Crazy talk this is
Making every thing faster doesnt benefit the class that needs time to react. Players already blow up in 10seconds when they make a bad decision, they dont get easier to safe when you reduce that to 7
If its only item CD that gets reduced, like the event, then its a direct nerf to all boats with 6 active buttons. That was pretty apparant in the event, I only ran 3 active items (and a lvl 1 overboost for respawn) cause I never used the others.
Happy to agree that defender needs a buff, but destroying game enjoyment for everyone else wouldnt be my first choice for how to bring Big Blue to a better place.
Atleast in the event Fixers could reduce their gearscore by removing the 3 unused items and put themselves into easier matchups, but thats not how ranked works.
Fair enough that you loved the event & would like to see some of it implemented in ranked. But lets stay clear of nonsense like "it would be great for Fixers if people die faster than you can react, whilst some of your items sit unused in your inventory", come on!
And before the typical 'you didnt like it because you sucked at it' reaction; After trimming half my active items of my Fixer I had a 100% winrate. Granted only played 7 games before I wanted to gouge my eyes out and stopped playing an event I didnt enjoy at all.
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