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Weapon(s) to drop

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by envylife, 4 Aug 2017.

  1. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'm at that awkward stage where I've got a lot of both uncommon and rare weapons, many of my uncommon weapons have higher damage than their L1 rare counterparts, and I'm out of space, and persistently out of sugar to do much upgrading in the near future. What you guys consider weapons that are not worth the effort to keep and upgrade so I can free up space?

    2X rare triple torpedoes
    2x rare frost launcher - is this ever used in high infamy?
    1x epic and 1x rare duct tape. I don't use them, and it's far cheaper to upgrade the rare (only need a L5 rare to get to L1 epic, could justify dropping either)
    2x rare + 1x Epic caronade- I get the impression it's useful only at high levels with all the training in place...until then they are dead weight, but by the time they are useful the rares may be dead weight all this time.
    swift torpedoes.... I have 1 epic, 1 rare, 2x uncommon (one is a L15, so it's stronger than the epic or rare). Seems a lot to carry around
    fire bombs, napalm, they seem fun but not getting enough damage out of them to make it worth while to load up
    Last edited: 4 Aug 2017
  2. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Which boat do you prefer? Without this information, nobody can really help ...
    But here is a thread which is generally related to the topic
    Perhaps it's useful.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  3. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I use a shooter
  4. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    If you use shooter scrap green and yellow items then.
  5. Crack Efron

    Crack Efron Member

    13 May 2017
    Scrap every green item (make sure to remove perks before) at mk4 and up they are useless. Never scrap epics, not until u are at least lvl 40. As far as blues, scrap every mortar, grenade and gear lube in general.
    As far as what you have save carronades for now, if need space scrap blue ones. Scrap rare frost launchers, duct tape, and fire bombs.
    Here are the epic items to keep for end game:
    Explosive cannon, sniper, big torpedo, mine, railgun, napalm, missile, carronades, flare gun, bandages, turbos, rudder, both shields. Yellows and greens depends on the ship. Good luck!
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Mortars and grenades seem to do well for me at this point (L27), sounds like at some point they are no longer useful?
    Why is a flare gun more valuable than a fire bomb? comparing epics, the former affects a single enemy max 72 for 12 seconds, and the latter could affect multiple enemies max 71 for 16 seconds. Is it just the training that makes the difference?
  7. Crack Efron

    Crack Efron Member

    13 May 2017
    Mortars are almost impossible to hit at higher levels and hard with fire bomb. The only time U want to do area damage is with explosive cannon and torpedos.. napalm is aoe but amazing for keeping distance for strategy, not exactly a damage item.
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    So it appears the rule of thumb is this: weapons of choice are primarily those featured in training... except for Triple Torpedo and Blast Canon?
  9. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Uhm it's more about play style. If you watch videos of nightmare league players you can still see just about every weapon being used somewhere. Although mortars are used less they're still used by some. And if you've ever seen satanas rain down fire bombs you wouldn't be quick to discredit them either. It all depends what you do well with personally

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