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Limit the Amount of Any Weapon Items use to 2. Don't allow 3, 4, or 5 of any weapon or item.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by *JAWS*, 16 Mar 2018.


Ban using the same weapon or item 3 or more times. Fix it. Or nerf using 3 or more.

  1. Yes

    25 vote(s)
  2. No

    48 vote(s)
  1. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I posted this idea in an Update thread.
    But am now starting a new Post here to give the community a chance to vote on this idea.

    We all have been in a battle were a Friends team member armed all of one weapon x 5. Or one of all the same item x 4. Or x 3.
    In these matches.... these players most likely had to be carried to victory. You could not count on this player to help you win.

    Before anyone starts posting back about an unnamed player or two that make using all the same item work for them. My thread here is about meta abuse of using questing weapons x multiples beyond what is effective.

    Sadly not every weapon is as usable as 5 x sniper cannons.
    Most of the time it is like the recent friend team member that used 4 standard mortars and a mine. We were in wayward pains arena. His load out was useless. We lost bad. Under the developers fair play mantra to always play your best. These all 3 of or all 4 or all 5 of the same weapon or items....is sketchy at best to say this or that player played to win. They had to be carried to any victory they hope to receive. Carrying boats because they are selfish enough is recipe to lose. So lets fix it.

    Common sense hasnt won for these players. So lets make it simple to them. And limit the choice selfish players can make.

    So simple solution 1.
    Ban the use of 3 or more of the same weapon or item.
    Developers can easily code this to stop any ship from having more than 2.

    Simple solution number 2.
    If not banning it, shrink the effectiveness of any item or weapon used 3 or more times by 25 % each. Making the damage drop. Or item use less effective. Ie. Nerf.

    The vote choices are. Yes vote. Ban the use of arming 3 or more/or %shrink the damage output and nerf em. Now every boat will come to the bay ready to fight. This might even stop 3 duct tape fixers. :)

    Or No vote: you love having to carry your mortar spewing friend teammates. Or the dude using all 5 mines. Who cares about winning?

    Enjoy voting.


    @The Grim Repair @Miika @Dmg don @Zeus

    Added from Strict Salmon: custom matches are exempt from any loadout restrictions.
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2018
  2. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    Cool idea! Hopefully this wouldn't carry into custom matches too, so we could still have a little fun once in a while :p
  3. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Agreed. Custom matches. Are exempt from this restriction.
    StrictSalmon307 and PastelPiku like this.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I recently saw a boat with 4 snipers Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. I was thinking that could be a very effective loadout, whereas others may not be (e.g., 4 carronades). 4 Napalms would be hellacious on the enemy.... as would be 4 torpedoes or 4 mortars. So honestly I'm not sure we should add this limit.

    The real issue being pointed out is the use of WEAK weapons rather than too many. Who actually has 4 of anything leveled up? Maybe we should be discussing that instead.
  5. F.QTR

    F.QTR Active Member

    8 Aug 2017
    I do work unfortunately
    I disagree on 3 but I agree on 4,5.

    I know a lot of player use 3 snipers ( me included) blasts, fb , rg, or ec and it’s good setup with two right weapons to it. If someone goes 4 or 5 specially with mortar they would lose 9/10 but going 2 they would go 6or7/10 if they play right so it’s eveb better for quest to go 2 not more unless it’s a canon. I know a lot of people know how good I’m at quest best formula is 2 not 3,4 or 5.

    Again i agree on 4,5 banned but not 3
  6. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Specific Items? Yes
    Weapon class? NO
  7. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    Specific weapons. Yes. For certain.
    Neptune_Gaming and The Otherguy like this.
  8. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    No-one should be using more than 3 of one weapon... I can't think of anything good with more than 3... (unless you're satanas with triple fb, or Flyingdoucheman with triple Napalm, though even then...)
  9. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    I just have one question?. Do you have any data to support your claim?.

    I myself use 3 BC on my enfo and its effective to me. This morning i was carying my team by contributing the most damage and in some other matches i won the game with the highest damage.

    Don't dictate how others should play just because you don't like their playstyle.
  10. Mr. Chompers

    Mr. Chompers Well-Known Member

    19 Aug 2017
    I don't think this is necessary. If a person is a bad player, or has a bad loadout, he will drop. And if he makes you loose, big deal, it is only 24 infamy.
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2018
  11. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    Notice you said you use blast cannons.

    Snipers, blast...seem to be the obvious exception.

    Would you feel the same way if your friends team member used all mines in an enforcer.

    Or all stanfard mortars in an enforcer.

    What about when u were with a 3 duct tape fixer and he didnt heal you. Were u upset?
    Did u report him?

    My point for this thread is discussion.

    Bare minimum that needs to happen is an item effectivness reduction. 3 or more.

    Some here have argued it should start at 4 or more.

    Then what that makes this...is a shooter nerf.

    I prefer to be fair. If someone would say ban miku...as an example.

    Then all 3 or more items should lose there effectiveness or be stopped from using it as a layout.

    The most anyone in favor can say to not do this always use.


    Or firebomb.

    Which shows everyone how Op these weapons are.

    But many weaker weapons done in multiples. Are completely feeble. And that player is only trying to Quest.

    And be carried.

    Ie. Selfish.

    Not able to help team win.

    And again against new policy by devs to play to win.

    Its time for Developers to dumb down the bay. And limit weapon spam.
  12. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    no need to ban , i just want to ask , how often you do battle with this kind of player ( using 3 duplicate or more ) ? i'm sure it's rarely .

    as for fixer with 3 duct tapes , the same question apply , how often you battle with them ? if you hate it , pjust report to dev after the battle .
  13. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Honestly if this game had like real competitions and not just community events I could understand how rankings would matter to this extent. I get that people are competitive but at the end of the day this is just a fun game and you should be allowed to use any leveled gear you want to as long as you try your best.
  14. Hazimi

    Hazimi Active Member

    2 Dec 2017
    I gues people just hate losing
    PastelPiku likes this.
  15. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Its not a new policy, the rules has always been 'play to win'. The wording new is just clever spin to explain why they ignored certain high spenders obvious cheating.
    I voted no. I get your frustration, but Im not a fan of limiting choice and how others might enjoy playing. I'm ok with losing (and winning) a few games to others running unusual setups.
  16. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I agree with @envylife and @Rango8 . If the devs want to limit something it'd be better to do not let someone equip an item way weaker than the others he posses.
  17. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    Me too. I've had a shooter with 4 snipers battle a shooter with 4 mortars the other day. lol
  18. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  19. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Agree with F.QTR, 3 of a good weapon (usually 2-slotters, not mortar and all) if used well can be fruitful + everybody should have their freedom to choose any setup.
    In fact my dream setup consists of 3 rails.
    Zetton and i are similarly packing our rails together for a long time, (i use 2, have yet to get a third one added) and we do pretty well, most of the times better than the rest team mates, so your decision would affect the ones who know to use their weapons well too, which wouldn't be a good idea.

    Agree with envylife too that most do not have 3+ of same weapon. If a player is intentionally not playing good consecutively for quite some time, then there is a report button.
    USS_ironsides likes this.
  20. Iunch

    Iunch Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    A lot of it comes down to the player and the strength of the weapon. Was with Z E T T O N earlier today running mine, sniper and 3x railgun. Carried us hard by destroying the unfriends. Now if it was someone who had only rares, or not maxxed or hadn't trained in railguns but was using them for quests, it'd probably be a different story.

    I voted no, let people play how they want
    Kitterini likes this.

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