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Will we/I ever see rare or even better perks again?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Bobbafed99, 30 Apr 2017.

  1. Bobbafed99

    Bobbafed99 Active Member

    15 Apr 2017
    Earlier I posted a post about the "sell item button" so we can sell the rare items we have so we can afford when something expensive suddenly appears in the shop (still hoping for that button! #RIPSellButton2k17)

    The point is.
    Have you developers changes the chances for getting a rare/epic perk from 0.10 (or something, i don't know the %) but the chance of getting one are 0.0000001% now..!?
    - Understand my point, it got ALOT harder finding something useful after the update...!

    Please do something about it... don't make it easy for us of course, don't break the market, more than it already is (lol), but the chances for finding a rare (or epic as I search for) in the shop are now insainly low.. I've only found one epic perk, which was an, Epic overboost duration, and I bought it, since the big update came..

    There does come perks in the shop, but a lv 35 commander are not looking for common perks ://

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