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what's wrong with me?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by lelemassa1, 26 Mar 2018.

  1. lelemassa1

    lelemassa1 New Member

    26 Mar 2018
    hi all

    i'm lvl 36 player with more than 4k battles

    i have mk5 enfo and speeder but i need to use only my mk5 shooter because i have weak yellow items..

    so, why i can't go over 2000 infamy? (now i'm 1800 but i was been 2060 a few times ago)
    my actual setup is :

    rare sniper lvl 40 - 2 %crit perks - 1 crit power perk
    epic sniper lvl 30 - 2 %crit perks - 1 crit power perk
    epic firebomb lvl 36 (not full of perks but 21,5burning seconds)
    rare granade lvl 40 (running for training and i can make it V )
    rare big torp lvl 40 or rare big berta lvl 36
    epic big shield lvl 20
    rare turbo lvl 40

    i can use also:
    lvl 24 epic swift torp and i hold the 3rd yet to get T3
    lvl 11 epic fire gun
    nothing else interesting to use in my inventory

    I always hold epic weapons but yes, i scrapped 4-5 of them because i'm sure i'll never use. I'm guild active and i make 2 legendary raffle a week (avg approx)
    why have I only 5 leg red pieces - 3 y - 3 b and 4 green?
    have I to scrap all epic green items i have? and also the red i (probably) will not use (ex an epic big berta or epic railgun)? i think I'll regret it a day...
    i'm simply a bad battle player for not reach 2300 infamy whit this set up? and for be so FAR AWAY from legendary weapons?

  2. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Your items are better than the ones I have on my shooter, except for your turbo, mine is level 50. With that, it's definitely your playstyle, given I've reached 2800 with my setup. What's your approach in battle? Are you looking after your teammates?
    lelemassa1 likes this.
  3. lelemassa1

    lelemassa1 New Member

    26 Mar 2018
    yes, i've learned the importance of "toghether! "...but i win 4 and i lost 4...i win 2 and i lost 2...
    i don't go alone across the map....but...if i try to hide me behind a wall to shoot/hide/shoot/hide...how can i follow my team mates? However a lot of times they are really suicidal idiots!
    i definitely think i'm bad with this game and can't understand how play better
  4. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Ah, I know the feeling. Sometimes teams do not stick together. Welp, if everyone wants to go alone, just try to back up your highest infamy teammate. You'll both be stronger together.
    lelemassa1 likes this.
  5. lelemassa1

    lelemassa1 New Member

    26 Mar 2018

    and for legendary pieces? it's only unluck? i see player with 2500 battles that have the leg yet:mad:
    PastelPiku likes this.
  6. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I have almost 7500 battles and still no legendary items lol either they're super lucky or they spent some $$$. Just work on rares and epics, they go a long way!
    lelemassa1 and LimeOnMars like this.
  7. LimeOnMars

    LimeOnMars Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    8k battles and no leggies,
    We are in the same boat :p
    Halfway to leggy blast tho :D
    PastelPiku and lelemassa1 like this.
  8. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    I’d suggest just watching some nightmare league players YouTube videos to get a sense of where u can improve. Douch Man and Bittersteel are two good shooters
  9. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    Remove the crit powers and replace them with regular crit chance when possible. Your set up seems fine. It’s most likely your play style and you should try sticking to the back and deal damage that way instead of being in front. I would look into replacing your grenade seeing as your more of a backliner in terms of weapons. Bertha and railgun would be good substitutes. If you like to get up close and personal then switch one of the snipers with something that benefits from burning damage. If possible link a replay we can watch and see what tips we could give.
  10. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Problem detected!

    I'm glad that the mindset I have is that what stops me from getting past 2350 (with gear similar to yours) is me not my "suicidal idiot" team mates. Generally speaking I find quite a few of my team mates play better than I do. That is more or less what you'd expect if I'm playing at the top of my abilities. When they don't, I ask myself what I should've done to promote better team cohesion. I can't make everyone else get magically better. But I can get better.

    *** edited to add ***
    No, you are not a bad player. If I make a rough guess at your gearscore I'm putting you in top 20th percentile per Miika's handy dandy chart:

  11. lelemassa1

    lelemassa1 New Member

    26 Mar 2018

    ty...but i would said it happens times to times but it's not the main problem

    yesterday night i played 18 games...10 wins 8 losts but in 5 of these 8 losts i was been over 10k damage 1st in my team but i lost infamy because we lost, however i don't think the team mates are the main problem, the problem is stay toghether, or in 2 of these losts i have 2 team mates with T3 uncommon! and 2 times a team mate was disconnected after make 2k of damage...it's a co-operating group of problems
  12. Ser Tomaz

    Ser Tomaz Active Member

    24 Dec 2017
    did u try to find good fleetmates? BTW camping's not always work, u need to know when to push with ur team
    PastelPiku likes this.

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