It is fact. Ship is wrecked.
The great defender players all switch to shooter and enforcer. Why. Easier ships who didnt get affected by nerfs. And who mostly got buffs. Enforcer.
And all items that used to attack enforcer tesla Shield got nerfed.
Tesla bolt. And ex cannon. Both nerfed.
Obviously top players aint stupid.
They will go where it is easier.
Defender isnt easy. Not close.
Its the hardest ship in the bay to go above 5k.
Defender only is gimped.
Only 2 players above 5k for league. I am one of them.
We are at a class disadvantage to other 3 slot weapon boats. Cough enforcer. And lose many engagements to enforcers. Why would I say this. Its not because 5.5k enforcer players played better than me. Truthfully no. These same players couldnt break 5k until the last 2 updates buffing enforcer attributes. And nerfing tesla bolt and nerfing ex cannon. Now their infamy skyrockets. And Defenders infamy has plummeted.
The boat currently needs a major attribute buff. I wont debate which kind of buffs. Made too many previous forum suggestions. But know the best player in almost every category of boat other than defender has responded in previous forums. And they all say Buff defender.
Its not debatable anymore. The bay has spoken. Meta has spoken. Underused ship. Easy to kill by yellow boats and shooters alike. What defender is now is a damage sponge so people can earn legendary weapons.
Its action time for our development team to fix ol big blue.
@Zeus @Miika @The Grim RepairClick to expand...