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New Profile Posts

  1. -729835959
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    2. -729835959
      負七二九八三五九五九 sounds very similar to 阜柒弍玖羓鬖嘸韮娬韭,and 阜柒弍玖羓鬖嘸韮娬韭 doesn't mean anything,it is just some Chinese words.
      (負七二九八三五九五九 = -729835959)
      17 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
    3. Nikkie!
      Thank you for explaining! :)
      17 Mar 2019
      TheAntiSnipe likes this.
    4. -729835959
      ( Well I'm just bored :) )
      17 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
  2. TechnoTew
    Finally 4k
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  3. Mandeep
    My account is banned please activate it .My account name NO FEAR NO
  4. NathanaelK
    NathanaelK TheAntiSnipe
    Can I friend you in-game? My player tag is #GDHYNGJQ.
    1. TheAntiSnipe likes this.
    2. TheAntiSnipe
      Sure! I'll have to clear some friend slots tho :)
      17 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! and The Otherguy like this.
    3. NathanaelK
      Thanks! Is there a limit?
      18 Mar 2019
      TheAntiSnipe likes this.
    4. TheAntiSnipe
      Yeah, there is. I think the max number is something around a thousand?
      18 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! and The Otherguy like this.
  5. Capt Harlock
    Capt Harlock
    Older than time itself
  6. Billy Hicks
    Billy Hicks
    I love it when u have a floater and u end up saving the day when all ur other teammates are dead lol.
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  8. Marko Retro
    Marko Retro
    Fire at will and sink them all
    1. Nikkie! and Billy Hicks like this.
    New Anime profile pic!
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
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    3. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      Who needs drawn prof pics when you can draw one yourself! :P
      10 Mar 2019
      HAPPY SITHSHA and Nikkie! like this.
    4. Nikkie!
      I need one, because I can’t draw one myself XD
      11 Mar 2019
    5. Subbie the Blaster
      Subbie the Blaster
      You can never know until you try!
      11 Mar 2019
      HAPPY SITHSHA and Nikkie! like this.
  10. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! PopularOutlaw
    You’re also here?!
    Helloooooo from over there!
    1. HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  11. Grand_Paladin
    Grand_Paladin The Grim Repair
    Is there any plans to buff the defender or the ship is just going to be obsolete slowly at nightmare leage :), i play different ships ,, and sometimes i want to play defender but i just cant ,, ship is too weak.
    1. Superintendents and Nikkie! like this.
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    3. Grand_Paladin
      #I think tesla shilds needs a small hp buff.
      #Mines need to work differently, not nerf the dmg, just make it work differently, in small maps like the ones we have in this game, sometimes its not fun when the map is fully covered with mines. I dont know if u can implement that or not, but for example lets say the mine would have an area of X and u cant toss another mine in that area.
      11 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
    4. Grand_Paladin
      11 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
    5. Grand_Paladin
      Something important as well , i remeber that people loved the bandage bug when they kept healing ,when u 1st released the hctdm event , i would try to use that.
      11 Mar 2019
      Nikkie! likes this.
  12. Billy Hicks
  13. DarthCyder
    mad as hell I was just fat shamed by rovio
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
    2. Jelly Dessert 99
      Jelly Dessert 99
      Awwww poor baby xD
      4 Apr 2019
      Nikkie! and DarthCyder like this.
  14. Alpakaa
    I'm Kheers in game, and my tag is #SHTMJQKG if you want to find me c: I main the grenade/explosive speeder and love it.
  15. Uerguy
    Uerguy TheAntiSnipe
    Dood, I woke up at 2 am just to post random nonsense in the forum after months of inactivity. Try to find em all.
    HAPPY SITHSHA TheAntiSnipe
    Nice profile pic,bro :)
    1. Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  17. Nikkie!
    Nikkie! Gamer Hype!
    Hello! Guy with your OP ex cannons :P
    How’s being a 118 year old pretty pretty princess? ;)
    1. HAPPY SITHSHA likes this.
  18. Gamer Hype!
    Gamer Hype!
    More than exited, Always HYPED
    1. Nikkie! likes this.
  19. Keane Shatter
    Keane Shatter
    Hi there i'm new!
  20. Temujin Jones
    Temujin Jones The Grim Repair
    Hello Grim Repair, My 2 ideas is “Ship Scuttle” It gives the Captain the chance to destroy his own ship possibly destroying, or injuring unfriends! The ship scuttle could only be used when health points are below say 100.This is the fun part! The explosion is a visually colorful mushroom cloud with a flash the entire board can see! No need to change anything thing else. #QPHGSDMH,FOEHMER.
    1. The Grim Repair likes this.