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Wake up! Your Gs wasn't the only one that dropped!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Valkhadin, 26 Jul 2018.

  1. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    Did we have a decrease to our GS number? Yes. Did it happen to everyone? Yes! Shut up, nothing has changed besides numbers!
  2. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    So that answers the question of whether devs are listening or not... it's highly debated here for a few days and [bam] there's a tweak in gear score calculations.
  3. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    They mucked with it, but it's still not accurate. First thing I looked at was this:

    T5 Rare Small Shield - 1 Rare Perk - 783 HP - 644 Gear Score
    T4 Epic Small Shield - 3 Epic, 1 Rare Perk - 1395 HP - 752 Gear Score

    Common sense is if the Epic shield has 78% more HP, it would have 78% more Gear Score (1147), instead it's just 18% higher ... Was Gear Score even worse before? Ugh
  4. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    For one, everyone is going to have different stats based on choices selected in crew training.

    Someone could choose -10% cooldown on a firebomb over shield hp % percentage increase. The cooldown on your fire bomb doesn't affect its gear score so why should the shield hp % affect your shield gear score?

    Secondly, you're not going to choose the single perk rare over the t4 epic for matches .. So, it's encouraging you to use your best gear. Seems to be working.

    Third, you don't understand the coding part of this .. it would be insanely difficult, if not impossible, to code an algorithm that looks at each person's items and assigns a score based on cooldowns, normal damage, crit damage, burning/frost damage, hit points, duration, etc .. Then make it all line up so the gear score is perfectly proportional for every single person, every single item, and every single option you have in regards to those items.

    ..... I've invited you to try to set up your own gear score system to prove me wrong. The invitation is still open. Assign a score to each item level and rarity, with perks, and see if you can make it work perfectly for you and a few friends .....
  5. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I'm not saying it's perfect. It could probably still use some tweaks, but we'll have to wait to see what creative ways people find to manipulate it during the next event.
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    It is dead simple to start by basing Gear Score on DPS, which is already listed on the item, which takes into account training, perk, etc. Crit and Burning have known percentages that are easy to apply as adjustments. The only real difficulty in gear score is assigning the same number to entirely different items... but that is mostly accomplished by relative leveling.
    TwoHeadedFreak likes this.
  7. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    All the GS manipulator i've seen use no perk at all so what will change?
  8. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    The issue before was that the additional damage that a perk gave, was outweighed by the extremely high perk gear score. Compared to gear scores of the weapons, those gear scores on perks were too high.
    Potentially perks could give an 8% increase in damage, but increase the cost of that weapon by 30% say (the actual amount could be much higher or lower dependent upon the level of the weapon).
    Gear scores on perks have now been significantly reduced. If a perk gives you an 8% increase in damage, it will give you an 8% increase in gear score for that weapon.

    Given that we have matchmaking by power score (which incorporates gear score and training), because the gear scores of perks weren’t right, the matches weren’t always fair, and people who took off perks used to benefit.
    Now the gear scores of perks are much better and lower (not yet perfect), the benefit of dropping perks has gone.

    So what will change? People who have no perks will fight against tougher opponents than before. They should have fair battles, not easy battles.
    Shadow Moon! and FearsomeChicken like this.
  9. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Dead simple... based on DPS ... mmmk

    So what gear score numbers would you assign to these? Remember that many of my items have a longer range than others and I have an addition 15% damage to burning targets in my crew training.

    20180726_062417.png 20180726_062446.png 20180726_062506.png 20180726_062524.png 20180726_062541.png 20180726_062607.png 20180726_062624.png 20180726_062643.png 20180726_062658.png 20180726_062717.png
  10. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Keep in mind that they all have to be proportional.. and that's for one player and 10 items. I could have made it more difficult with crit damage or defense perks, or by changing the number of projectiles on the missiles ... so this should be a walk in the park.
    Last edited: 26 Jul 2018

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