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Patch Notes v. 2.8 "From Battle Bay with Love!"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Miika, 13 Feb 2018.

  1. m1au

    m1au New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    Collector achievement is still stuck at 50/100 :rolleyes:
  2. Knight

    Knight Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Devs please help me, I still can't play the game after the update:(
  3. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    I use both those items, and I'm completely fine with it lol.
    Babablacksheep, #CK, A55A51N and 2 others like this.
  4. Jowiee

    Jowiee Active Member

    4 Aug 2017
    This game's dev team does listen to the community which is very appreciated. I also appreciate the new community functions and weapon achievement rewards.

    However, blue item rewards from achievements are also needed for rewards to balance the ship between shooters and defenders. Defenders heavily rely on blue items since there are 5 blue slots. As shooters heavily rely on red slots now able to fully load it with 5 legendary red slots. Defenders need a solution to become balanced with shooter's new legendary damage output.

    I also do not appreciate the scam of selling (2) Ex Cannon for $99 as a promo and nerfing the dps by 20% the week after. I believe the Ex cannon nerf applies to the majority of this game's population. There needs to be some sort of compensation like returning the dps while slowing the cooldown. Also the range was 10% decreased and previous nerf, aoe splash damage was nerfed too.
  5. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    OUCH - that's a huge kick in the stomach.
    Giving Rovio a huge benefit of the doubt here that perhaps this was just a miscommunication between departments -- PLEASE use this as a lesson to allow your item-balance department talk to your item-promotion department in time to prevent similar situations in the future.
    #CK and *JAWS* like this.
  6. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    @Miika @The Grim Repair
    Although I am happy about many of the updates, I also have some concerns (see below)...

    - I’m hoping these are really hard to get. Accidentally flooding the Bay with Legendaries via mis-tuned achievements would be my only concern.

    - Probably useful for most. I wonder if it takes skill too much out of the equation…
    - Is there a toggle for this in System Options?

    - Is infamy no longer a part of the calculation? (i.e. will we see the #1 guild paired against a very-active guild full of guys at 150 infamy?)
    - How is ‘activity’ calculated? Last week? Last month?
    - So the worst of the insanely-active guilds will get +1,000 tokens, while the best of the barely-active guilds will get +42,000? I’m not convinced why I should be excited about this…

    - Probably a good thing.

    - Thank you.

    - Congratulations and thank you for taking such significant steps in the right direction! I’m not sure I’ll ever convince you to eliminate ship/weapon-specific quests altogether, but this certainly makes them far more palatable.

    - I haven’t played it yet, but my hope is that you made tiny changes (rather than drastic changes) to get some feedback and see how it goes.

    - I’m curious what was the rationale for a 50% increase? Was it entirely related to the heal-block buff?

    - This is a pretty severe nerf. A huge reason to use Fire Bomb was for the flame debuff to boost cannon damage. I think we’ll see a lot fewer Fire Bombs now…

    - Separately, neither nerf would be weapon-breaking, but together this is a huge nerf. I know this was a ‘favorite’ (and powerful) item among many at the upper tiers, but with so many talents so late in the Bhurt tree, it’s not actually all that dominant below 2k infamy. Defenders don’t care about the range, but they’re especially going to suffer from the CD nerf because it was an item so well tuned to their slot restrictions, and play style of getting up close and having items they could continuously rotate through. Now they’re going to rotate through and just… float… there… waiting...

    - This is how EVERY league level should work!
  7. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    FB adjustment isn't a nerf. It allows the same amount of damage to be applied much more quickly(in theory). That's very helpful in a fight to the death since it was a drawback to the fb. To be honest, I'm an FB fanatic and thought it was fair before. I do a bunch of damage with fb. I'm sure the devs had some reason for it.... I just didn't need it personally.

    And devs.... please tell us what this vertical aiming thing is all about
  8. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Great update all round!
    #CK and Babablacksheep like this.
  9. Jujujuan

    Jujujuan Active Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Im pretty curious about how new rivalry works. As we are last most of time would like to know if now we will have a chance to reach the top.
  10. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    I think a lot of good speeders are keeping quiet about this because they know it's not enough. Speeders beware.... You're not gonna like what I have to say here but it's true...

    The speeder TB nerf comes from the fundamental flaws of the yellow boat balance.
    - SPEEDER - should be a hit and run fighter. Pop around the corner, shoot, then disappear. Or they run right by you so quickly that your turret can't turn fast enough. I love battles with speeders that play like that. It's always a fun and fair fight. But this junk where they come right up to a powerful boat, stun them, float around them, shoot, then stun again.... That's just frustrating, dumb, and not what speeders were meant to be.
    - ENFORCER - this is the boat that should be using the Tesla stuff and fighting like the speeders are now. For balance, it has less blue slots and won't have the insane hp that some speeders have. They also aren't as agile and fast as the speeder.

    The truth is the TB nerf also hurts enforcer which didn't need to be hurt. TB should really be an enforcer exclusive item. Making it use two slot points would help the fundamental flaws a bit too.
    - I wish the devs would do this. It would mean the speeders who play like speeders are meant to be played with stay with speeders. The ones who just stun you endlessly would move to enforcer. That balances out the yellow boats and means they'll be played as they are meant to be played.

    Go ahead, reply with arguments just because you want to keep your speeder OP. But the truth is the yellow boats are flawed and unbalanced.
  11. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Previously, if someone gets tagged at the very edge of the radius, instead of doing full damage each sec over the full duration, it does a fraction of the damage each sec over the same full duration. Net damage done is far less than full potential.
    When I read that FB fall off affects duration instead of damage, here's how I interpret that:
    Now, getting tagged at the edge does the same damage each sec, but for far fewer sec. Net damage done is, similarly, far less than full potential.

    You don't see that as a nerf?
  12. Stig

    Stig Member

    13 Feb 2018
    It does full damage for Less time. In theory, the outer radius shots should do the same total damage as before but takes less time to deliver that damage. So no, not a nerf.

    One annoying thing though is I can no longer tell how good the shot was. Before I could get an idea of what the total damage was going to be for any given shot. Now, it starts at full damage but I have no idea how long it will last. Last game I played I started celebrating victory early but the shot was worse than I thought. I was almost was stupid enough to lose the battle for my team.

    And devs.... Still trying to understand this vertical leading thing but so far, it's hurting more than it's helping. Can we ctrl + Z that one?
  13. Maddog8522

    Maddog8522 New Member

    9 Jun 2017
    That is awesome that dev nerfed ec and Tesla shield. Maybe now there will be more balance in the match ups which usually are just bad. Now if only I could get the update to load so I can play!!!
    #CK likes this.
  14. Fred91704

    Fred91704 Member

    13 Jul 2017
    The ec nerf is retarded dev.. and the tesla bolt is cooldown is crazy too. Now its impossibble to kill enforcer.. u just killed defender primary weapons too.. now u guys most probably will just see enforcer shooter and fixer at the bays..
    u guys like to nerf yellow boat alot..
    Now we yellow boat cant do anything might as well be shooter. I ll just go hiatus until u make it balanced :0

    bravo devs :)
  15. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    just pick one , or you can choose blast side and only choose sniper increase % critical if you use both cannon
  16. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    When the Experienced Captains update was released, @Stebbi made an accompanying topic, explaining the rationale behind the balance adjustments.

    Please could you do that again, because I’m really struggling to understand the thought process here.

    Nerfing Exploding Cannon: I can understand.

    Nerfing Tesla Bolt: sure, I can understand.

    Nerfing Tesla Bolt by ~7 seconds! That’s where you lose me. Seriously, what were you guys thinking?

    It’s like you didn’t learn anything from the Frost nerf. Heavy handed nerfing meant that Frost all but disappeared from my games. Long time users abanded it over night... yet you act like you’re completely oblivious to the blunder.

    I thought that by now, you’d have had time to analyse the impact, realise you went too far, and we’d be seeing a small correction for frost this update, to make it worth using again.

    Not only have you not done that, but you’ve gone even more heavy handed with Tesla Bolt. To the point where I’m actually struggling to see how I can continue playing. I’m completely dependant on Tesla Bolt to defend myself.

    I don’t want to be a guinea pig for the new underpowered Tesla Bolt that isn’t viable, and I don’t have any other builds or ships ready. So I may as well just delete the game now — better that than end up -800 infamy with no way to climb back out.

    For future reference, I strongly suggest that you nerf things in smaller increments, so that people have time to adjust and give you feedback.

    Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, I would like a response on what’s ‘not’ in this update: the sniper nerf?

    You told us that you had heard our grievances, that you were listening, and that you were considering the issue. We waited patiently (these things take time).

    However, since you have, evidently, had time to consider, and implement, a 2nd Ex Cannon nerf. I can only assume you’ve had time to reach a conclusion on sniper, and decided not to nerf it. Why?

    Is there data that proves sniper is not outperforming other one slot weapons? And would you care to share it with us. You said that you listened, now please respond.
    Last edited: 14 Feb 2018
  17. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Fire bomb is too strong now! Or is it just me. IT feels like being hit by a super strong mortar which has large radius and is not affected by point to defense while also boosting damage of other weapons.Being a Fire bomb user (Rare & epic) i feel the Update has made it too good the reverse of what it was meant to do!
    WarCream likes this.
  18. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Overall a really great update, lots of player suggestions implemented, particularly in the guild area, plus some added bonuses. Props to the devs for listening!
    #CK likes this.
  19. Legendary Wilson

    Legendary Wilson New Member

    24 Nov 2017
    20s cooldown is too much ! High level Tesla bolts might be over powered , i agree ! But have u ever thoght about low levels with 5-10 secs duration ? Give players a reason to use them! Its useless for them now ... About EC, this weapon needs some skills compare to other weapons to shoot from a long range, range nerf was enough . The nastiest weapon is sniper now , Long range , huge crit chance , huge damage on crits, easy to hit , and u nerf EC and tesla bolt! Do u (devs) even play this game ? Or u just get information from some specific players for nerf and buff?? Spending time and money to upgrade weapons , And u make them useless by nerfing them, thats exactly what u did about frost , disappointing ...
  20. #CK

    #CK Active Member

    23 Jul 2017
    drone pilot
    i don't understand ,why you want account reset function . just make a new account
    Kitterini likes this.

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