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Let's remake the Defender

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by TheAntiSnipe, 2 Mar 2018.

  1. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Correction: 1.38 max speed
    *JAWS* likes this.
  2. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    You are a frikken genius
  3. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I agree but I don't think you've gone far enough. In order to actually serve the role of a tank. When I thought about the abilities I've seen tanks utilize in other games the best ones are skill-based. For instance, typically there is a "shield block" ability which, if you do it at just the right time, blocks some or all of the hit you were about to take. That is a "skill based defense". It's active rather than passive. I'd also like to see defenders with ways to debuff the enemy's damage and buff the teams. I'd also like to see them have ways to redirect damage, both away from themselves and away from a team-mate (and to the defender).

    In short, I want them to have a reasonably complete tank bag o' tricks. Right now all they get is a balsa wood sword and tissue paper armor.
  4. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    I like the idea
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I'm glad to see that y'all are really putting a lot of thought into this thread. I just went through all messages after I woke up today, and lemme say, Jaws, thanks for showing up.
    I also see that many of you had this issue biting you, "Defender does not defend." It diverts, aye. But does not defend. This means that it has a very small limit after which you cannot pass ahead without spending big bucks. Why? Blue items. They are passive. Other than taking cover and moving carefully, there are veeery few things to be learned in a defender. This makes it the kind of ship you can only win with with highly OP gear.

    That's why I suggested violet slots. NO OTHER SHIP DESERVES THESE SLOTS because every other ship fits its role. Making these items yellow slots will hurt more than heal, since enfo can be a better tank class than defender in that case;)
  6. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    This idea suddenly come out of my mind, some item/ability to "taunt" enemys and force them to attack you, damage received from taunted enemys would be reduced
  7. Cryix

    Cryix Well-Known Member

    20 Sep 2017
    As the antisnipe said.....the wall can't block mortars and torp.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    But why does 'Defender' have to be anything other than a name for the shop with highest defense stats? Admittedly Shooter/Speeder/Fixer sound like what they do, but 'Enforcer' doesn't enforce anything. Lol if they change the name to 'Bruiser' then we wouldn't have to worry about wall abilities and so on? Because while just changing the name would be the lamest trolliest update ever, it would solve a lot of the points being made in this thread...
  9. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Would it? Lol.

    The suggestions mostly are how to make the boat unique. And more defined role. The name in itself is nothing. It could be Called Big Blue Boat. Semantics.

    But the ideas for a since of puprose for the boat and to be the best boat it can be separate from other boats in the bay that are all easily definable.

    Thats the true discussion going on. What will big blue be?
    And how to create that boat for future updates.
    PastelPiku and VantaBlack like this.
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Enforcer actually enforces the team's presence over an area. It's like this: Enfos set traps and dance at chokepoints they make, or chokepoints their team makes. They make sure people are punished for thinking: "Napalm? I'll just do straight through!" Or something along those lines.

    At least to me, that is the essence of an enfo. Protect your team, guard against flankers, and defend your barricades.

    Kinda like the po-lice on BB, eh?:cool:;)
    PallabKumarS likes this.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Kinda like "Anchor Howl" from Log Horizon, eh? Nice.
    PallabKumarS likes this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Deleting this exchange between @Jowiee and @Babablacksheep before it starts getting rude. Please take personal issues to private chat:)
    PastelPiku, Neptune_Gaming and Jowiee like this.
  13. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    I think Enforcers should be black and white :cool:
    TheAntiSnipe and Neptune_Gaming like this.
  14. Neptune_Gaming

    Neptune_Gaming Well-Known Member

    26 Oct 2017
    i have an idea for everyone here.Lets make a half line for every map based on the teams spawn points and capture areas.
    After that ,nerf the defenders agility of all sorts even more.Now if any opponent ship comes inside your half of the bay,then the defender does 1.5x the damage to them with every weapon .
    Before any of you all complain how OP his is, look at it this way.
    The defender will be doing what it is supposed to do that is defend not charge.
    Both the ships will have to in the defenders side of the map
    This is not applied on speeder as it will just kill speeder and defender still needs to be helpless against one ship
    The defender doesnt need ec any more it can do with long range guns like sniper as its got to be sitting on its side of the map only
    Mortars will do half the damage to the on the defender side to the defender
    Now effectively enfos and shooters will be nerfed
    Defenders will be useless in charging as they will be easily shot down and melted
    I know lots will not like this idea but i think it will bring back defenders
    And as Porthos says-
    'Good night,Sleep tight,Dont let the defender bite':D:D:D
  15. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Sorry @TheAntiSnipe, i have to disagree.
    Defender’s role is to charge and it doesn’t need to be changed. The best defenders i have encountered flank, and dive into the enemy group. That causes either
    1) Only 1-2 boats see the defender, it kills them and then everyone els from behind.
    2) The team starts focusing on the defender, it gets killed (takes down 1-2 ships) but in the meantime his team gets closer and finishes the job.
    Example: Crude Awakenings. Defender with 18k hp went to the tunnel. My whole team went to the open side, and started killing the enemy. But then the defender appears behind us. Most of us see it, and start commanding to kill it. And we do that, but it takes our fixer, and enemies are smart enough to advance. Now, defender is killed, but we have to deal with 4 other ships taking advantage of the panic from the defender, picking us all 1 by 1. We lost the game, and it was all due to defender doing exactly what it’s supposed to do in the best way possible.
    I also played a game with Jaws in WP. He flanked, i followed. We killed 1 shooter, then i got slaughtered by an enfo, who saw us. Jaws got another shooter before dying. But their team was scattered, and the rest of our team took care of them. We won 5-2 or 5-3. Another exellent example.

    Now the problem is mines and torps eating off a lot of hp. If you see a mine, you might not be able to dodge it, since stopping and turning takes too much time. For this, defender has many blues and rudder+lube. But they cannot use them, since max hp is mandatory. For this, we need the fix. Not give it some new items, not remake the role, just give it rudder&lube.
    Shooter already has 1 slot point more than other ships. Why not give defender a blue slot point, allowing it to use 2 big shields and by that, leaving the 5th blue slot to rudder/lube so they could do their job better in the fight, which is to charge. Credits to EyeOfDoom for this one, original thread
    Edit: And @*JAWS* what is the max speed of defender, and what turbo level maxes it? Because increasing that might help NM defenders be faster.
    Last edited: 3 Mar 2018
  16. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Defender is op nerf it
  17. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    c'mon man... you came with a SS of you doing 12k damage for the "x is op nerf it" trope... lol just.. c'mon man...
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  18. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    The buff defender, nerf shooter nerf enfocers propaganda started Fews days within update,I dare say has the same origins;)(Although your opinion has been genuine throughout)
  19. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Why would I want to add new item to the game when the rng of game is so f**** up already?
    If you want defender to defend?
    Just rework defence pt so defenders can soak up dmg.
    A 1000 dmg hit should only cause 700 dmg that's where people will start panicking when they see defender.
    Defender class in this game is a bully not a defender of team.
    Nor does a speeder speed is its main attribute it's main attribute in this game is tesla bolt.
    Same is the case with enforcer.In this game enforcers don't enforce obedience on the teammates who run away and don't stay together.
    Name in this game don't mean that is the main attribute of the ship.
    Give defender a size reduction rework defence pts and a turret agility boost and it will become a thing of terror no need to introduce another item to fix things that can be fixed easily.
    Only boat that work according to Thier name are fixer and shooter and they can be changed too selfish fixer.
  20. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    E264895F-EC8B-4238-8F69-380A79D6ADCB.png 48ED45F2-B7D2-4C91-B7FF-AC730F7FEAC4.png 9AC6BA1C-5A32-4B1F-9ECD-B2D721D26DD3.png Look it’s just rare defender mk6 in a nightmare.

    Just look at the top of dmg and so on...
    Defender it’s a pain for shooter who load a mortar / torpedo... in close fight it’s just deleting shooter from the game completely, and if u load flame any fixer can’t outheal shooter. Damage from flame+ex+ex huge or another setup of cannons completely outdps shooter.
    If u understand how to play - u always be in pros
    If u just move across a map and catch all aoe and torps... good luck and cry for nefr/ buff ...
    It’s just couple game from this morning with defenders.

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