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NEWS: Balance changes & NEW ship: Meet your REAPER!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 30 Oct 2018.

  1. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    And where’s the buff for defenders??? They got the most HP but still no one uses it for the top 50 players. They can’t compete on the top
  2. Zxyqu

    Zxyqu Member

    20 Nov 2017
    I'm hoping this was just a comment without much planning. To only offer a boat in a single week long event, and then never have a plan to offer again in the future (all while launching another boat), is quite comical.
    Jamel H., Sifa, ShipCrusherCz and 6 others like this.
  3. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    • Battery drain issues
    • Unregistered shots on nitroing enemies
    • Target aiming (that's a whole chapter)
    • Firebomb damage area bug (that's where you should have started fixing the item )
    • Shop refresh notification at the wrong time
    Just from my head.
  4. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Issues that have appeared SINCE the release of 4.0:

    1) Game lag that is unrelated to internet. Many of us have reported a new game lag that has never been seen before.

    2) Fire bomb damage affecting ships outside of the blast radius. This may be due to lag, I'm not sure.

    3) Boats literally teleporting around the map. Especially in Wayward Pains.

    4) Damage not registering on targets. Many have experienced this one.

    5) Invisible ships. I'm sure you've heard this one from the mods but just putting out there.

    6) App crashing. This may me a device specific issue but nevertheless adding it as I've noticed a few people mention this.

    I have reported a few issues where items such as nitro and tesla shield are seen in the Battle Bay home screen ship graphic. I have added them to the Toobers #suggestions discord group as I was told to do so by Warhawk.

    There are definitely a couple more I've missed but these are the main bugs/issues.
  5. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Oh goodness, and one of the worst ones I forgot to mention is a bug with the target lock.

    Since the update it is locking and unlocking randomly and when trying to lock on a target closest to the centre of the screen it often spins my ship and lock on unrelated targets behind/to the side of me.
  6. Silverchris

    Silverchris Active Member

    7 Oct 2017
    I am disgusted at the state of the interceptor tokens at moment to put it simply.

    I am slightly short of the amount needed to get to interceptor and been on long term sick can not afford to buy any but the total greed of this company results in people like me or people on low incomes with children no way of enoying large parts of the game. Just goes to show profits come before the players and in the long term if enough f2p players quit over this kind off issue the game will fail as wont be enough players left to keep the paying players happy. Seen enough games fail this way before.
  7. ●H€ll-Blad€●

    ●H€ll-Blad€● Active Member

    29 Sep 2017
    this game has truely changed from a freemium to premium/pay 2 win.u have to grind like crazy to get a premium ship.then it will take large amounts of pieces to level it up.and then they release a new ship without providing any chance to upgrade the previous one.battlebay has now become moneybay:oops:
    Jamel H., sumofeel, Fish and 8 others like this.
  8. Ol' Rusty

    Ol' Rusty Active Member

    11 Sep 2018
    I agree it is a huge disappointment.
    Jamel H., Fish, ShipCrusherCz and 3 others like this.
  9. Zxyqu

    Zxyqu Member

    20 Nov 2017
    Both of you say that, but only the interceptor looks kind of appealing at the moment. The reaper is a neutered healer with a yellow slot.
    Winter Chicken likes this.
  10. Weeze

    Weeze Well-Known Member

    13 Nov 2017
    Ship piece should be generic and able to be used on all new boats. Making the ship pieces separate between 'interceptor' and 'reaper', etc. is a BAD MOVE.
  11. Wymtime

    Wymtime Active Member

    25 Aug 2017
    Consider this feedback from the majority if not all players. We want a way to level the new ships without $$$. If the only way to level the new ships is with hundreds of dollars you will start to see a lot of players completely skip these events becuase for them the new ship will just be a trophy and not actually usable in the bay.

    Personally having a release where $$ or grinding to unlock the ship and get a head start is perfectly acceptable and a good practice. After the new release and a couple of weeks go by players need a way to unlock the boat and level it up with in game currency not a credit card. If you only allow money to level a ship you are making a pay to play game instead of a FTP game where you can pay to get ahead.
    Jamel H., sumofeel, Fish and 12 others like this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Speeder has been a super volatile ship for a while. Now, I'm no pushover with the speeder. In a close fight, there's very few people who can consistently take me down, something that is true even post-4.0. However, I get the feeling that I'm dancing on the edge of a knife, every time I get into a battle. Nothing feels "light" anymore. What with the huge damage boost, there's no room for a knifefighting speeder with selfheal.

    Nor is there room for an enforcer with a single TS. TS, at the rate that it's being nerfed, is heading to a point where double TS will be the only possible way to play it.

    Devs. Please consider the fact that double bubble is not the biggest problem in the yellow department. @Miika, with your stats, I think you must have seen a big drop in double bubble enfos post-3.2. I don't know if the stats reflect it, but I have seen it. I see less of those guys these days. Now, it's not the token TS nerf that did it. I speak from experience, as an ex-DB user, it was the agi change that did it. It was simply so much more fun knifing with the enforcer, compared to being hyper conservative with DB.

    If you want to see less DB users on the Bay, if you wish to reduce its dominance, you have to make more twoslot yellow items. You have to make the other existing twoslot more viable. I think you'll see a big change in the metagame in a good way;)
  13. Silverchris

    Silverchris Active Member

    7 Oct 2017

    Agree totally
    ShipCrusherCz and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  14. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    Oh really.... What about such a low duration it has while using hp perks?
    Anyways bubble will have same fate as frost.
    That will be my happiest day
  15. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    I hope you reconsider, because this basically means:
    For all premium ships: Don't bother unless you plan to invest some serious money.
    Jamel H., sumofeel, Fish and 14 others like this.
  16. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    Let them destroy it too... Whats the problem if bubble get destroyed like frost. They are damaging yellows because they want us to use new ship by buying it with money.
    Anyways thanks to these nerfs which helped me to quit money spending in android games.
  17. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    That....... I had always screamed in every that some idiot player are crying for bubble nerf. They will soon cry for nitro nerf.
  18. Skirra08

    Skirra08 Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2018
    I would be ok with $ or grind through an event for ship parts if you have a plan to let us upgrade the ships later. Say after a month from the release of a new ship convert that ship over to gold. Then there's a bonus for those who spend $ or who grind it out followed by a chance for everyone else to join in later. But to say there isn't some sort of plan for future upgrades outside of only spending $ is insane and kind of insulting.
  19. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    I want to see the dev and game designers to grind their reaper and inceptors to L.50 like normal people.
    Jamel H., Riddlerpaji, Fish and 5 others like this.
  20. Greatgambler440

    Greatgambler440 Active Member

    8 Nov 2017
    Yaa you are happy.
    Double bubble was OP and they destroyed both. Congratulations

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