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What is really 'INFAMY'?!..

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Reactor Wolf, 16 May 2017.

  1. Reactor Wolf

    Reactor Wolf New Member

    16 May 2017
    So staring with Tony farts *Screeech!*..:p
    I wanted to ask the developers what is really '
    INFAMY' 'o_O i googled it but stuffs different there..and yeah one question boggled my mind..I see a logo in my main screen with skulls o_O(Maybe it's infamy) ..But in League screen..It's less can I get a fast reply!?..

    And yeah to increase it I tried winning one battle but after finishing it I saw my infamy dropped.:mad:.wtf?!.:mad:.why?!..I won at that moment..look into it please..:confused:
    N8DIESEL likes this.
  2. Never0dd0reveN

    Never0dd0reveN Member

    14 May 2017
    Infamy is a measure of wins and losses in the game. It's used to match you up with similarly skilled players.

    The reason it's generally lower after a win on the league screen is that it is usually one game behind. If you play another game it will refresh the score to the infamy you had before that game began. To see your current infamy on the league screen, restart the game. It will refresh the score to your current level of infamy.

    If you got sunk a couple of matches and exited before those matches were over, then played out and won the final match, all three infamy gains and losses will show up at the same time. So if you left early and they lost after you left, you'll lose the infamy when they complete the game. So you can win, but still see a loss in your infamy after this results are later calculated (upon match completion)
  3. Reactor Wolf

    Reactor Wolf New Member

    16 May 2017
    Holy moly..so is it a kind of glitch or just the strategy of the game to make it interesting or :mad:boring:mad:...

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