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Weapon Idea

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by HazardousMoon, 10 Sep 2017.

  1. HazardousMoon

    HazardousMoon New Member

    12 Jul 2017
    The skills for grenade say all grenades so how about some new grenades?
    Frost/Tesla Grenades
    Several ideas here as to the execution of the weapon.
    1) Alternative to Frost/Tesla bolt (and launcher for frost) so just massive speed reduction/stun time due to distance vs effectiveness (like frost launcher does AOE frost but less speed reduction vs blaster).
    2) Same as normal grenades, but freeze/stun on critical instead of burn.
    3) Reduced overall damage in exchange for doing damage and causing a short status effect when hit. As with splash, outer edges inflict less time on the effects than direct. Say direct is 3 seconds frost/stun, normal hit range 1.5-2 seconds, and very edge is .5-1 second.
  2. FALCO

    FALCO Active Member

    20 Jun 2017
    I think the game has enough weapons and i dont think ppl would use this if its for 2 seconds
  3. HazardousMoon

    HazardousMoon New Member

    12 Jul 2017
    Grenades are used and it's for 5 seconds on critical. But would you really want to be slowed say 80% for more than 3 seconds? I'll have to check numbers but blaster is much higher than launcher and the damage and status version would be very broken if it lasted too long on what should be a high frost level for the range and risk.

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