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New Profile Posts

  1. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! Subbie the Blaster
    Congrats on Well-Known!
    1. HAPPY SITHSHA and Nicolas like this.
    2. Subbie the Blaster
      4 Mar 2019
  2. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah TheAntiSnipe
    Hey Anti, what items does your "arc caster" shooter use again? Looking to experiment with something new outside of my two established shooter builds (and four-flare spam lol)
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
    2. TheAntiSnipe
      Yeah, so it's triple nade double missiles.
      Funny thing is, I was just trolling in one of the small-map 3v3s and I accidentally discovered this build. It is surprisingly powerful!
      4 Mar 2019
    3. JoshW
      I want to try dual missile, duel nade on a nitro equipped interceptor!
      5 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  3. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! Subbie the Blaster
    “I'm one of those aggressive types of Fixer so don't you dare to disturb me while fixing...“
    I’d like to disturb you while fixing :D :P
    1. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      I am the aggressive fixer=reaper now. I'm not fixing right now so I won't assume you as a threat :P
      3 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
  4. Piku
    I'm Piku
    1. HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
    2. View previous comments...
    3. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      I won the bet then right?
      3 Mar 2019
      Piku likes this.
    4. Piku
      Uh oh
      6 Mar 2019
      Hi PastelPiku. I just identified u with your fav catgirl profile pic :)
      10 Mar 2019
      Piku likes this.
  5. Bunnywabbit
    New boat!!
  6. PIRAT111
  7. Subbie the Blaster
    Subbie the Blaster P0rthos
    Do a reaper vid
    1. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      I wanna learn
      27 Feb 2019
    2. Nikkie!
      How about that he quit the game... Like almost more than a year ago o.O
      12 Mar 2019
      HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
    3. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      I know but still lol
      12 Mar 2019
  8. Subbie the Blaster
    Subbie the Blaster
    Celebrating the successful getting of Reaper with this drawing. :)
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  9. Queen BEBO
    Queen BEBO
    Plz make game fare..
  10. Da Carronade King
    Da Carronade King
    While I ultimately bowed out of the game and deleted all my gear, I decided to pop back into the forums againnnnn
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
    2. View previous comments...
    3. Da Carronade King
      Da Carronade King
      Lol I havent been thrown out yet
      20 Mar 2019
      Subbie the Blaster likes this.
    4. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      Achievement unlocked: stay in game for 2 weeks with one profile
      20 Mar 2019
      Da Carronade King likes this.
    5. Da Carronade King
      20 Mar 2019
      Subbie the Blaster likes this.
  11. Agile Vanguard
    Agile Vanguard TheAntiSnipe
    Must..find..Anti's first post!
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  12. Mad_Bulls_007
    Quitting Battle Bay for good :-!
  13. Telecom
    Jobs Alert Pakistan
  14. dyldarko
  15. Boboboh
    Please developers, read my posts! ^^
  16. Peeks
    Hows everyone doing?
  17. Redneck Messiah
    Redneck Messiah
    So me nephew just tanked me 200 infamy... last time I volunteer to watch the little bugger for a day.
    1. Ultrah, Agile Vanguard and Nikkie! like this.
    2. Redneck Messiah
      Redneck Messiah
      Wish me luck climbing back through the sea of suiciders and mortar spam, everyone... cheers. @TheAntiSnipe, mind cleaning my glasses for good luck? ;)
      19 Feb 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
  18. Kon-Tiki
  19. Weaponizer
    I’m back, sort of.
  20. Ava_05
    Cat puns freak meowt. Seriously I'm not kitten
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
    2. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      Do you know what is orange and sounds like a parrot?
      24 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! and Ava_05 like this.
    3. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      A carrot.

      24 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! and Ava_05 like this.