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Patch Notes v. 2.8 "From Battle Bay with Love!"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Miika, 13 Feb 2018.

  1. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    Best things here Devs was guild fixes. Top props. Easy to fleet in guild. And helping guild quests. Appreciated. 2cd best. Shots are registering better. Thanks.
    But. No defender buffs. And Too much of a heavy hand on ex cannon. Needs to up shot speed and base damage considering what has been done. Defenders suck now. I am only playing it since update. Very difficult to use my boat with ex cannons now. I know multiple defenders feel this way.
    Can any of you developers please play Defender only for 4 weeks and then get back to us with an appropriate fix?
    I challenge all developers to become a defender. Arm 1 flare. Arm 1 ex cannon. And then any other weapon of your choice. And see what has happened. And see if any devs can crack 4.5k.
    Most devs play yellow boats except for grim repair. Fixer.
    Walk a mile in our shoes please.

    Sincerely Jaws

    @The Grim Repair @Miika @Dmg don
  2. Fred91704

    Fred91704 Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Ec cooldown nerf is a big hit too. What are you guys thinking.. please play speeder with @flare
    @Tesla bolt
    @Tesla shield
    Shoot flare ec and stun.. and wait for 7 sec??
    While other shooters used all their weapon to hit us speeders?
    I find it impossible to kill enforcer too..
    $$ Now speeder and defender are officiallly the worst boat..
    So we gonna start to cry and complain so u ll listen to us speeder right?
    Stop listening to all those shooters all the time
    FFS listen to us speeders for once dev
    Dopey94, VantaBlack and Crashedup like this.
  3. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    Good job.
    ExC nerf makes me use more duct causing me to be

    Good job Dev, this is one of the best update for me.
    Riddlerpaji and #CK like this.
  4. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    just accept this patch , bro . as for tesla bolt cooldown , u can use cooldown reduce cooldown epic perk ( -2% each ) instead of duration , 4 epic perk , ( 4 x -2% = -8% = 1,6 second )
  5. Fred91704

    Fred91704 Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Me and my friends will go on histus for abit until they fix it..
    I play on all boats but i play mostly speeders..
    If they nerf tesla stun to 18 sec its gonna be more balanced..
    But the ec nerf is too dumb since everyone else is using it whats the point nerfing it
    #CK likes this.
  6. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    Are any of you crying babies actually playing the game? Speeders are doing just fine. I'm seeing some of the most illogical posts I've ever seen here. Speeders will always be OP with that stupid Tesla bolt. It shouldn't be a speeder item to begin with. You think speeders are hurt and no one will use them? Good.... Please change your stupid boat. The speeder players with even an ounce of skill will be just fine. Tesla bolt compensates for a lack of skill in many cases. That's what's really frustrating for the rest of us. I look forward to continuing battles with the skilled speeders.

    Some Defenders and enforcers took minor hits. Noob speeders: quit whining and go play the game. Last I'm looking at this thread. The logic is diminishing quickly.
  7. llr

    llr New Member

    8 Oct 2017

    Firstly, I am looking forward to the changes in the game. These are my initial thoughts, but of course, I may change my mind about the rivalry changes new season. I also realise that I haven’t voiced my opinions and concerns about matters that have frustrated me, even when I have read posts here requesting certain improvements, so these comments are a bit after the horse had bolted.

    I am genuinely disappointed that the explosive cannon has been nerfed, not only in distance, but time. The explosive cannon was a key part of my arsenal, I have always used it on my shooter, along with cannon and sniper cannon. I vary the last two slots on my shooter vary depending on the quest, but usually one slot involves a mortar. By nerfing the explosive cannon is severely limits my ability to use the cannon on other boats, like the fixer, which is my preferred choice. On boats where there is less space I feel that the explosive cannon will be even less viable. Particularly considering the cools down.

    Currently in the game many weapons up to 1600 (not been higher ... yet) involve mortar and torpedo spamming, one way to deal with this was, for me, the explosive cannon. Mine does a good deal of damage (somewhere between 700 - 800) per shot. I used to avoid the blast cannon. I have no idea how others do so much damage with it! But I found the range too short to be effective. Now the explosive cannon has the problem I was trying to avoid. Nerfing both the cool down and the distance was extremely severe in my opinion. My infamy has dropped to the doldrums at 1100 and I am now struggling with the game.

    My second comment is the changes to rivalry quests. I don’t know how this will work in practice, but it occurred to me, after my loosing streak, that my frustration with the game and matchmaking is the 50:50 win rate.

    One of the things I liked about the rivalries is that it encouraged people to get and use different weapons. I certainly enjoyed the challenge... after I have acquired lots of rare, (even if low level ) weapons. I appreciate that part of the loosing streaks was caused by some people using multiple, low level weapons, including the grey common one, presumably because they needed 3 grenades to finish a guild quest.

    However, this could have been ‘fixed’ by restricting the number of the same type of weapon. It would have helped with the mine spammers you see at Lower levels too.

    What is the killer and sucks the fun out of guild quests isn’t the weapon type - it’s the loosing. “Only matches that you WIN count towards the quests.” Whilst it is good for the boat quests... and dominator :) it isn’t the case for the weapons damage. Rather than different types of weapons counting, what should happen is that, like personal quests, all damage with the weapon should count. Boosts should only be applied to matches that you win.

    Currently the situation is that I could do 5k of damage with a selected weapon - but none of that counts as I lost. On a winning game I could do 100 damage only. That is what has caused the unhappiness in the game on A personal level. I don’t think that a 50:50 win rate is a bad thing.... but losing a match only started to become really bothersome when the rivalries and forced win rate were introduced.

    I’ll have to wait and see how the changes will actually affect the game later. But for now these are my initial thoughts.
    VantaBlack likes this.
  8. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    i doubt dev gonna change back this update . Speeder obviously OP before 2.8 patch , that's why this 2.8 patch released .

    ok , then , see you later :)
  9. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    try to clean your screen and hand . i used to have the same problem , because of dirty ( wet ) screen and sweaty hand
  10. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    lol , u get it wrong . it does full dps ( not full dmg ) in less duration . for example , your FB duration are 20s , outer hit become less duration , < 20s , on the edge the minimum duration , direct hit/ center full duration ( full dmg )
  11. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    Now u mention it, I see a lot more mk6s at 1500 infamy, even when I am using a mk4 ship, they completely overpower me.
  12. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Devs either hate Defenders or they never dedicated to play one. Reasons:
    1.) nerfing ex cannon like no other constantly
    2.) no blue legendary achievement rewards

    Look at all the top players in the league or global, rarely a defender makes it. The extra HP and few defense doesn't compensate for the lack of damage output compared to Shooters.

    RIP Defenders.
  13. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    U know whats funny right, this explosive cannon nerf means that u can probably get shot like three times with a cannon or carronade before u can shoot.
  14. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    Thats why u should have invested in something ele. I have a legendary carronade which does 800 damage every 5 seconds. While not all shots hit, it is now better than explosive cannon.
  15. Capitan Blyad

    Capitan Blyad New Member

    9 Nov 2017
    NOHOHOOOOOO! MY EX CANNON!MY FAV WEPON GOT NERFED!,buuuuut tesla bolt cooldown to 20s? Ok ill accept the offer!nomore speder nuistance!:D
  16. Tacbko

    Tacbko New Member

    14 Feb 2018
    I felt that they reduced the actual probability of a critical strike. I have a sniper cannon with 32% of critical shoot, but actually after path i have only 1 out of 10 critical shoot on average per game.
  17. Rated R

    Rated R Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Me too. It appears, they're matching guilds with the same number of quests completed the previous rivalry season. I advocated for that a few months ago and am happy they did it. However, after a little thought and if that's how it's set up, the system can be gamed. A guild could sandbag a season and finish very few quests and be matched the following season with lower tier guilds. Then they could finish just above their rivals for a few seasons bagging first place rewards.

    For instance, one guild usually finishes around 47 quests. They could sandbag one season and complete 36 quests get the 12,000 tokens for finishing board 3 and be matched up against easier opponents. Then, next guild rivalry they finish one or two quests ahead of everyone else until they get back up to the max quests they can complete and start over again.
    Spinners71 likes this.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    No no no, screen is always clean, even a grubby screen wouldn't do what is happening (floating camera). This is in game effect problems, same as aiming with sticky targets off like when you want to shoot in front of a ship with torps, but another ship is in strike distance, so the sight moves to another ship. Crappy
  19. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Even if what you say is 100% true, it’s not that easy to just change boat.

    I’m a mk5 Speeder in Ace1, and most of my other boats are mk3s. I can’t just jump in my fixer and carry on, I don’t have one.

    I’ve played TB since I was in challenger league, it’s all I really know. If it’s not playable anymore, what am I going to use instead? I haven’t got anything else, and I haven’t practiced with anything else.

    I use TB and ExC. So my whole ship, took an absolutely huge hit. Maybe you think that’ll force me to change, but it won’t, because I don’t have anything to change to. My only option now is to watch my infamy tank, or quit playing.

    Congratulations shooters, evidently, you’ve won, and managed to get every other build nerfed into obscurity.

    Hope you enjoy playing Shooter vs Shooter on Sniper Bay...
    WarCream, Jowiee, #CK and 2 others like this.
  20. TK Dada

    TK Dada New Member

    18 Nov 2017
    Game is lagging a lot after update. Had a few complaints from guildmates as wel.
    Plz do something

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