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VERY Weird Issue With Aiming

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by KillerArcher96, 3 Oct 2018.


Do you notice the same thing?

  1. Yes! It's bugging me too

    6 vote(s)
  2. No, you're hallucinating

    6 vote(s)
  3. It's been like this all the time, no big deal

    3 vote(s)
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  1. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Well I've posted about this issue before but I felt the need to revive it as it's still unresolved. Since the original post had been blocked for further reply (don't get me wrong I'm definitely not blaming anyone here cos I myself acknowledged it might be a specific case that affects only a single device, but now I found that apparently it isn't!) so I'm creating a new one. I was using a Nokia 8 (2017) before and I've encountered an issue with BB, details [here], tho I convinced myself that it's device-specific and only affects that particular model. Since then I've tried BB on different devices (Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy Note FE & Huawei MediaPad) and those devices work perfectly fine. HOWEVER I found this exact same issue to be occurring again on yet another device: Oppo R9s Plus. I immediately noticed that something's off when I fired a weapon; basically the control is just not as sensitive as it should be on certain devices. You can tell by looking at the aim button, when you hold it down and adjust your aiming direction, the button will stay right in place despite that I moved my thumb slightly in desired direction. It seems like the button has a slightly-larger-than-itself "comfort zone" in which it simply wouldn't budge no matter how you move your thumb within that area. It only responds to my thumb's movement if I keep pushing it further past that zone, this effectively makes precise aiming near impossible. This weird control issue is super annoying as it affects me a lot when I use a slower-projectile weapon such as Blast Cannon. When using that kind of weapon we have to adjust our aim differently depend on how fast & which direction our target is moving (aka well-timed shot.. I'm sure everyone knows what I mean).

    In short, this issue causes me to miss most of my shots as:
    - the projectile lands behind my target, because I just tap & shoot without adjustment knowing the button wouldn't move in smaller magnitude as I intended, so any ship can easily dodge my attack by just not being still,
    - the projectile lands behind my target, because I made a slight adjustment as I normally would but the button ignores my input and didn't move at all, thus sending a straight projectile similar to tap & shoot, OR
    - the projectile lands ahead of my target, because I instinctively pushed the aim button too far (over-adjustment) in an attempt to get the aim button to respond to my input.

    **Only time that I'm able to hit my targets with this kind of control are when they're Speeder, as Speeders move quickly enough that most of the time it wouldn't require me to use the "non-responding area" of the aim button. When Speeders are moving at full speed they usually require a slow-projectile to be placed way ahead of them in order to be hit.

    Either way, it's definitely affected the gameplay in a serious way, and I'm curious as to how I'm the only one noticing (or experiencing) this weird issue. Two different devices with different brand, different software version and different hardware, yet both showing the exact same issue. I've played countless matches on both devices to confirm it's an occurrence, yet there's no support/info pertaining this issue to be found on this forum & all over the internet. How strange!
    HairySpeeder and Cpt.urdad like this.
  2. Agile Vanguard

    Agile Vanguard Well-Known Member

    8 Apr 2018
    Random Battle Bay player and tuber.
    In a land far far away...
    I chose the last 2 options because I don't have this problem. Very strange. Have you tried changing the aiming settings?
    KillerArcher96 likes this.
  3. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    It may be the device itself.
    I did find reports of issues with that phones screen
    KillerArcher96 likes this.
  4. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Yep I've virtually tried everything from tinkering with the settings to reinstall the whole game, to no avail. It caught my attention as this didn't only happen to my last device but to this current device as well.. anyway I do very much appreciate your reply as no one responded in my previous post, and I was starting to think I'll have to live with this issue til I change to another phone..
  5. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    I dont have this problem either I am afraid, play on a Samsung Galaxy S7 edge.
    It seems that it is maybe a hardware issue, where the drag has to be of a certain size before the phone registers it as a deliberate drag.
    Huge issue considering the precision required in BB :(
    KillerArcher96 likes this.
  6. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    I thought the same too when I first experienced it on my last phone (Nokia 8), that it's a device-specifc issue. But after I got a hold of this current phone (Oppo R9s Plus) and start noticing the same issue I just couldn't be sure anymore.. some weird stuff definitely going on and I just can't figure out why.. Anyway thanks for your reply :)
  7. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Yess it sucks seriously :( I wish u could have my phones and experience it because it's hard for me to put em into words, but I'm glad that u could grasp what I was trying to say. I doubt the idea that it's a hardware issue as only the aiming button is affected, moreover these phones are in brand new condition (btw I tried BB on 2 Samsung phones before and they do work perfectly fine, so I guess Samsung ftw)
  8. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Ash KOT likes this.
  9. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Thats horrible bro, looks impossible to play.
    Dont know what to suggest, if you cant change device then go with mines, firebomb and sniper cannon, other than that I have no idea what to suggest.
    KillerArcher96 likes this.
  10. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    What happens if you flip your device over through 180 degrees. Do you still get the same isssue on the aiming stick, or is it now on the movement stick?
    My thoughts are it may be easier to play if the issue transfers to the movement stick.
  11. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    I think I will start saving up some money for a new device then :( no way for me to compromise or let this stupid issue ruin the game! Btw I do thank u for all ur response & advice, that's the most I could ask for :)
    Ash KOT likes this.
  12. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    No luck, on my Nokia 8 I tried flipping my device around, then instead of having problem aiming to the left now I'm having problem aiming to the right :confused: That led me to suspect that it's a software side of thing, but anyway thank u for ur advise!
  13. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Am I glad to know there's at least one person out there having similar issue, so I'm not alone after all! Just curious as to how widespread this issue actually is. It seems to affect less than one quarter of the population tho, at least from the look of the poll itself..
  14. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    Do you hold to aim or "flick aim" your shots? I flick aim and sometimes the shot still goes straight as if I just pressed the fire button even though I gave it a different trajectory. This is a hard technique to master so I thought it might have been user error but now I'm not sure.
  15. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    I haven't master such technique so I still hold down everytime I aim. I think your issue is that the game simply couldn't respond fast enough to register your "flick aim", so it would go down as a straight shot instead. Mine on the other hand is a total nightmare as you can see on the video I linked above.. the button wouldn't even budge no matter how gently I drag it
    JoshW and StrictSalmon307 like this.
  16. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Maybe if when you shoot, drag it a lot to the side and then put it where it needs to be. Takes longer but you might miss less.
    KillerArcher96 likes this.
  17. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Thanks for the workaround! At the moment tho I'll just stick with my relative's tablet for all my BB needs ;) Will try to employ your technique in case I'm left with my own phone.
    StrictSalmon307 and Ash KOT like this.
  18. Friscomachine

    Friscomachine New Member

    30 Sep 2018
    try to resize the button (making it bigger) in the options.
  19. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Yep I've tried this too.. resized to both bigger & smaller and relocated the button elsewhere but unfortunately they're not helping either :( anyway thanks for the suggestion.
  20. KillerArcher96

    KillerArcher96 New Member

    27 Aug 2018
    Hi guys. Just wanna post an update as ultimately I found that it isn't the game's problem at all! Just look at this vid, there's clearly some defect on the screen itself but I have no idea am I the only one or the whole users of this device are affected. Anyway thanks guys for all your responses but sry for wasting ur time.. :D Good thing is at least I have the chance to realize the BB community is very courteous & passionate, definitely unlike some other toxic communities I've ever seen.. Everyone here is kind & helpful :)
    TheAntiSnipe and YerJokinArnYer like this.

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