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The Yellow suicide intentional feeders are ruining this game

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Terry Morgan, 5 Jun 2017.

  1. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    What? Ok, Why are you personally attacking me? If I can dislike your post, i would, because there's no logic in your responses. Or maybe it's lack of comprehension of this topic?

    First of all, I'm only stating the fact that a player; who basically travels across the map to the enemy territory spawn point, and purposely draws fire without intent of defense. This eliminates the logic or scenarios of ; being a bad player, being new at the game, or not firing. Because that intent is blatently obvious that the user is intending to go to the enemy zone to cancel themselves out of the game. That is the scenario and that's the total intent of the player. So with this logic, what would be your conclusion as to their purpose here?

    1. Is it frustration of the game and simply a retaliation/protest of the system of the game(not very likely, but may happen once in awhile).
    or is it...
    2. Is it a intent to drop infamy on purpose and why and what benefit does it do (if yes, then read my response with a clear mindset above)?
    Last edited: 6 Jun 2017
  2. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    The problem with basing matchmaking on ship level, is any moron can level a ship. Youll have a lot of low skill players in high tier games and if you think people are crying now, wait till they bave some mk5 in their crew who cant even aim at a h
  3. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's not to ruin your experience, they basically know the benefits of doing this... (and there is one, even if you don't believe there is)
    If it's lag or connection issues it would have an indicator, and they would look erratic and jerky on your screen. If it's not that, and they bolt right to the the enemy zone (I'm not talking in the middle of the map, or the capture point, I'm talking near the unfriendly start/spawn zone), then the indication is clear that they are doing it on purpose.

    Read the following links. It's called Infamy Manipulation and it's a farming technique.

    TLDR: Basically infamy dropping utilizes speed of game completion, volume over quality (like winning), it's to rush and complete the game by death. Defeat also has rewards, and although lesser than a Victory game. Being less time required, the player can actually earn more compared to a player that's trying to win every game. Once they drop to a very comfortable/easy level. They can choose to then proceed playing normally to gain Stars (3 stars), complete quests etc and gain back infamy. Rinse and repeat.
    Last edited: 6 Jun 2017
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  4. Never0dd0reveN

    Never0dd0reveN Member

    14 May 2017
    Yup, makes no sense... That's why the majority on this thread agree with me.

    Is it that it doesn't make sense, or its something that you don't want to hear? Or is it your reading comprehension is to low? See? There's always multiple explanations.

    Basically, sure out may harpoon every once in a while, but i doubt it's as often as you assume. And again, it happens in both sides of the fence. Sometimes you may get the win because the other team has the issue, regardless of what it may be.

    And hey, your the one attacking everyone because they don't agree, i just resound in kind. You caneither come to a forum and be up for debate, or get squashed when you act like an add because everyone didn't give you bro fists, high fives and mommy hugs. Your choice, I'm down for either.
    GunnyHiGHway likes this.
  5. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    So you don't think that players intentional suicide? and you don't think there's a logical reason why they are doing that? People agree with you because most don't understand the purpose, doesn't mean you are right!

    It's not ABOUT ME, I'm trying to explain to you a logic and a proven technique that people are already using. This phenomenon you see isn't fake, or unbelievable, it's indeed a working technique. One that I have tried myself in a small stint to prove to myself that it works. I do not condone this use as it's possibly breaking the ToS that Rovio provides. However, just because you don't like it, or don't agree with it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    I honestly don't care if you don't understand though, if you don't want to know the mechanics of the game and why someone would do this, then so be it and keep your blind eye.
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  6. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    This is simply an opposing viewpoint and somethinf you havnt taken into account in your rush to ban and condemn people for a percieved "flaw"
    I dont see how his post os attacling you.

    Your ass-umptions are huge. How do you determine the intent of someone on the internet youve never spoken to. Are you clairvoyant?

    I love how you keep telling me what other people know and what their intentions are.
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
  7. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    What perceived flaw? It's not an opposing viewpoint, it's a completely different point entirely. He attacked me by taking it personal

    "Get over yourself"

    "Is it that it doesn't make sense, or its something that you don't want to hear? Or is it your reading comprehension is to low? See? There's always multiple explanations."

    "And hey, your the one attacking everyone because they don't agree, i just resound in kind. You caneither come to a forum and be up for debate, or get squashed when you act like an add because everyone didn't give you bro fists, high fives and mommy hugs. Your choice, I'm down for either."

    ...are all directed at me. And honestly they have no relevance to the debate here, even if it's a debate.
    Last edited: 6 Jun 2017
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  8. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Can i get a bro fist and a mommy hug please? He attacked me because i didnt agree
  9. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    So if you see someone jump from a top of a skyscraper without a jumpsuit or a parachute you don't think you know their intent? C'mon man, this doesn't take telepathic abilities to figure out. This is a game, and there are mechanics in this game that can be taken advantaged of.

    This occurs in other games too. Like Clash of Clans, people drop Trophy on purpose to look for easier targets or abandoned villages so that they can destroy them 3 star and take all resources. Such a tactic can exist in Battle Bay too can it not?

    I don't know why either of you need to actually call me "ass-asumption" and that's besides the point, read what I posted and try to understand the logistics of it, like VIP, rewards, gain, infamy. Not winning doesn't mean you don't get anything, again, it's game mechanics and how the rewards system can be exploited(not in a hackish way) but in ways to reap resources.
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  10. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    He only said those things aftee you attacked him
    I findit hilarious that you can think of no other reason for someone dying early. Are you telling me ypu dont think people have connectivity issues?
    Now youre just being ridiculous. Leta keep it on topic and not muddy the issue with bad scyscraper analogies
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
  11. Never0dd0reveN

    Never0dd0reveN Member

    14 May 2017
    No, we get it. You saw this video where one time this player used a speeder to rush the enemy to farm quickly. Got it. What were giving you is other reasons players may die quickly before you rush to the conclusion they were farming. Then youre telling us or logic is flawed because since you saw it that one time it must be the case every time; and therefore, according to the thread, speeders should be removed from play so YOU can have a better time...

    What we're saying is that assuming because you saw it that one time, that it is the case every time is, in fact, the flawed logic... Since you want to argue logic and all.
  12. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    You don't have to agree. Just understand. What infamy level are you?
  13. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Let me explain it. Assumptions are what youre drawing with your flawed conclusions. Youre trying to attach intent to aomwone else's actions when you have no idea what happened for sure, because youre not that person, werent there and have no clue what really happend. .this is what we call assuming. Or an assumption
  14. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    So you do agree that you can see full intent without clairvoyance?
  15. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Again, THIS guy gets it. You cant paint everyone with the same broad brush. Speaking in absolutes will always cause people to question your thought process. Nothing in life ia absolute. I am sure aome people do what youre saying. But some people a trying a new ahip or gun or wrnt LD. You only see the "!!: for you
    Not evryone else
  16. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Don't care.
    I'm saying it's possible that the player that OP saw is possibly a infamy dropping farmer, that's one of the possibilities. OP has clearly indicated that "these intentional suiciders" are ruining the game, which is clearly not just one instance OP has seen this happen. I get the fact that you're trying to rule out the possibility as best as possible, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong here. It's becoming more rampant these days.
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  17. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    LoL how the hell did yoy come to that conclusion? No, i said youre compairing apples to oranges
  18. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Don't care if he gets it or not.
    What are we talking about here? Intentional Suicide players, read the TOPic title. What absolutes? I'm saying that there's an explanation of this!. So your explanation is every other than intentional suicide?
  19. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Again... assumptions with "intentional suiciders"

    How do you KNOw its intentional? Agaon youre attaching motive to other peoples actions via assumption
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Jun 2017
  20. ThreeFloyd

    ThreeFloyd Member

    25 May 2017
    I don't see what the big deal is. It's part of the game until it's fixed. Period. Do they get an advantage? Yes. Does someone who pays to win have an advantage? Yes. Until the developers create some obstacles to deter those people then it's just something we all have to deal with. Hopefully we don't get matched with too many of them to where it significantly effects us. I definitely understand why someone who is free to play would be attracted to this technique. It's very efficient.
    D3X likes this.

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