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Patch Notes v 4.3 Repairing is Caring

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Feb 2019.

  1. HuntingAssassin5397

    HuntingAssassin5397 New Member

    8 Jan 2018
    What Rovio is doing right now, is making old loyal players to leave the game and get profit from newbies (who aren't coz of stupid matchmaking and stupid damage nerfs). My mine was the only fully upgraded epic weapon that had comparable damege to Legendary weapons since Nightmare peeps keep getting matched with me. Now, I have been losing since yesterday and making me feel to uninstall this game for good. Matchmaking and shots not getting registered isn't even getting fixed (5 months ago, it used to work wonderfully). Rovio loves f****** my favourite game!
  2. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Star crate is poop. Also the free grey and green crates have been nerfed, one I got last night had one item and one powercell vs old w/ 2 items and grey parts. Not spending gold on those as they are mostly useless.

    This game has been managed catastrophically. Rovio and developers are wrecking it.
  3. Skirra08

    Skirra08 Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2018
    I don't get all of the hate for the new star crates system. Before it was 15 stars per crate and at an average of 1.5 stars per battle (an estimate of what people seem to average) that's 10 battles to get a crate (5 battles in the absolute best case scenario). Now you can buy crates with gold and at a much faster rate. In events and casual I average 40k gold per battle, and more like 50-60k in ranked so you're looking at 2-3 battles per crate maybe 5 as a worst case scenario (using ace 1 lower levels may take a bit longer but I'd guess not much). Plus it was capped at 7 crates per day before. I can buy 7 crates per day with gold in something like half the battles and still have enough for the occasional item piece or parts to get what I need. So saying only one crate per day now is at best misleading and at worst a flat out lie.
  4. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I did the math on the new star crates over the course of 30 days, based on the RNG %'s(from old screenshots) and there is ZERO benefit to the new star crate system besides BattleBay only makes you earn 15 stars per day, instead of the 75 required before to get all 5 crates.

    The only real change over the course of 30 days is you will now receive 6 more epic item pieces over the entire month, versus the old star crates. The downside is NOW you are receiving 120 LESS Uncommon items to scrap, which you normally get between 56 and 70 uncommon parts for each scrap. So that is approximately 7K to 8K uncommon parts you are losing. Not to mention, on many of those uncommon scraps you will get a few rare parts, rare item pieces, rare powercells, and the occasional epic power cell. So from the epic powercell standpoint, this is a direct NERF, since you very likely would have received 2 to 5 epic powercells when scrapping 120 extra uncommon items.

    So the gold value of the additional epic item pieces is: 1.7 million
    The loss of gold value from the 7.5K uncommon parts: 1.69 million
    You are also losing all the RNG chances when scrapping 120 extra uncommon for powercells, legendary pieces, rare pieces, epic pieces.

    So this is yet another update in which battlebay developers are actually DISCOURAGING you from playing ranked games.
    Why can't they do things that actually promote people playing the game? The perfect idea would have been to give the 5th star crate each day with a guaranteed rare item(25% epic) and a guaranteed epic powercell. I know the prospect of earning that powercell on the 5th crate would have been a big carrot to dangle and made me want to play the game more.
  5. Skirra08

    Skirra08 Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2018
    Are you considering just the star crates or does this include the new uncommon crates?
  6. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Just the star crate system as a whole.

    For me personally I spend every penny of gold I have on Epic and Rare parts in the shop. I don't plan to buy uncommon crates, since the only things I need are epic and rare parts and epic powercells.
    Lets take a look at the new uncommon crates:

    Over the course of 100 Crates, the RNG will give you the following:
    Cost: 10 Million Gold
    What you will get and scrap value/gold value
    88 Uncommon Items (scrap: 5000 uncommon parts: 1.1 million gold. Plus the RNG from scrapping)
    10 Rare items (7.5 million gold)
    1.5 Epic items (4500 pearls = 4.5 million gold)
    83 Uncommon Powercells (ZERO VALUE)
    15 Rare Powercells (hard to value on gold)
    2 Epic Powercells (hard to value on gold)
    20 Rare Item Pieces (1.2 million gold)
    2 Epic Item Pieces (580K gold)

    So I come up with about 15 Million in gold value plus the 15 rare powercells and 2 epic powercells.

    This system of uncommon crates is good for newer low level players that need to outfit their rares and haven't yet progressed to leveling up Epics.
    capphil11 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  7. Skirra08

    Skirra08 Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2018
    So about a 50% return on your investment. Which sounds like a good deal particularly, as you stated, for new players. And I suspect drawing in new players was probably a big goal of the change, now let's see if they back it up with a serious and sustained advertising campaign.

    Also I don't get enough parts in the store,particularly epic, for spending on these to make much of a difference. One concern I would have as a new player is the ship cost and these crates making that harder but the ship cost is out of control either way and to don't see this making much of a difference.
    Last edited: 14 Feb 2019
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    I really hate them taking our star crates that were just a bonus towards endlessly grinding gold. Now just a 15star daily goal before the endless grind of insanity. Also previously i got a balanced amount of epic cells (from rare item farm) and all rarity of parts to continuously upgrade items. Now without buying the crates I will be getting much less cells... from another perspective, you would have to grind gold for your parts in shop, and then another 400k gold per day just to get the 5 uncommon crates that you used to earn in the backgound while earining the gold for parts. Only after that does the new system begin to favor you because they are better than buying rares from shop, but only players that buy all their parts and have their ships maxed out tend to reach that overflowing gold capacity. And you probably would want to do the 25 pearl shop refresh before even considering these uncommon crates, except to quench your thirst for cells that are now going to be less abundant. (Aside from the increased cells from season and weekly we recently got)

    Sorry for the block of text, the forums have been buggy on my phone recently.
  9. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Lol. Just when I thought about what's the dumbest thing they could do. Here comes Rovio nerfing even the common crates. Lmfao.

    And our delusional community in chill zone still thinks it's all sunshine and rainbows.
    Jamel H., Sewah, Reorge and 2 others like this.
  10. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Rovio giveth, and Rovio taketh away. Battle Bay: Net Zero.
  11. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Guess that's one way to deal with excessive ammount of common/uncommon powercell issue.
    _devill, Agile Vanguard and envylife like this.
  12. Prescott Nivans

    Prescott Nivans New Member

    29 Sep 2018
  13. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Yes, they DID nerf the common crates too, the only difference is you can buy them now for gold. So to get the same RNG for EPIC Items and EPIC Powercells, the game now requires you to buy 4 or 6 extra common crates per day, to equal the same chance for epics as you used to get before, and since you got 2 x RNG Common items before, your RNG chances are now cut in half in the new crates to get an epic item.

    Here is the old crate:

    Here is the new crate: IMG_5801.PNG
    benguin8 and SlayerofSergeants like this.
  14. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Good god for the epic power cells alone, you have to buy 7-8 crates to get the same chance as one crate previously. This game is getting nerfed into the ground. I have less and less desire to play.
  15. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I am not sure how many times Zeus has been asked in Discord about fixing the shortage of epic powercells, but he has answered it more times than I can count, so I am sure he knows how much players hate powercells.
    YET, they bring out an update that nerfs the epic powercells.
    Sure, we can spend gold on extra crates, but seriously at a .15% drop rate. That means we need to buy like 670 crates just to get one epic powercell.
    Jamel H., GigaBeard, Nikkie! and 3 others like this.
  16. Chronious

    Chronious New Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Ok people have probably already suggested this but can we dial down the repair plasma graphics? As much as I have fun blinding my own teammates I’m tired of the running for their lives because they can’t see.
    Sewah and GigaBeard like this.
  17. Guncaptain809

    Guncaptain809 Well-Known Member

    12 Nov 2018
    Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been hit by torps I can’t even see.
  18. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    You are worring about your battry im worring about bad rovio security
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Your account is secured by Google, you know.
    Redneck Messiah likes this.
  20. Venom

    Venom Member

    17 Jan 2019
    how your seurity broke. Ask dev change my internal ID

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