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Direct hits not registering damage

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Stig, 17 Aug 2018.

  1. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    I'm getting very tired of this problem and want to hear what the devs plan to do about it. It has been bad for at least a month now and people have been bery unhappy with it. Shooting skill is the most enjoyable part of this game for me. The game becomes ruined when nice shots hit but register nothing. For me, it's at it's worst when shooting speeders, even at close range. It happens with rail gun and blast for me but I see people have the same complaint with EC and other point damage weapons.

    This is NOT an internet lag issue. It has nothing to do with what network I'm on. My ping is always about 22 Ms, a little more if I'm using cellular. Ping isn't everything but my connection is fine. The enemy boats aren't jumping around either like they have lag.

    The most telling part is that the replay shows the hit. However it still doesn't show damage. When I've had lag issues in the past it would show the shot miss. That's not what's happening.

    Devs... You have a game that is about shooting and the skill to make good shots. You have a problem that is really taking away fun from a lot of us. If you expect me to join the League of talentless overpowering mine chuckers, I won't. The shooting is fun but not when you can't hit Speeders because there's a problem with the game. to be clear, it happens when shooting all boats. Speeders are just the most likely one to have this problem with. Devs.... How and when is this going to be fixed????
    ShipCrusherCz and Mad_Bulls_007 like this.
  2. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    I see this as well, direct cannon or flare hit and no damage done. Seems to happen most when the shot hits the front or back edge of the ship. When viewing replay (or even in battle) you can see the projectile "burst" on the unfriend
  3. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Hi Stig,
    22ms is indeed a good, low ping. But having read your post, I would (personally) still say it is a lag issue.
    The game is run on the Rovio servers which is the ‘ultimate truth’ version of what happens.
    The game also runs on our devices. Our devices have to predict whether a shot will hit or miss, and so if they think it will hit they show an explosion. However. say the enemy nitro’d at the exact same time we shot. Your device would show the hit, but the Rovio server would show that you’ve missed, because actually they’ve nitro’d out the way. So you’d register no damage dealt to the speeder, and as you’ve said it would still show this way on the replay.
    These kinds of issues are happen more frequently if:
    • You have a high ping; or
    • You’re attacking a fast enemy (typically a nitro’ing Speeder); or
    • You’re using a slow projectile weapon
    If you have a low ping, you’re less likely to suffer this issue, but you’re not completely immune to it. The only way you’d not suffer this, is if you had 0 ping (ie playing directly on the Rovio servers).

    There was a thread where a ship was hit by a torp which explained this a lot better than I have. I’ll see if I can find it (but it may be difficult).
    What's Up Player likes this.
  4. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    It also happens if the other person is lagging. It's very hard to hit a lagging player.
    YerJokinArnYer likes this.
  5. Marcel Prime

    Marcel Prime New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    For me it became nearly impossible to hit enforcer these times. I don t know why. Anticipating an enfos movement or direct aim not possible. Best chance is a shot just in the blue somewhere near him, so lucky hit sometimes.
    Did anyone else notice this with enfos?
    I use most rail and blast and I even hit speeder on overboost or after nitro with it. But enfos no chance

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