to argue over it, just saying that items also affect gaining infamy and not only pure skills (and team work). Again, try using rare, uncommon or common items vs max tier epics of enemies. If it will not affect infamy and stays the same i.e. 4K infamy, then my conclusion is untrue.

    IIRC, previous system of infamy calculation was variable before (based on several factors i.e. damage, healing, etc.) and not fixed like now.

    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
    BEN likes this.
  18. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ofc your items will affect your infamy. Anyone who says differently is nuts
    Ragneox likes this.
  19. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    No, there has never been a system like that. The was a logic that the further you were in infamy from the highest infamy players in the match, the less you gained from victory and the less you lost while losing. The both approaches work just as well, we changed it just because this flat +-24 exchange leads into less complaining.
    P0rthos likes this.
  20. 787

    787 New Member

    17 Apr 2017
    I am beginner, mk1 with about 800 infamous, lvl 9, already got several mk3 against me, I with 600 of life and they with more than 2k

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