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Weekly Progression Event

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by FiiNami, 23 Jul 2018.

  1. FiiNami

    FiiNami Active Member

    26 Mar 2018
    I wanna suggest that the devs give us players (mainly new or mid level player) a weekly event to help our progress in this game..this should be held on Saturday and Sunday..one event per week, so if start with event 1 then next week event 3 and so on until we repeat the cycle again..

    The events are divided into a few types..
    1) XP event where XP are tripled during the course of the event
    2) Resources event where gold income are tripled for every battle during the event and shop refresh every 3 hours
    3) Crew training event, which reduce 1 training duration by 20% and also make 3 retraining finish instantly
    4) Battle box event, increase amount and chance for higher rarity parts by idk like 30%?
    5) Item event that increase chance to get a duplicate item when combining pieces by 30% (although I'm not sure how the system can detect which dupe is needed by player)
    6) Legendary event, shop offer legendary let say 30parts+5cells every Sunday

    All event last for 2 days except event #6 which will be on Sunday (one time purchase)

    Obviously some of these events will seems to drop value of epic container or premium chest and VIP but with 6 events, even if done weekly will take I think 42 days to be repeated which is fair imo for both the developer and players..
    ShipCrusherCz likes this.

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