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To all those fixers who come with fleet

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Shadow Moon!, 21 Sep 2017.

  1. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    To all those fixers who fleets with other ships or vice versa, there are other 3 members in YOUR TEAM. You don't have to heal the only guy you're fleeted with. You cannot win if other 3 die and you are left with 3v2 or even 2v2 as other ships can flank either one ship easily. So heal others too because winning is more important than keeping your fleet guy alive.
    Wishaal and ColdOne like this.
  2. ColdOne

    ColdOne Active Member

    15 Aug 2017
    Im not the only one who experience did.
    I totally agree!!!!
    Shadow Moon! likes this.
  3. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Literally these 2 in my team.

    Let's go into legendary napalm together.
    _devill, Wishaal and Shadow Moon! like this.
  4. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Yeah man literally we were like 3v2 and could have easily won it but I got collateral damage of big torp and was shouting help help the fixer was healing his buddy and I died. We lost because enemies had 2 shooters left they easily overpowered those. If was alive I could have distracted one of those and it would have been easy win but no he was focused on healing only his buddy not me. *Facepalm*
  5. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Lol... go fleet with a fixer yourself instead of being mad about not being the focus of his/her heals. They can heal who they want to heal.

    On a side note, not nearly every fixer does this. I know I've let plenty of fleet partners die because I was healing others... I feel guilty about that sometimes :p
    Elena Kr likes this.
  6. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    I thought it was a team game and fixer needs to heal other 4 ships too even though he in fleet with anyone else. And how come keeping your fleet guy/girl alive is important than winning?

    Yeah I know not everyone does this, that is why I pointed out those who do this and end up on losing side. If we win match I'm not bothered do whatever you want just win.
  7. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    To be honest with you, sometimes I prefer not to be "fixed" by them,
    Some fixers are dumb ass :)
    They block my line of sight, and block every shots, not fun at all..
  8. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    As a fixer who blocks plenty of shots, I can tell you it can't always be avoided. Keeping you alive is more important than you hitting one extra shot. If you die you don't hit any shots.

    Also, fixers might annoy you with their movement / positioning, but I can tell you, other boats (especially shooters and enforcers) annoy their fixers just as much. They often make it ridiculously hard for me to heal them by moving in absolutely stupid ways. Sometimes I even give up on healing a certain person and ignore them for the rest of the match.
  9. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    I prefer not to argue to this, cuz it is the most annoying thing that happen to me almost everyday,
    I friendly just say that if you're an fixer player, better do not "fix" if you're gonna rush in front of everybody like a madman :)
    I "respect" all the fixers out there, they give to me more confidence in my aggressive playstyle, BUT there is nothing heroic in rushing like a blind man in front and "heal"

    Agree! But if there is an situation like that, and my hp give me the chance to shot one single time, there is no solid reason for an fixer to rush to me and "heal" cuz we both will die, even if it heal you, you're not going to survive, they will be more aggressive if they see and have clear shots at an fixer that is going to "heal", and a higher player will never risk for " one extra shoot" like you said, I am not, and I will never be an "awesome" BB player, BUT my Jaeger saved and Defended a lot of the time the bay matches, I feel you, The fixer playstyle must be the hardest one and the responsable one, i get it and i agree with it. This is why i never get upset if i lose cuz an fixer really tried to help me, BUT i will be kind of angry if, like my first message was refering to: 2 vs 1, my defender and an fixer vs an speeder, There was only one shot for me to blast at him and we could won, I've known that he got only torps, so I charged at him with 1800 or something like that hp, ( i charged cuz i've know that he is in "reload" I did not want to give space betwen us so he would be able to shot his torps at me, but whoala there charged the fixer in front of me, to heal me, my first shot blocked, the speeder overboost'ed lil bit and torped both of us :)
    There is nothing heroinc in an fixer at 2700 +++ inf at his mk5, to do shit like that...
    At the end, I just "argue" but i did it only to show to you that i respect you or anybody who is an wise fixer,
    And just to know, there was every words writen with simphaty, NO hate BB friend ^_^.
    Have a great day, and keep us alive as long as you can. :) If you reached this far to read, i thank you.
    Last edited: 21 Sep 2017
    Miathan likes this.

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