1. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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New Profile Posts

  1. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! Ash KOT
    Will you ever take a status? ;)

    P.S. I’m becoming pro in your king of thieves game! :P
    1. R4Z0R and Ash KOT like this.
  2. Cavy
    Off chops
  3. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! Cavy
    A little late lol
    But congrats with being well-known!!!
    1. Cavy likes this.
  4. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    Spending most of my talent training time post-4.2 in an attempt to restore my firebomb to its former glory.
  5. @YSL
  6. SuicidalKiller
    Sometimes online. :)
  7. camilo taborda
    camilo taborda
  8. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! R4Z0R
    Congrats on 900 messages!!!
    1. R4Z0R and HAPPY SITHSHA like this.
  9. NathanaelK
    NathanaelK mathetes
    Your profile says you joined yesterday. Welcome to the forums!
    If you have questions about anything, feel free to message me on my profile page. :)
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  10. Richard Rerisi
    Richard Rerisi
    Infamy updates is horrible
  11. The Faddu
    The Faddu
    Rogue Warriors {RWAR} is where it's at!
  12. Ash KOT
    Ash KOT PingKoT
    Woohoo you signed up :)
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  13. Casplink
    Hola a todos ,saludos desde Puerto Rico
  14. Foxtales
  15. R4Z0R
    stop stalking me...dont keep reading...what are u doing i said stop reading...STOP...ok now you're just getting weird..go away...now...bye..
    1. HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  16. Rushicanna
    @son of a gun7
  17. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    ROviO PleASe AdD a STAndARD Big tRIpLe ExplOSIVE caNNoN LaunCHEr
    1. Nikkie! and Agile Vanguard like this.
  18. JoshW
    Battle Bay is Love, Battle Bay is Life.
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  19. TheAntiSnipe
    Wizard of the cannon ;-)
    1. Redneck Messiah
      Redneck Messiah
      you didn't say blast cannon...


      You're kicked out of the cult. ;)
      13 Jan 2019
      Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
    2. TheAntiSnipe
      You can't get kicked out of a cult... If you made it yourself #rollsafe :P
      13 Jan 2019
      R4Z0R, Nikkie! and Redneck Messiah like this.
  20. •A L A R I C K•
    •A L A R I C K•
    Hello World
    1. Nikkie! likes this.