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New Profile Posts

  1. Mugiwara SunnyGo
    Mugiwara SunnyGo
    Yeah im reporter,
  2. Micro
    Micro angel1062
    I love tour profile!
  3. Mugiwara SunnyGo
    Mugiwara SunnyGo
    Always wait so long to take a battle
  4. Scrotus
    Posted in Macramento
  5. Micro
    oh wait im a speeder
  6. Voyaguer mk2
  7. -729835959
    Now: Well said! → 說得好! Past: Well said! → 善!
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
    I.S.S HYPERION Micro
    Thanks mate haha
    1. Micro likes this.
  9. aztrorey x
    aztrorey x
    que son los tripulantes duendes o que ?????
  10. Micro
    I like REAPER!
    1. Su-57 likes this.
  11. Micro
    Micro I.S.S HYPERION
    I like your profile. :l
  12. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! The Otherguy
    You live?! Or is it a fatamorgana?
    1. The Otherguy and HAPPY SITHSHA like this.
    2. The Otherguy
      The Otherguy
      I'mma battle bay zombie lol.
      Saw a meme that reminded me of @EyeOfDoom and had to share.
      12 Apr 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
  13. Micro
  14. Micro
    When i use infinity gloves
  15. Richard LopezRichard jr
  16. DeaDLyBaBy
  17. -729835959
    生日→Birthday 甡 昌→Many...prosperity...?? 㽓 晶→$?#&%@... crystal... (They made the word 㽓, but we don't even know how to use...)
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  18. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    matchmaking still sucks
    1. Nikkie! and HAPPY SITHSHA like this.
  19. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! -729835959
    Was it time for a new pewdiepew profile picture? :p
    (It’s a nice one;))
    1. HAPPY SITHSHA and Nicolas like this.
    2. -729835959
      I want to change it, for no reason. :p

      (To take this perfect screenshot, I recorded a video first. ^.^ )
      29 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
  20. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! -729835959
    Happy birthday!
    1. -729835959
      Thank you :)
      29 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.