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Any tips for grenade launcher?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Spongeboat, 16 Feb 2018.

  1. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Last night I just got my first legendary weapon, a grenade launcher, probably one of the most unloved weapon in battle bay, second only to carronade or tri trop. So, after I played some battles with it I figured out that it's a b**ch weapon to handle. It's very situational because of its slow projectile speed and very short range. I'm considering of dropping this and going back with my swift torpedo.

    But before doing that I think it's a good idea to ask grenade users out there (if there's any). Can you give me any tips playing this weapon?
    And what's your perk preference? Range or burn chance?
    Many thanks.
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Hey @Spongeboat, I'm in the same boat as you. I just got my first legendary weapon and it is also a grenade. I've only played a few games with it, but I actually love it. Even without proper perks or training. But it really fits into my close-range Enforcer play-style.

    What ships do you use? What are your main setups?

    I'd recommend that you at least get as much training for it as possible before you stow it away until it is possibly buffed. I'd probably go for a mix of range and burning perks. Too much range won't help because of the slower projectile speed. But the burning chance can get very high very quickly. So maybe 2 burning perks and 1 range. But I'd just go for whichever you have higher rarity.

    Also consider that you will be able to contribute with another weapon to guild quests!
  3. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    I'm a brawler type shooter, I mainly play mid range but oftentimes charge to close range whenever possible. My main setups are explosive cannon, blast cannon and missiles, sometimes with torps.

    You make a very good point with range perk, I guess it won't help much since it has a really slow projectile. I might go full burn perks in that case.

    And you're right about the weapon quest. All my guild mates are leaving all the responsibility of grenade quests to me since no one else use this weapon, lol.
  4. Terry Morgan

    Terry Morgan Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    You must not be fully trained with Issac. The grenade is used in high infamy extremely frequently with devestating results. It is a super powerful weapon in the right hands and situation.

    Rated R likes this.
  5. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Lucky you, mine was fire bomb. I have used grenade since mk3, but it’s really best at late game. So here is my insight to grenade.
    Isak levels 22, 25, 29 and 30 are almost mandatory. Grenade’s performance increases a lot when the fire does 2x more dmg 20% more often. Other really good talents are Buzzkill level 30 (+2 range) and Burnice level 30 (+1 range).
    Use fire perks, if you can. While range perks are good and help with its short range, 9% bigger crit chance really gives more dmg. Fire perks are extremely rare though, only seen 1 in raffle and they don’t appear frequently in shop either.
    Aiming it requires a lot of practise, especially against speeders and enfos. Maybe try some custom battles before real ones. Usually if a ship is going forward at full speed, you need to aim at least 1 or 2 ship lenghts ahead.
    Try pairing it up with cannons, especially with a high fire chance. 1 cycle of my epic L31 blast and t5 rare grenade does over 2500 dmg.
    Overall grenade, along with rg and berta are the hardest weapons to master on the bay. But they also give good dmg as a reward, so don’t give up on it:p
    @Stelmo do you want to add anything?
  6. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    I wish developers could add this statistics:

    It would allow people to understand whether the weapon they use is effective with their gaming style and skill.
    Talking about grenade launcher, in one of the thread I saw a guy posting his total weapon damage statistics just after the update.
    The grenade launcher had the worst result (maybe 5 times less than blast cannon)
  7. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Here’s my grenade and setup
    0B3C0201-9131-4457-8C5D-2B3D568AD3AA.png 689B6DD9-32B9-4488-A96B-94FA5EB6753B.png
    It’s perfect weapon for close range brawling. It also fits well with cannons, just make sure you have something for long range as well (sniper, rg, lrm).
    - Oskar - likes this.
  8. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    All I know is that I have done 256k dmg with my rare t5 grenade and 249k dmg with my epic t4 big torp after the update. It’s not an all-around weapon like sniper, but when used well, it yields very high and satisfying results.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  9. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Your setup actually lends itself well to using a grenade. You have Explosive Cannon and Blast Cannon that will both benefit from the fire of the grenade. Your missiles are mid-long range, your cannons are mid-range and then you'll have the grenade for short range. Trust me, the grenade backs a huge punch in close range and will make some boats regret getting that close to you. As A55A5IN says, the training is extremely important.

    If you have an MK5 shooter, you can roll with EC + BC + Missiles + Grenade + Swift Torp. That would give you an excellent variety. If mk4, just lose the swift torp.

    As an additional tip.... using Explosive Cannon and Blast Cannon has become much less effective. I used to use that combo on my speeder and it just doesn't feel as great anymore. I'd recommend trying to double up on the blast cannons.
    Rainbow Warrior and A55A51N like this.
  10. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Is that 70% chance of setting fire? Wow. And that is with only 3 perks, 2 being rare. It's basically a guaranteed fire.
    A55A51N likes this.
  11. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Its a dangerous weapon in right hands and becoming quite popular in nightmare especially among enforcers and defenders
    My advice is use it against slow moving boats since it projectile is too slow for fast moving yellow boats.
    It's better with ships with high ground like enforcer shooter or defender for low height ships like speeders it a little tricky to use but if you are a speeder my advice is try to hide behind waves and launch ur grenade it will help you in saving ur HP.
    Best grenade player is bzirdiyan.
    Ask Eeyore for his tag and talk to him in game for in depth knowledge of grenade usage
  12. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Training is really important.
    You should try to pick up range wherever you can without sacrificing too much of the crit (burn) chance, even +1 range makes a huge difference.
    Get the +50% burn damage talents from Isak as soon as you can man, they make all the difference.
    Works best on enfo/speeder/defender but I've seen a lot of shooters using it to great effect since the buff.
    Paired with blast/ec it's devastating, at the top end a single grenade/ec combo is worth almost 5000hp.
    This is my little beauty. Another 800000 damage and I'll have a legendary one to go with it:)
  13. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Nice! I can't wait to snag a second legendary grenade and go to T2 with mine!
  14. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    With crew training and 3 epic perks Grenade Launcher reaches 76% fire crit damage (triggers fire in 3 out of 4 hits).
    Fire ticks 4 times in 4 seconds... without training fire will deal 40% With full training it will deal 80%

    So you got a legendary weapon which will deal 180% damage 3 out of 4 times once you learn how to lead its projectiles properly and you train Isak fully. Furthermore it will buff your cannons to deal more damage when it triggers fire, if you play ExC+BC+Grenade and you're fast, you will be able to hit with both cannons once your grenade triggers fire, that's easily 3.5k damage. ;);)

    Now tips:
    1. It works like a leaded shot of any cannon, but you must beware that its projectile is slower.
    2. You can shoot over waves and walls ;)
    3. If u know there's an enemy approaching behind the wall, you can shoot to the corner so he will get hit when gets there.

    However you will learn only if you use it in several battles, it's tricky but not impossible
    Last edited: 16 Feb 2018
  15. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Yes, my Isaac is underdeveloped because I never use any Isaac related items before. But I can really see the potential of grenade with +50% fire damage perk on Isaac training tree.
    I can imagine it because a quite fearsome weapon with proper Isaac training.
  16. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    The darned thing is, I have actually got few epic burn chance perks from raffle in the past. But, like a proper dumbass, I sold it for gold, thinking I'm never gonna need it in the future.
    I might have to wait months before I come across another one.

    Also, your explanation is very thorough and detailed, thanks mate.
    A55A51N likes this.
  17. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    don´t scrap, sure you will miss in the future
  18. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    No way in hell I'm gonna scrap a legendary weapon :D.
    Even though I can't use it, I'm just gonna put it in my inventory as a trophy, lol.
    But based on the replies, I'm sure I can make a good use of it, I just need to properly train Isaac.
    Now that's gonna take few weeks, now we play the waiting game.
  19. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Wow guys, thanks a lot for the replies. You guys have been very informative and super helpful. I want to personally reply to each of you, but it's 2AM here and I can't think straight.

    @Stelmo and @A55A51N, badass grenades you got there, mates. I can feel the burn just by looking at your screenshots. Can't wait to get my grenade to be as good as yours, though it's gonna take few weeks with the Isaac training.
    The only thing that worries me is getting the burn perks, I hope RNG is in my favor. Well, it seems like a perfect time to join the battle bay praying circle.
    A55A51N likes this.
  20. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    @Spongeboat. Been using my poorly trained and unperked grenade on my Enforcer and it absolutely wrecks against anything not called a Speeder. But that is what my blast cannon is for.

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