1. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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New Profile Posts

  1. speedark
    speedark The Grim Repair
    Hello sorry for bothering I wanted to ask if it is possible if the mk7 versions of the boats will come back and also if it is possible that the gatling gun could have another heavier shooting sound effect, and if you can upload the soundtrack of the update video 4.2 I loved to hear it, thank you for your attention.
  2. Steve M
    Steve M
    Ignored by Rovio
  3. Muhammad khoirin
    Muhammad khoirin
    Damned. I was in war dude
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  4. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    So Rovio is so idea-starved that the REPAIR PULSE gets an event. If it's this hard for you to find TDM ideas, do CTF (or something original)
  5. Kurd1stan.
    Kurd1stan. Sidd gamer
    I'm pretty sure I have seen your name before in battles, many times.
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  6. wreck your day
    wreck your day
    Fancy I left for the better, the game's changed so much now. Plus, it was addicting and not that fun. Only hope and idealism spurred me on.
    1. wreck your day
      wreck your day
      That was cheesy
      25 Dec 2018
      Nikkie! likes this.
  7. Alpakaa
    I am Kheers in-game, and play a huge variety of builds. I'm in warrior two now I think. Always in chatroom English/Chill Zone.
  8. Alpakaa
    I am Kheers in-game and play a huge variety of builds. None of them truly well, though I do well on a speeder and aggressive fixer.
  9. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    Yay! Jingle Bells! What a cute, derpy gift! *gets quest to do 9000 damage with Jingle Bells for 100k gold* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...
    1. Redneck Messiah
      Redneck Messiah
      Also, why did they choose TODAY to hand out gifts? Today's calendar used to say a rare red piece... i wanted that (jk)
      24 Dec 2018
  10. mark gibb
    mark gibb
    another way to win is pay won 6 out of 25 match making is a joke
  11. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah TheAntiSnipe
    Hey Anti, nice profile pic ya got there
    1. TheAntiSnipe likes this.
    2. TheAntiSnipe
      Aye, thanks!
      22 Dec 2018
      The Otherguy and Nikkie! like this.
  12. AfelozPictureDj
    MexGeek|biology enthusiast| online games player
  13. Aaron Kellingsworth
  14. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    This event is about napalm... yet hardly anyone seems to be using it. WE WANT ORIGINALITY, ROVIO!
  15. GandadT
    What is the difference between shield hit points and shield defence ?
  16. 33demon
    33demon TheAntiSnipe
    Would you know, when carronade day is?
    1. TheAntiSnipe likes this.
    2. TheAntiSnipe
      No, you'd have to ask a dev
      20 Dec 2018
      Nikkie! likes this.
  17. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    Look, guys! Redneck Messiah made a status update that isn't griping about events! See ya when the next event starts, folks...
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
    HAPPY SITHSHA Sativa Smoker
    Hi dude. Nice to meet you. I'm happy that u still remember me!

    Welcome to the forums :)
    1. Nikkie! and Sativa Smoker like this.
    2. Sativa Smoker
      Sativa Smoker
      Yes i see you in game as much as i am lol
      25 Dec 2018
      HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  19. Sativa Smoker
    Sativa Smoker
    Stay High & Have Fun _\|/_
    1. HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  20. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    So some wise guy at Rovio decided to give @Sewah his own event. I want an event.
    1. HAPPY SITHSHA and Nikkie! like this.