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What is the best way of normal reward?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Fin-, 10 Oct 2018.



  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. Fin-

    Fin- Active Member

    2 Sep 2017
    I'm one of the retired NML top player.
    I think that at least the following rewards should be given to encourage the retired players like me.

    6000+ ー they get the legend crate every 8 wins.

    5500~6000 ー they get the legend crate every 9 wins.

    5000~5500 ー they get the legend crate every 10 wins.
    (*legend crate - 5% legendary piece, 20% epic piece, 40% rare piece ...and so on)

    4500~5000 ー they get the nightmare crate every 10 wins.

    4000~4500 ー they get the nightmare crate every 11 wins.
    (*nightmare crate - 4% legendary piece, 18% epic piece ..and so on)



    How about this reward strategy?
  2. fragglelator

    fragglelator Active Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Mmmmm ... this thread will probably get locked or merge with the other two that you created. This is my reply to your other poll thread.
    - - - - -
    Can't put my finger on it. exactly, but. just feels unfair to lower infamy players who have to a) win more battles but b) get a lesser reward.

    I would support if the. number of wins required and the rewards are the same – 10 wins gets 1 legendary crate. If 10 wins are too low, then maybe 20 wins or more. Devs probably can run some analysis to determine the best win/crate ratio.
  3. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    So star crates...
    Why not just make star crate items equal to your league: NML Legendary, Ace Epic, Master Rare...
    Scale required stars per crate to your highest league achieved and award higher leagues more stars per battle.
    This would be an incentive to play your best.
    If your highest is ace and you drop into masters you would be getting less stars so it would take longer to get crates.

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